Jean-Marie Drezet
Senior Scientist +41 21 693 39 20
Citizenship: french
Birth date: 15.01.1968
MXG 330 (Bâtiment MXG)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 39 20
MXG 330
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
Solidification and precipitation in aluminium alloys
Thermomechanical modelling using finite elements
Solidification cracking
Modelling machining using FEM
- member of the admission commission in Materials Science master programme- member of the library commission of the Materials Science Institute
- member of the editorial board of Metallurgical research and technology
J.-M. Drezet and A. Phillion. As-Cast Residual Stresses in an Aluminum Alloy AA6063 Billet: Neutron Diffraction Measurements and Finite Element Modeling. Mettalurgical transactions A, 41 A:3396-3404, 2010.C. Acevedo, J. M. Drezet, J.-P. Lefebvre, L. D'Alvise, and A. Nussbaumer. Residual stresses in as-welded joints: finite element modeling and neutron diffraction stress measurements. In Z. Tonkovic and M. H. Aliabadi, editors, Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics X, Key Engineering Materials, pages 335-338, Zurich, 2012. Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
K. Shahim, J.-M. Drezet, J.-F. Molinari, R. Sinkus, and S. Momjian. Finite element analysis of normal pressure hydrocephalus: influence of CSF content and anisotropy in permeability. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 7(3):187-197, 2010.
J. Vannod, M. Bornert, J. E. Bidaux, L. Bataillard, A. Karimi, J. M. Drezet, M. Rappaz, and A. Hessler-Wyser. Mechanical and microstructural integrity of nickel-titanium and stainless steel laser joined wires. Acta Materialia, 59:6538-6546, 2011.
J.-M. Drezet, M.S.-F Lima, J.-D. Wagnière, M. Rappaz and W. Kurz: Crack-free aluminium alloy welds using a twin laser process, invited lecture at the 61st Inter. Conf. of the Inter. Institute of Welding, Graz, July 2008.
J.-M. Drezet, O. Ludwig, C. Jaquerod and E. Waz: Fracture prediction during sawing of DC cast high strength aluminium alloy rolling slabs, in Inter. Journal of Cast Metals, 2007, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 163-170.
O. Ludwig, C.-L. Martin, J.-M. Drezet and M. Suéry: Rheological behaviour of Al-Cu alloys during solidification: constitutive modelling, experimental identification and numerical study in Met. Mat. Trans, vol 36A, June 2005, p. 1525-1535.
M. Rappaz, J.-M. Drezet and M. Gremaud: A New Hot Tearing Criterion, in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, vol. 30A, February 1999, pp. 449-455.
J.-M. Drezet and M. Rappaz : Modelling of Ingot Distortions during Direct Chill Casting of Aluminium Alloys , in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, vol. 27A, no. 10, October 1996, pp. 3214-3225.
Teaching:- Continuum Mechanics for Materials Science section (MX3)
- Technology and practice of materials for Materials Science section (MX2)
- Metals for Genie Civil section (GC1)
- Metals and alloys (GM3 and MX3)
- Introduction to numerical methods (MX5)
Expertise area:
- thermomechanical effects (distortions, internal stresses, cracking) in as-cast parts (continuous casting of aluminium billets and rolling sheet ingots)
- residual stress measurements using neutron diffraction in metallic parts (PSI-Villigen and ILL-Grenoble)
- study of solidification cracking in continuous casting of Al. alloys and in welding
- study of the influence of precipitation on stress build-up during quenching of thick aluminium parts (plates and forgings)
1992-1996: PhD work at Laboratoire de Métallurgie Physique under the supervision of Prof. Michel Rappaz(cf :
1997-2000: EMPACT project (European Modelling Programme for Aluminium Casting Technologies)
2001-2004: VIRCAST project (European Virtual Casting)
2005-2006: Study of the sawing process of rolling sheet al. ingots (Alcan Fonds)
2005-2006: WelAIR project (Welding of Airframes, EADS)
2005-2008: study of the electron beam welding of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys (CEA, France)
2006-2008: study of the laser beam welding of Al-Li alloys (EADS, France)
2008-2011: co-supervision with Prof. A. Nussbaumer of the PhD work of C. Acevedo on the influence of residual stresses on the fatigue design of tubular welded joints,
2007-2010: co-supervision with Prof. J.-F. Molinari of the PhD work of K. Shahim on the Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (S. Momjian, HU-Genève et R. Sinkus, ESPCI-Paris),
2008-2012: co-supervision with Prof. M. Rappaz of the PhD work of M. Sistaninia on the simulation of solidification cracking using granular models (CCMX-MERU project)
2010-2014: supervision with Prof. M. Rappaz of the PhD work of N. Chobaut on the modelling of stresses during quenching of thick heat treatable aluminium parts (CCMX-MERU project)
2011-2015: supervision with Prof. H. Van Swygenhoven-Moens of the PhD work of P. Schloth on precipitation during quenching of thick heat treatable aluminium parts (CCMX-MERU project)
Infoscience publications
Teaching & PhD
Materials Science and Engineering