Simon Henein

MC B2 301 (Bâtiment MC)
Rue de la Maladière 71b, CP 526
2002 Neuchâtel 2
+41 21 695 43 34
MC B2 301
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+41 21 695 43 34
+41 21 695 43 34
+41 21 695 43 34
Fields of expertise
Humanities: Creative process pedagogy; Transmitting and teaching creativity in arts and science; Theatre Studies; Performance Art; Improvisation; Contemporary Dance; Embodied cognition.
Born in 1973 and of Swiss-Egyptian nationality, Simon Henein grew up in Cairo. He obtained an engineering degree at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 1996 and went on to complete his doctorate at the EPFL in 2000. In 2001, he published the book “Conception des guidages flexibles” which has become a reference in precision engineering. He then joined the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et Microtechnique (CSEM), Neuchatel, Switzerland, where he conceived and developed mechanisms for robotic, aerospace, medical and watchmaking applications. He pursued his research career at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, where he developed instruments for the Swiss Light Source Synchrotron (SLS). Since November 1st, 2012, he is associate professor in microengineering at the EPFL and director of the Micromechanical and horological design laboratory (Instant-Lab). From 2012 till 2020 he has been holder of the Patek Philippe endowed Chair. He directed 6 completed Ph.D. theses, and currently directs 4 additional ongoing Ph.Ds. He participated to the jury of 11 Ph.D. theses as an examiner and 2 as jury president. He is author or co-author of 2 books, 3 book chapters, over 25 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and over 60 conference articles. He is inventor or co-inventor of more than 35 patents. He has been the Principal Investigator of 24 Research Agreements with industrial partners and 3 Innosuisse Research Agreements and the co-applicant of 3 Innosuisse Research Agreements, 1 SNSF BRIDGE project and 1 INTERREG project. He is strongly involved in teaching with a volume of 12 ECTS credits taught annually and over 200 students. He supervised the Master's theses of 26 students and the semester projects of 60 students. In 2023 he received the "Best teacher award" from the Microengineering Section.Mission
Instant-Lab is located in the EPFL antenna located in Neuchatel, in the Microcity building. Instant-Lab currently consists of a dozen senior scientists, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. The laboratory’s specialty is the creation of new mechanisms featuring kinematic and technological innovation at the centimetre scale. The scientific approach is inspired from mechanical design in fields such as new and classical horology, robotics and aerospace. Current projects apply to mechanical watchmaking, biomedical instrumentation, and aerospace mechanisms, these fields being quite close, both technologically and in their industrial fabric. Beyond the laboratory’s academic mission to pursue excellence in fundamental research and teaching, the laboratory is also committed to strengthen ties with the Swiss industry and therefore welcomes collaboration with all its industrial partners.Publications
Other publications
Patents and Scientific Articles
M.Kahrobaiyan, E.Thalmann, S.Henein, “Flexure pivot oscillator insensitive to gravity,” WO2020/016131A1, Assignee : Patek Philippe SA Genève, 12.07.2019.
S.Henein, B.Nussbaumer, R.Gillet, “Crank arrangement for driving a mechanical oscillator,” EP19174824.3, Assignee : EPFL, 16.05.2019.
S. Henein, M. Kahrobaiyan, B. Nussbaumer, A. Maurel, “Two degree of freedom oscillator system,” EP 19166857.3, Assignee : EPFL, 02.04.2019.
S. Henein, M. Kahrobaiyan, I. Vardi, B. Nussbaumer, E. Thalmann, “Horological oscillator,” PCT/ EP 2019/051188, Assignee : EPFL, 18.01.2018.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, M. Kahrobaiyan, “Two degree of freedom mechanical oscillator,” EP 17155984.2, Assignee : EPFL, 14.02.2017.
S. Henein, M. Kahrobaiyan, I. Vardi, “Mechanical oscillator,” PCT/EP2017/083776 , Assignee : EPFL, 20.12.2017.
S. Henein, M. Zanaty, C. Baur, “Device for controlled puncturing of an object,” EP 16180443.0, Assignee : EPFL, 2016.
S. Henein, L. Rubbert, M. Kahrobaiyan, “Gravity-insensitive flexure pivots,” CH 01255/16, Assignee : EPFL, 2016.
S. Henein, M. Zanaty, “Système multistable progammable,” EP 3266737A1, Assignee : Patek Philippe SA Genève, 2016.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “XY isotropic harmonic oscillator and associated time base without escapement or with simplified escapement,” PCT/IB2015/050242, Assignee : EPFL, 13.012015.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “General 2 degree of freedom isotropic harmonic oscillator and associated time base without escapement or with simplified escapement,” WO 2015/104693, Assignee : EPFL, 13.01.2015.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “Isotropic springs based on parallel flexure stages,” EP 14195719.1, Assignee : EPFL, 03.09.2014.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “Oscillateur harmonique pour un système isochrone,” EP 14183385.5, Assignee : EPFL, 01.12.2014.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “Isotropic harmonic oscillator and associated time base,” EP 14183624.7, Assignee : EPFL, 04.09.2014.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “Isotropic harmonic oscillator and associated time base without escapement or simplified escapement,” EP 14173947.4 , Assignee : EPFL, 25.06.2014.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, “Time base using isotropic harmonic oscillator for timepiece without escapement and timepiece with simplified escapement,” EP 14150939.8, Assignee : EPFL, 13.01.2013.
S. Henein S., Ch. Baur, “Adjustable prosthesis insert,” PCT/IB2013/059841, EPFL, 2013.
F. Barrot, R. Fournier, L. Giriens, S. Henein, S. Jeanneret, J. Kruis, “Méthode de liberation d’une pièce micromécanique et pièce micromécanique comprenant des attaches sacrificielles,” WO 2013/093108 A1, Assignee : CSEM SA, 2012.
A. Bertholds, P. Llosas, S. Henein, “Optical force sensing element and microsurgical instrument,” US 2013204142 A1, Assignee : Sensoptic SA, 2012.
F. Colpo, S. Henein, “Dispositif de blocage pour roué dentée,” WO 2011/120180 A1, Assignee : Rolex SA, 2011.
S. Henein, Ph. Schwab, “Isochronism corrector for clockwork escapement and escapement provided with such a corrector,” US 2011044139 A1, Assignee : CSEM SA, 2009.
S. Henein, A. Bertholds, P. Llosas, “Optische Messelement mit Einstückiger Struktur,” WO 2009/114955 A1, Assignee : Kistler Holding AG, 2009.
S. Henein, “Device for converting a first motion into a second motion responsive to said first motion under a demagnification scale,” EP 1914194 A1, Assignee : Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen CH, 2006.
S. Henein, M. Thurner,“Micro-préhenseur,” EP 1433575 A1, Assignee : CSEM SA, 2002.
S. Henein, P. Boillat, J. Jacot, “Power Sensing Device,” EP 1154253 A1, Assignee : Sensile Technologies SA, 2000.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli, C, Aymon, R. Clavel, “Bewegungsübertragungsvorrichtung,” EP 1113191 A2, Assignee : Agie SA, 2000.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli, C. Aymon, “Pivot flexible à grande course angulaire et à rigidité élevée,” EP 1013949 A1, Assignee : Symelec SA, 1998.
M. Zanaty and S. Henein, “Reconfigurable Logic Gates Based on Programable Multistable Mechanisms,” accepted for publication in Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, vol. XX, XX 2020, pp. 001100-2-1 to 092301-10, JMR-19-1416, 2020.
E. Thalmann, M. H. Kahrobaiyan, I. Vardi and S. Henein, “Flexure Pivot Oscillator With Intrinsically Tuned Isochronism,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 142, pp. 075001-1 to 075001-13, July 2020.
M. Zanaty and S. Henein, “Experimental Characterization of a T-Shaped Programmable Multistable Mechanism,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 140, pp. 09230-1 to 092301-10, Sept 2018.
M. Zanaty, Th. Fussinger, A. Rogg, A. Lovera, D. Lambeler, I. Vardi, Th. Wolfensberger, Ch. Baur and S. Henein, “Programmable Multistable Mechanisms for Safe Surgical Puncturing,” Journal of Medical Devices, vol.13, pp. 021002-1 to 021002-10, 2018.
M.H. Kahrobaiyan, E. Thalmann, L. Rubbert, I. Vardi a nd S. Henein, “Gravity-Insensitive Flexure Pivot Oscillators,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol.140, pp. 075002-1 to 075002-9, 2018.
I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, R. Bitterli, N. Ferrier, M. Kahrobaiyan, B. Nussbaumer and S. Henein, “Theory and design of spherical oscillator mechanisms,” Precision Engineering, vol. 51, pp. 499-513, 2018.
M. Zanaty, I. Vardi and S. Henein, “Programmable Multistable Mechanisms : Synthesis and Modeling,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol.140, pp. 042301-1 to 042301-13, April 2018.
S. Henein and I. Vardi, “Horloge neuchâteloise du XXIe siècle équipée de l’oscillateur IsoSpring,” Chronométrophilia, vol. 82, pp. 107-113, 2018.
I. Vardi, R. Bitterli, L. Convert, E. Thalmann and S. Henein, “Echappements à impulsion virtuelle,” Bulletin de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, vol. 85, pp. 25-32, 2018.
P.-Y. Donzé, Ilan Vardi and Simon Henein, “La R&D commune entreprises-université dans l’industrie horlogère de 1900 à nos jours,” Bulletin de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, vol. 83, pp. 21-28, 2017.
S. Henein and I. Vardi, “Une horloge mécanique sans tic-tac,” Pour La Science, No. 474, 48-54, April 2017.
T. Fujita, J. E. Shin, M. Cunnane, K. Fujita, S. Henein, D. Psaltis and K. Stankovic, “Surgical anatomy of the human round window region : implication for cochlear endoscopy through the external auditory canal,” Otology and neurotology, vol. 37, pp. 1189-1194, 2016.
L. Rubbert, R. A. Bitterli, N. Ferrier, S. K. Fifanski, I. Vardi and S. Henein, “Isotropic springs based on parallel flexure stages,” Precision Engineering, vol. 43, pp. 132-145, 2016.
P. Janphuang, R. Lockhart, D. Isarakorn, S. Henein, D. Briand and N. F. de Rooij, “Harvesting Energy from a Rotating Gear Using an AFM-like MEMS Piezoelectric Frequency Up-Converting Energy Harvester,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 24, pp. 742-754, 2014.
S. Henein, “Short Communication : Flexure delicacies,” Mechanical Sciences, vol. 3, pp. 1-4, 2012.
E. Pernette, S. Henein, I. Magnani and R. Clavel, “Design of parallel robots in microrobotics,” Robotica,
vol. 15, pp. 417-420, 1997.
S. Henein and J. Valterio (Eds), Improgineering – Création collective : arts improvisés et ingénierie, 1st ed., Instant-Lab – EPFL, Lausanne, 56 pages, May 2018.
F. Cosandier, P. Helmer, S. Henein, M. Richard and L. Rubbert, The Art of flexure mechanism design,, 1st ed., S. Henein and L. Rubbert (Eds.), Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 284 pages, 2017.
S. Henein, Conception des guidages flexibles, Collection Meta, 1st, 2nd and 3rd ed., Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 225 pages, 2001, 2002 and 2013.
S. Henein, “Library of compliant mechanisms”, in Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms, L. L. Howell, S. P. Magleby, B. M. Olsen, Eds., Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
R. Clavel, S. Henein and M. Richard, “Flexures for High-Precision Manipulation Robots”, in Flexible Robotics : Applications to Multiscale Manipulations, M. Grossard, N. Chaillet, S. Régnier, Eds., Wiley- ISTE, 2013.
R. Clavel, S. Henein and M. Richard, “Guidage flexible pour les robots manipulateurs à très haute précision”, in Robotique flexible : manipulation multi-échelle, M. Grossard, N. Chaillet, S. Régnier, Eds., Lavoisier, Paris, 2013.
E. Thalmann and S. Henein, “Conceptual design of a rotational mechanical time base with varying inertia,” engrXiv (Web.), doi :10.31224/, 4 June 2019.
M. Zanaty, A. Rogg, Th. Fussinger, A. Lovera, Ch. Baur, Y. Bellouard and S. Henein, “Safe Puncture Tool for Retinal Vein Cannulation,” Design of Medical Devices, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Nov. 14-15, 2018 .
S. Fifanski, J. Rivera Gutiérrez, M. Clogenson, C. Baur, A. Bertholds, P. Llosas, T. Wolfensberger and S. Henein, “VivoForce instrument for retinal microsurgery,” Surgetica 2017, Strasbourg, Nov. 20-22, 2017, p. 155-157.
M. Kahrobaiyan, L. Rubbert, I. Vardi and S. Henein, “Gravity insensitive flexure pivots for watch oscillators,” Actes du Congrès International de Chronométrie, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 49-55, 2016.
S. Henein, O. Laesser, “Analyse, synthèse et création d’échappements horlogers par la théorie des engrenages,” Actes de la Journée d’Etude de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, Montreux, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 31-38.
S. Henein and I. Vardi, “The Geometry of Eye Movement Dynamics”, Abstracts of the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, Vienna 2015, U. Ansorge, T. Ditye, A. Florack., H. Leder, Eds, Journal of Eye Movement Research, vol. 8, p. 65, 2015.
S. Henein, I. Vardi, L. Rubbert, R. Bitterli, N. Ferrier, S. Fifanski and D. Lengacher, “IsoSpring : vers la montre sans échappement,” Actes de la Journée d’Etude de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 49-58, 2014.
F. Barrot, O. Dubochet, S. Henein, P. Genequand, L. Giriens, I. Kjelberg, P. Renevey, P. Schwab, “Un nouveau régulateur mécanique pour une réserve de marche exceptionnelle,” Actes de la Journée d’Etude de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 43-48, 2014.
J. Kruis, F. Barrot, L. Giriens, D. Bayat, R. Fournier, S. Henein, S. Jeanneret, “Design and fabrication of a novel centimeter scale three dimensional silicon tip, tilt and piston mirror mechanism,” Proceedings of the 13th EUSPEN International Conference, Berlin, 2013.
P.Janphuang,R.Lockhart,S.Henein,D.Briand,andN.F.deRooij,“Ontheexperimentaldetermination of the efficiency of piezoelectric impact-type energy harvesters using a rotational flywheel,” Proceedings of the 13th Int. Workshop Power MEMS, London, UK, 2013.
S. Henein, F. Barrot, S. Jeanneret, R. Fournier, L. Giriens, M. Gumy, S. Droz and M. Toimil, “Silicon Flexures for the Sugar-Cube Delta Robot,” Proceedings of the 11th EUSPEN International Conference, vol. 2., pp. 6-9, Como, IT, 2011.
S. Henein, P. Spanoudakis, P. Schwab, I. Kjelberg, L. Giriens, L. Dassa, “Flexure-based pointing mechanism with sub-microradian resolution for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna,” Proceedings of the 10th EUSPEN International Conference, vol. 1., Delft, NL, 2010.
S. Henein, “Flexures : simply subtle,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation (MEDSI-6) (Diamond Light Source Proceedings), vol 1 (e5), Oxford, UK, 2010.
S. Henein, P. Spanoudakis, P. Schwab, Y. Kjelberg, L. Giriens, Y. Welte, L. Dassa, R. Greger, U. Langer, “Design and development of the point-ahead angle mechanism for the laser interferometer space antenna (LISA),” Proceedings of the 13th European Space Mechanisms & Tribology Symposium, Vienna, 2009.
P. Spanoudakis, L. Giriens, S. Henein, L. Lisowski, A. O’Hare, E. Onillon, P. Schwab and P. Theurillat, “Configurable slit-mask unit of the Multi-Object Spectrometer for Infra-Red Exploration for the Keck telescope : Integration and Tests,” Proc. SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation, Marseille, France, SPIE 7018-19, 2008.
S. Henein, M. Stampanoni, U. Frommherz and M. Riina, “The Nanoconverter : a novel flexure- based mechanism to convert microns into nanometers,” Proceedings of the 7th EUSPEN International Conference, vol. II, pp. 449-452, Bremen, Deutschland, 2007.
S. Zelenika, M. Gh. Munteanu and S. Henein, “Optimized high-precision flexural hinge shapes,” Proceedings of the 6th EUSPEN International Conference, vol. 1, Baden bei Wien, Austria, 2006.
M. Stampanoni, A. Groso, A. Isenegger, G. Mikuljan, Q. Chen, A. Bertrand, S. Henein, R. Betemps, P. Böhler, D. Meister, M. Lange and R. Abela, “Trends in synchrotron-based tomographic imaging : the SLS experience,” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6318, Developments in X-Ray Tomography V, Ulrich Bonse, Ed., 2006.
S. Henein, U. Frommherz, R. Betemps, H. Kalt, U. Ellenberger, U. Flechsig and J. Raabe, “Mecha- nical Design of a Spherical Grating Monochromator for the Microspectroscopy Beamline PolLux at the Swiss Light Source,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, pp. 643-646, Daegu, Korea, 2006.
M. Stampanoni, A. Groso, A. Isenegger, G. Mikuljan, Q. Chen, D. Meister, M. Lange, R. Betemps, S. Henein and R. Abela, “Tomcat : a beamline for tomographic microscopy and coherent radiology experiments,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, vol. 879, pp. 848-851, Daegu, Korea, 2006.
O. Bunk, F. Pfeiffer, X. Donath, C. Brönnimann, B. Henrich, E. Eikenberry, P. Kraft, I. Johnson, D. Renker, R. Betemps, S. Henein,
D. Rossetti, Q. Chen, T. Schmidt, G. Ingold and R. Abela, “Coherent small angle x-ray scattering beamline cSAXS at the Swiss Light Source,” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 13th International Conference on Small-angle Scattering, Kyoto, Japan, 2006.
S. Henein, P. Spanoudakis, P. Schwab, L. Giriens, L. Lisowski, E. Onillon and L. Myklebust, “Mechanical Slit Mask Mechanism for the James Webb Space Telescope Spectrometer,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conf. Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Glasgow, UK, 2004.
S. Zelenika, S. Henein and L. Myklebust, “Investigation of Optimised Notch Shapes for Flexural Hinges,”
Proc. Int. Workshop on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation : MEDSI 2004, ESRF, Grenoble, France, 2004.
S. Henein, P. Spanoudakis, P. Schwab, L. Giriens, L. Lisowski, E. Onillon and L. Myklebust, “Mechanical slit mask mechanism for the James Webb space telescope spectrometer,” Proceedings of the 10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, pp. 201-208, San Sebastian, Spain, 2003.
S. Henein, P. Spanoudakis, S. Droz, L. Myklebust and E. Onillon, “Flexure pivot for aerospace mechanisms,” Proceedings of the 10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, pp. 285-288, San Sebastian, Spain, 2003.
E. Onillon, S. Henein and P. Theurillat, “Small Scanning Mirror Mechanism,” Proc. AIM 2003 : IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 1129-1133, Kobe, Japan, 2003.
E. Onillon, S. Henein, P. Theurillat and I. Kjelberg, “Interferometer Scanning Mirror Mechanism,” Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems, pp. 904-908, Berkeley CA, USA, 2002.
S. Henein, I. Kjelberg and S. Zelenika, “Flexible bearings for high precision mechanisms in accelerator facilities,” Proceedings of the 26th Advanced ICFA beam dynamics workshop on nanometer-size colliding beams, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002.
R. Clavel, P. Helmer, S. Bottinelli, S. Henein, C. Schmitt, R. Perez, A. Bergander, J.-M. Breguet, Y. Bellouard, H. Langen, P. Rouiller, C. Baur and Y. Mabillard, “Contribution aux concepts de micro- et nanofactory,” Nano et Microtechnologies, vol. 1/3-4, pp. 457-495, 2001.
S. Henein, “Conception des structures articulées à guidages flexibles de haute precision”, EPFL Thesis N◦2194, 2000.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Structures articulées à guidages flexibles,” Journées de Micro- technique : la robotique de très haute précision, pp. 65-74, Association Suisse de Microtechnique, EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse, 2000.
P. Helmer, S. Henein and R. Clavel, “Cinématiques : solutions pour micro- et nano-manipulation,” Journées de Microtechnique : la robotique de très haute precision, pp. 59-64, Association Suisse de Microtechnique, EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse, 2000.
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S. Henein, C. Aymon, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Fatigue failure of thin wire-electrodischarge machined flexible hinges,” Proceedings of SPIE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Systems & Advanced Manufacturing, vol. 3834, pp. 110-121, Boston MA, 1999.
S. Henein, C. Aymon, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Articulated structures with flexible joints dedicated to high precision robotics,” Proceedings of Int. Advanced Robotics Programme, pp. 135-140, Moscow, Russia, 1999.
J.-M. Breguet, Y. Bellouard, S. Henein, C. Aymon, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Compact, light weight mechanisms for high precision micro-manipulators,” Proceedings of the 8th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Toulouse, 1999.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli, C. Aymon and R. Clavel, “Orion : robot de haute précision à articulations flexibles,” 9e Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique, pp. 30-34, LASMEA-UMR du CNRS, Clermont- Ferrand, France, 1998.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Parallel spring stages with flexures of micromectric cross-sections,” Proceedings of SPIE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Systems & Advanced Manufacturing, vol. 3202, pp. 209-220, Pittsburgh PA, USA, 1997.
S. Henein, S. Bottinelli, R. Clavel and A. Hodac, “Wire electro-discharge machined parallel spring stages for microrobotics,’ ’Proceedings of the 9th Int. Precision Engineering Seminar & 4th Int. Conf. on Ultraprecision in Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 397-400, Braunschweig, Germany, 1997.
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Precision Engineering Seminar & 4th Int. Conf. on Ultraprecision in Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 231-237, Braunschweig, Germany, 1997.
A. Hodac, W. Zesch, R. Siegwart, S. Henein, S. Bottinelli and R. Clavel, “Design and control of a fast and precise macro/micro-manipulator,” Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Micromechatornics for Information and Precision Equipment, pp. 231-237, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
Instant-Lab Annual Reports