Alireza Karimi

ME C2 407 (Bâtiment ME)
Station 9
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

System identification, robust control, data-driven controller tuning, Mechatronics, Control of electrical grids

Teaching & PhD


Mechanical Engineering

Teaching doctoral courses in the international graduate school on control - Identification in closed-loop operation and controller reduction (May, 2015) - Adaptive Control: From needs to applications (May, 2014)


Control systems and discrete-time control

This course includes modelling and analysis of dynamic systems, basic principles and analysis of feedback control systems, controller design in frequency domain (loop shaping) and in state space (linear quadratic regulator), discrete-time systems and digital controller design (polynomial approach).

System identification

Identification of discrete-time linear models using experimental data is studied. The correlation method and spectral analysis are used to identify nonparametric models and the subspace and prediction error methods to estimate the plant and noise model parameters. Hands-on labs are included.

Advanced control systems

This course covers some theoretical and practical aspects of robust and adaptive control. This includes H-2 and H-infinity control in model-based and data-driven framework by convex optimization, direct, indirect and switching adaptive control. The methods are implemented in a hands-on lab.