Laurent Tacher
Chargé de cours
Domaines de compétences
Engineering and environmental geology
Numerical and structural modeling
Research domains ---------------- Quantitative hydrogeology Numerical modeling of groundwater flows with coupled solute or heat transport, Landslides remediation, Computer simulation of heterogeneous media, Probabilistic assessment of wells catchment areas, Finite elements meshing of complex shapes. Geological modeling Uncertainties on geological structures, Geological structures modeling (software development) 3-D land planning Sustainable development of underground resources in urban areas. Teaching domains ---------------- Modelling of pollutant transport in the environment (EPFL, doctoral school), Landslides hydrogeology (EPFL, doctoral school), Hydrodynamics (EPFL postgraduate lecture), Groundwater flow and transport modeling (EPFL postgraduate lecture), Pumping tests analysis (EPFL postgraduate lecture), Directional statistics (Lausanne and Geneva universities/ELSTE), Geological modeling (Lausanne and Geneva universities/ELSTE, EPFL postgraduate lecture).Biographie
Diplomas Doctorat ès sciences (PhD) in quantitative hydrogeology, Neuchâtel university, 1992 Diplôme dHydrogéologue (post-graduate diploma), Neuchâtel university, 1988 Diplôme de Géologue (master), Lausanne university, 1986 Working experience Since 1993, researcher at GEOLEP/EPFL in hydrogeology and engineering geology, including definition and funding of the researches. Author of many scientific publications and research reports about groundwater resources, aquifer protection, geothermal exploitation, landslides, mainly in the aspects of numerical and structural modeling. Scientific management of PhDs, postgraduate and master diplomas. Member of EPFL Environment doctoral school commission. Lecturer at EPFL and Lausanne/Geneva universities. Consultant at GEOMOD SA, Lausanne. Initiative and organization of the GEOLEP contribution to Swiss Virtual Campus Natural hazards (2002). Initiative and organization of the master in Engineering geology at ELSTE/Ecole lémanique des sciences de la Terre (2000). Consultant at International Geomechanical Commission about the hydrogeological impact of french nuclear testing in Mururoa (1997-1998). Lecturer at Neuchâtel university in pumping tests analysis (till 1998). 1991-1993: Private consulting Conceptual geological models for NAGARA/CEDRA (Swiss society for nuclear wastes management). Pumping tests analysis in fractured media (software development) for « Centre de Recherches Fondamentales et Appliquées, Sion », Neuchâtel university and several private companies. 1986-1991: Assistant at Neuchâtel university, software development in quantitative hydrogeology. PhD dissertation: SPHINX, a groundwater prospection simulation software. Assistant at Lausanne university, Geological Institute, for several field trips in Himalaya, India.Publications
Tacher L. Pomian I. and Parriaux A. Calculation of Geological Uncertainties Associated with 3-D Subsurface Models, Computers & Geosciences, , 32 (2), pp 212 221, 2006. Tacher L., Blunier P., Maire P. et Parriaux A., Vers un développement durable du sous-sol urbain, GEOforumCH,Actuel, 2, 2006, pp 13-15. Blunier P., Maire P., Parriaux A. et Tacher L.: Deep city: Ressources du sous-sol urbain, Tracés, 05, 15 mars 2006 Commend S., Geiser F. and Tacher L. 3Dnumerical modelling of a landslide in Switzerland, in Numerics in geotechnics and structures, Zimmermann ed., Elmepress International, 2006, pp 103 113. Tacher L. , Bonnard C., Laloui L. and Parriaux A. Modelling the behaviour of a large landslide with respect to hydrogeological and geomechanical parameter heterogeneity. Landslides, vol. 2, N°1, pp. 3-145, 2005. Vaudan J., Parriaux A., Tacher L. and della Valle G. Spécificités hydrogéologiques des hautes vallées alpines : Exemple de la Haute Sarine (Suisse). Eclogae geol. Helv. 98, pp 371-383, 2005. Interactive computer-aided learning of landslide identification and monitoring process, Ch. Bonnard*, M.-H. Derron**, J. Moreno*, X. Pittet**, L. Tacher**, P. Turberg**, A. Parriaux**, L. Vulliet*, XVI ICSMGE, Osaka 2005. Parriaux A., Tacher L. and Joliquin P. The hidden side of cities Towards three-dimensional land planning. Energy and Buildings, 36, pp 335 341, Elsevier, 2004. Fang J., Tacher L. and Parriaux A. Backward simulation of the probability of a trace particle reaching a given region. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 20 (1), pp 97 101, 2005. Parriaux A. et Tacher L. In Manuel Géostructures énergétiques OFEN, in press, 2005. Jaboyedoff M. and Tacher L. Computation of landslides base surfaces using DEM, Geological Society of London, William Smith Meeting 2004. Poster. Tacher L., in European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) project 1.3.1, The spatial effects and management of natural and technological hazards in general and in relation to climate change, 3rd interim report, March 2004., 155 p. Bonnard C. and Tacher L. Hydrogeological and geomechanical modelling of a large slide in flysch to test the efficiency of an underground drainage scheme and the induced water pressure field changes. 2nd Colloqium Rock Mechanics Theory and Practice, Technische Universität Wien, Mitteilungen für Ingenieurgeologie und Geomechanik, band 6, March 2004. Laloui L., Tacher L.,Moreni M. and Bonnard C. Hydromechanical modeling of crises of large landslides : application to the La Frasse Landslide. Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Landslides, Rio de Janeiro, Balkema ed. , 2004. Tacher L., Parriaux A. ans Pittet X., in Glissement de la Frasse. Assainissement : Etude de faisabilité 2002-2003, research report 2004, 143 p. plus annexes. Fang J. and Tacher L. An efficient and accurate algorithm for generating spatially-correlated random fields. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering,. 2003, vol 19, pp 801-808. Bussard Th., Tacher L., Bayard D., Parriaux A. Recommandations pour le dimensionnement des aires Zu. Laboratoire de géologie de lingénieur et de lenvironnement, ENAC, EPF de Lausanne, septembre 2002. Tullen, P., Parriaux, A. and Tacher, L., Improvement of the Hydrogeological Modeling of Landslides. Proceeding of the 9th Congress of the IAEG in Durban, South Africa, 16-20 septembre 2002, p. 289. Tacher L., Parriaux, A., Bussard, T. Méthodologie et logiciel de dimensionnement des aires dalimentation en eau potables (aires Zu). Forum Sol Eaux Nitrates, SRVA, EPFL sept. 2001. Parriaux A. and Tacher L. La ville par en dessous : vers un aménagement tridimensionnel du territoire. Actes de la Conférence CISBAT oct. 2001, EPF de Lausanne, pp. 43-48. Parriaux A., Tullen P., Tacher L. and Turberg P. The hydrogeological modelling of slopes : A tool for movement forecasting. Proceeding of the Landslides Conference in Davos, june 2001. Underground nuclear testing in French Polynesia. Stability and Hydrology issues. International Geomechanical Commission. C. Fairhurst, chairman, participation de P. Perrochet et L. Tacher - La Documentation Française, 1999, 351 p. J.C. Maréchal, P. Perrochet, L. Tacher - Long-term simulations of thermal and hydraulic characteristics in a mountain massif: The Mont Blanc case study, French and Italian Alps. Hydrogeology Journal, vol 7, 1999, pp 341 - 354. M. Canals, J.L. Casamor, L. Tacher, J. Sorribas, M. Farran, D. G. Masson, B. Alonso - Levee systems of the Ebro continental slope: System evolution from a detailed morphological and geometrical study. SEPM-IAS Research conference, Sicilia, september 1998. J.L. Casamor y L. Tacher - Visualizacion 3-D y calculo del volumen de un canal submarino. Aplicacion del programa EarthVision® a los datos de la campana BIG95. Informes cientifico-tècnics del GRC Geociències Marines, 1/97, Universitat de Barcelona, 1997. Tacher L. and Parriaux A. - Calcul et représentation de l'incertitude associée aux modèles géologiques. Colloque modélisation du sous-sol, Document du BRGM 274, Paris, 3 - 4 février 1997. Parriaux A. and Tacher L. - Enjeux de la modélisation géologique 3D dans les applications du génie civil. Colloque modélisation du sous-sol, Document du BRGM 274, Paris, 3 - 4 février 1997. Dematteis A., Hesske S., Parriaux A. and Tacher L. - Wichtige Groudwasserleiter, Typologie des aquifères de la Suisse. Feuille 8.4 de l'Atlas Géologique de la Suisse, Service Hydrologique et Géologique National, 1997. Tacher L., Perrochet P. and Parriaux A. - Generation of granular media. Transport in Porous Media, vol 26, 1997, pp 99107. Tacher L. - Finite elements meshing of complex shapes. Proceedings of Graphik-gestützte Grundwassermodellierung, Berlin, Avril 1996. Tacher L. and Parriaux A. - Automatic nodes generation in a N dimensionnal space. Communications in Numerical methods in Engineering, vol 12(4), 1996, pp 243-248. Nyffeler, F., Casamor, J.L. and Tacher, L., 1995: Three dimensional visualization of large oceanic data sets: An application of the EarthVision package to the data gathered during the MAST II/FLUBAL cruise. Visualization and analysis of oceanographic data: An application of the EarthVision 3D software package. Mediterranean Targeted Project News, N° 3, December 1995. Tacher L. - Traitement des structures géologiques tridimensionnelles par les SIG. GeoloGIS-CH 95, colloque sur lapplication des SIG en Géologie, Berne, décembre 1995. Casamor, J.L., Nyffeler, F., Sorribas, J. and Tacher, L., 1995: Visualization and analysis of oceanographic data: An application of the EarthVision 3D software package. En Canals, M., Cacho, I. et Rodriguez, M.A. (Eds.): "EUROMARGE-NB Progress Report, Second Annual Report, MAST II Program, EU" Vol. III, Contr. n: 1, 7 pp. Tacher L., Mayoraz R. - Geologische 3-D Modellisation im Untertage bau. Bulletin SI A, n° 47, November 1994, pp 979-982 Tacher L., Parriaux A. & Vinard P. - Nouvelles méthodes infographiques en géologie appliquées au génie civil. Application au stockage souterrain de déchets nucléaires, site du Wellenberg (Suisse). 7ème congrès de l'Association internationale de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Lisbonne, septembre 1994 Tacher L. - Applications de la modélisation géologique tridimensionnelle au génie civil. 1ère Rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs en géologie appliquée, Lausanne, 21 avril 1994 Tacher L., Mayoraz R. & Parriaux A. - Modélisation tridimensionelle de structures géologiques complexes appliquée aux ouvrages souterrains. Bulletin de la SIA, n° 8, mars 1994, pp 114-117 Tacher L., Mayoraz R., Parriaux A. & De Matteis A. - Three-Dimensional Modeling Of Geological And Civil Engeneering Structures. ISSMFE, IAEG, ISRM, International Symposium on Hard Soils - Soft Rocks, Athens, september 1993. Anagnostopoulos et al. ed. Balkema, Rotterdam Tacher L., Rouiller J.D. & Zwahlen F. - Marées terrestres dans laquifère captif du massif cristallin des Aiguilles Rouges, région de Lavey-les-bains, Suisse. Bulletin du centre dHydrogéologie de Neuchâtel n° 12-1993, 11p. Tacher L. - Recherche de l'élément fini contenant un point de coordonnées globales connues. Bulletin du centre dHydrogéologie de Neuchâtel n° 9 -1990 Tacher L. - Calcul des potentiels hydrauliques dans un piézomètre crépiné sur toute sa hauteur. Cas d'un aquifère multicouches. Bulletin du centre dHydrogéologie de Neuchâtel n° 9, 1990, pp 47-50 Tacher L. - SPHINX: Un programme de simulation, d'acquisition et de stockage des connaissances en hydrogéologie appliquée. Géologues, revue de l'Union française des géologues, n° 93, 1990Enseignement & Phd
Civil Engineering