Heinrich Hofmann

Fields of expertise
Nanomaterials for medical applications
Colloidal behavior of suspension
Technical ceramics
The Powder Technology Laboratory (LTP) research is focused on various aspects of particles and powders including synthesis, characterisation, and surface functionalization. The aim of the research is to understand a) the fundamental steps of powder processing especially colloidal chemistry, powder packaging and consolidation and b) the physical and chemical basic behind these various technologies to improve the processing routes for materials of technological and economical importance.Special emphasis is given to the development of new nanostructured particles and their processing to multifunctional materials for medical, biological, electronic, and sensor application. Nanosized inorganic powders are synthesized by precipitation from aqueous solutions, performing an excellent control of powder characteristics, which is needed to produce materials with optimal performance. One of the specialties at LTP is the synthesis of polycrystalline particles based on the controlled agglomeration or assembly of primary nanoparticles. This allows tuning physical properties like magnetic strengths, optical absorption and electrical conductivity of the material.
Another field of interest is the biological functionalisation of nanoparticles for drug and gene delivery and to use these innovative methods as delivery platform for implants, in particular for stents and prostheses. Nanostructured materials and coatings provide novel properties and functions to biomaterials which are not achievable with bulk material. To process nanosized ceramic powders for coating structures with controlled porosity with a size range of 20 nm to 40 micro meter between the smallest and largest pore. This leading edge technology is based on long term fundamental research activities at LTP in the field of ordered arrangement of nanosized particles at surfaces. LTP has established the knowledge of processing particles smaller than 10 nm at large scale, a key competence to achieve that goal.
The powder technology research is done in the area of compaction and sintering of inorganic powders. LTPs special interest is the research of the colloidal behaviour of suspension with inorganic particles. One focus of activity is the development of bioresorbable materials for bone filling and skeletal reconstruction, which could substitute conventional bone grafts (autografts, allografts and xenografts). Pastes with various consistencies of such materials (Calcium-Phosphate Hydraulic Cements, CPHC) can be prepared and are able to consolidate in vivo. A combination of injectable polymers with heatable iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia in vertebroplasty has recently been patented.
Beside the synthesis und processing of various nanoparticles and powders, their characterization and that of the suspension is another main activity. LTP has a long term knowledge in characterizing especially nanoparticles by using sophisticated and well matured methods. This guarantees the highest quality of research and development in this field and enables the researchers at LTP to gain a complete picture of the particle and suspension properties. The projects undertaken at LTP are in most cases a translation from basic findings into the industrial applications. Therefore many of them are implemented in very close contact with industrial partners.
Originaire de Mellingen (AG), Heinrich Hofmann est né en 1953. Après des études d'ingénieur en soudures (Ing. grad.) à Duisburg (D), et d'ingénieur en science des matériaux à la Technische Hochschule de Berlin, il obtient le titre de docteur ingénieur en 1983 pour une thèse dans le domaine des matériaux.De 1983 à 1985, il travaille comme assistant scientifique au Laboratoire de Technologie des Poudres de l'Institut Max Planck pour la science des matériaux à Stuttgart. En 1985 il entre au Centre de Recherche et Développement d'Alusuisse-Lonza à Neuhausen-am-Rheinfall, en tant qu'ingénieur consacré à la recherche dans l'étude et le développement des procédés de synthèse des poudres céramiques.
En 1993 il entre à l'EPFL en tant que professeur extraordinaire et directeur du Laboratoire de technologie des poudres du Départmeent des matériaux. Son enseignement porte sur les céramiques I (procédés) et les phénomènes de transfert. Son domaine de recherche couvre la synthèse des poudres minérales, leur caractérisation et la modification des surfaces, ainsi que la mise en forme et le frittage. Ses recherches incluent aussi les matériaux nanostructurés (composites semi-conducteurs et polymères) et la métallurgie des poudres.
Hofmann Heinrich, Prof. Dr.-Ing. got his PhD in Material Science with a thesis prepared at the Powder Metallurgy Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart. In 1985 he joins the R&D center of Alusuisse-Lonza Services AG, at Neuhausen-am-Rheinfall. In 1993 he joins the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology as Professor and Director of the Powder Technology Laboratory at the Department of Materials science and engineering. His research area includes the synthesis of nanostructured materials based on nanoparticles and the modification of surfaces with nanoparticles using colloidal methods. The fields of application of such materials are medical and biological, (drug delivery, hyperthermia, cell separation, biosensors), electronics and sensors.
Conferences and Activities
-Member of the Swiss National working group Risks of engineered nanoparticles BAFU und BAG-Member of the Management Advisory Board of the International Centre of Young Scientists, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan
-Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Nanotechnology Centre, Thailand
-Member of the Advisery board Nanotechnology at the Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai
-Distinguished Lecturer of Australian Research Council for the Nanotechnology Network
-Member of the Round Table Japan-Switzerland
-President (2003/2004 and Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee MAT-NET of the Swiss Applied Universities
-President (1997-2000) and member of the Board of the Swiss Association for Materials Technology (SVMT)
-Organizer of the Conference series BIOSURF (I VII) together with M.Textor ETHZ and M.Hofmann, MatSearch
-Particle 2006, Orlando, key note speaker
-International Conference on Ceramic Processing and Science, 2008, Nagoya, Key Note lecture
-Member of the European Academy for Technology Assessment, Bad Neuenahr, Germany
-Director of the Education and Research Unit Surface, Coatings and Particle -Engineering of the Centre of Competence Material Science, Switzerland
-Member of Swissmedic Medicines Expert Committee (Nanoparticles,)
Professional course
Senior Scientist,
Powder Metallurgy Laboratory
Max-Planck-Institute Metal Science, Stuttgart
1983 -1985
Senior Researcher and head of inorganic materials research
Inorganic Materials
R&D center of Alusuisse-Lonza Services AG Neuhausen a/Rhf.
Extraordinary Professor and Director
Powder Technology Laboratory (LTP)
Department of Materials Science an Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Ordinary Professor and Director
Powder Technology Laboratory (LTP)
Department of Materials Science an Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Engineer (Ing.grad.
Foundry Technology Material Science
GH Duisburg, Germany
Material Science
Technical University Berlin, Germany
Material Science
Technical University Berlin and Max Planck Institute of Metal Science, Stuttgart
1980 - 1983
Selected publications
Jatuporn Salaklang, Benedikt Steitz, Andrija Finka, Conlin P. O'Neil, Marc Moniatte, Andr� J. van der Vlies, Todd D. Giorgio, Heinrich Hofmann, Jeffrey A. Hubbell, Alke Petri-Fink
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 47, Issue 41, 2008, 7857-7860 |
Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles as a Powerful Systems Biology Characterization Tool in the Physiological Context |
Blech K, Noyong M, Juillerat F , Nakayama T , Hofmann H , Simon U JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Vol. 8 461-465 2008 |
In-situ electrical addressing of one-dimensional gold nanoparticle assemblies, |
Petri-Fink A , Steitz B, Finka A, Salaklang J, Hofmann H, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND IOPHARMACEUTICS Vol 68, 129-137, 2008 (Online 2007) |
Effect of cell media on polymer coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs): Colloidal stability, cytotoxicity, and cellular uptake studies |
Steitz B, Salaklang J, Finka A, O`Neil C, Hofmann H, Petri-Fink A., Bioconjugate Chemistry, Vol 18 1684-1690, 2007 |
Fixed bed reactor for solid phase surface derivatization of superparamagnetic nanoparticles |
S. W. Kamau, P. O. Hassa, B. Steitz, A. Petri-Fink, H. Hofmann, M. Hofmann-Amtenbrink, B. von Rechenberg, and M. O. Hottiger. Nucleic Acids Research, 34(5):e40, 2006. |
Enhancement of the efficiency of non-viral gene delivery by application of pulsed magnetic field. |
V. Shklover, L. Braginsky, and H. Hofmann. Materials Science and Engineering C, 26:142-148, 2006. |
Domain structure and optical properties of colloidal photonic crystal. |
Soare, L. Cristina; Bowen, Paul; Lemaitre, Jacques; Hofmann, Heinrich Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, 17763-71. 2006 |
Precipitation of Nanostructured Copper Oxalate: Substructure and Growth Mechanism |
F. Juillerat, H. H. Solak, P. Bowen, and H. Hofmann Nanotechnology, 16:1311-1316, 2005 |
Fabrication of large-area ordered arrays of nanoparticles on patterned substrates. |
T. Neuberger, B. Sch�pf, M. Hofmann, H. Hofmann, and B. von Rechenberg Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293 (2005) 483�496 |
Superparamagnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications: possibilities and limitations of a new drug delivery system |
L. Braginsky, V. Shklover, H. Hofmann and P. Bowen PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 134201 (2004) |
High-temperature thermal conductivity of porous Al2O3 nanostructures |
Teaching & PhD
Past EPFL PhD Students
Aguilera Murciano Silvia , Bernau Vianney , Bonvin Débora , Dittmar Karin , Ganz Arthur Olivier Joseph , Lübbe Henning , Pérez Anguiano Oswaldo Javier , Quinsaat Jose Enrico Quijano , Sakulkhu Usawadee , Salaklang Jatuporn , Steitz Benedikt , Tordai Timea , Tourvieille de Labrouhe Arnaud ,Lectures
Mass and Heat transfer (Bs)Ceramic (Processing) (Bs)
Quantitative metallography (Bs)
Introduction to Nanomaterials (Ms)
Advanced Nanomaterials (Ms)
Powder Technology (Ms)
Nanoparticles for medical application (PhD)
Sintering (PhD)