Jean-Marie Fuerbringer

Research Associate
PH D1 392 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
EPFL Valais Wallis
I17 4 G1 (Industrie 17)
Rue de l'Industrie 17
1951 Sion
+41 21 693 30 51
I17 4 G1
Web site: Web site:
PH D1 392 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 30 51
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
Jean-Marie Fürbringer graduated with a degree in Physics at EPFL in 1987. Developing his doctoral research on sensitivity analysis of simulation models, he was awarded the doctoral degree by EPFL in 1992. From 1995 to 1997, Dr Fürbringer was visiting researcher at the NIST in Gaithersburg (Maryland). In 1997, Dr Fürbringer was appointed visiting professor with the Faculty of Engineering Science at the Catholic University of Lima (PUCP). While at PUCP, he also established and managed the Learning Center of Graña y Montero, which provides training and competency management for the five companies of the group. In 2001, Dr Fürbringer joined the laboratory of production and processes (LGPP) at EPFL where he led and managed several research projects on competency management and engineering education. From 2007 to 2010, he was deputy director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Dr Fürbringer was appointed to the position of deputy dean of the EPFL Doctoral School in 2010 where he has worked till fall 2013. From November 2013 he has been attached to the Section of Physics as research associate. He is lecturer at the bachelor, master and doctoral level.Publications
Infoscience publications
Papiers de conférences
Analyse de l'utilisation des ressources comme outil diagnostique de l'acquisition
2017. Questions de Pédagogies dans l’Enseignement Supérieur (QPES), Grenoble, 13-16 Juin, 2017. p. 225-234.Présentations
Mastering a problem-solving method as a critical factor for the transition between Gymnase and EPFL
SFDN Conference 2017, EPFL, February 14, 2017.2015
Articles de journaux
Predicting the axial capacity of piles in sand
Computers and Geotechnics. 2015. DOI : 10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.06.013.2011
Papiers de conférences
Design of experiment approach applied to reducing and oxidizing tolerance of anode supported solid oxide fuel cell. Part I: Microstructure optimization
2011. 9th European SOFC Forum, Lucerne, SWITZERLAND, Jun 29-Jul 02, 2010. p. 7058-7069. DOI : 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.07.092.1992
Rapports techniques
Thermocinétique - Etude de la thermocinétique des échanges d'air dans le bâtiment
Rapports techniques
Mesures d'échanges d'air entre les locaux et avec l'extérieur - Rapport final
Rapports techniques
Validation de programmes de calcul des échanges d'air à l'aide de mesures expérimentales
1990Selected publications
A. Faes, J.-M. Fuerbringer, D. Mohamedi, A. Hessler-Wyser and G. Caboche et al. 9th European SOFC Forum, Lucerne, SWITZERLAND, Jun 29-Jul 02, 2010. |
Design of experiment approach applied to reducing and oxidizing tolerance of anode supported solid oxide fuel cell. Part I: Microstructure optimization |
Pepiot G.; Cheikhrouhou N.; F�rbringer; J.-M.; Glardon R. International Journal of Production Economics, 2006 |
A fuzzy approach for the evaluation of competences |
F�rbringer; J.-M.; Glardon R. ; Glardon F.; Pepiot G. Revue fran�aise de gestion industrielle 24(1), pp. 117-127, 2005. |
M�thodologie COMET pour une gestion Proactive des comp�tences |
F�rbringer, J.-M.; Glardon, R.; Nienhaus J.; M.Stammbach Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, August 18-21, 2002, Manchester, U.K. |
Pilot Modules of OPESS - an Online Course on Operations Management, ERP- and SCM Systems |
F�rbringer J.-M., Roulet C.-A. Energy and Buildings 30, pp. 61-71, 1999 |
Confidence of simulation results: put a SAM in your model |
F�rbringer J.-M., Roulet C.-A. Building and Environment, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 505-519, 1995. |
Comparison and combination of factorial and Monte-Carlo design in sensitivity analysis |
F�rbringer J.-M., Foradini F., Roulet C.-A. Building and Environment, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 151-157, 1994. |
Bayesian method for estimating airtightness coefficients from pressurisation measurement |
F�rbringer J.-M., Borchiellini R. ASHRAE trans., vol 99, Pt.2 DE-93-7-1, 1993. |
Technique of sensitivity analysis applied to an air infiltration multizone model |
F�rbringer J.-M., Roulet C.-A. Building and Environment, vol. 26, no 2, pp.111-120, 1991. |
Study of errors occurring in measurement of leakage distribution in buildings by multifan pressurisation |
Teaching & PhD
Design of experiments (a) - Fall semester
Modeling and design of experiments
- Fundamentals of DOE theory and data analysis
- Multilineal regression
- Greaco-Latin squares
- Placket-Burman designs
- Factorial and fractional factorial designs
- Surface response designs
- Mixture designs