Alexander Tagantsev

Professor Emeritus +41 21 693 48 86
Citizenship: Russian/Swiss
Birth date: 28.02.1951
ALEXANDER K. TAGANTSEV received the B.S. degree from St. Petersburg State University, in 1974, and Ph.D. degree from Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1982 in solid state physics. Before 1993, he worked in Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, (1991-1993, head of laboratory), and St. Petersburg State Technical University (1991-1993, professor). He joined the ceramics laboratory of EPFL in 1993 where he was leading ( up to 2016) the section for Modeling and theory of Electroceramics.He is also currently engaged as a principle research fellow at Ioffe institute (St. Petersburg, Russia). Tagantsev is a theoretician of a broad domain of expertise from ferroelectricity and phonon physics to electrodynamics of superconductors and quantum optics. He is the author of key results on the theory of microwave dielectrics loss, dielectric polarization in crystalline materials, and relaxor ferroelectricity. He is also known in the field of ferroelectric thin films for elucidating works on the polarization switching and degradation in these systems. He authored or co-authored more than 300 scientific articles and two monograph (on domains in ferroics and tunable film bulk acoustic wave resonators). In 2007, Prof. Tagantsev was entitled to the Honors for lifetime achievement in the field of integrated ferroelectrics by the International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics.
Researcher ID
Books and book articlesA. K. Tagantsev Polarization Fatigue in Ferroelectric Thin Films, In Saleem Hashmi (editor-in-chief). Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Oxford: Elsevier; p. 1-8.(2016).
A. K. Tagantsev Mechanisms of Dielectric Loss in Insulating Materials, In Saleem Hashmi (editor-in-chief). Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Oxford: Elsevier; p. 1-4.(2016).
Tomas Sluka, Petr Bednyakov, Petr Yudin, Arnaud Crassous and Alexander Tagantsev Charged domain Walls, in “Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials” ed by Jan Seidel, Springer Series in Materials Science, Springer Internarional Publishing Switzerland, (2016).
P.V Yudin and A. K.Tagantsev, Flexoelectricty and Phonon Spectra, in “Flexoelectricty in Solids” ed by P.V Yudin and A. K.Tagantsev World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte .Ltd. (2016).
P.V Yudin , A.Kvasov and A. K.Tagantsev Basic Theoretical Description of Flexoelectricty in Solids, in “Flexoelectricty in Solids” ed by P.V Yudin and A. K.Tagantsev World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte .Ltd. (2016).
R. Ahluwalia, A. K.Tagantsev, P. Yudin, N. Setter, N. Ng, and D. J. Srolovitz, Role of Flexoelectricty in Multidomain s, in “Flexoelectricty in Solids” ed by P.V Yudin and A. K.Tagantsev World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte .Ltd. (2016).
A. K.Tagantsev and P.V Yudin (editors), “Flexoelectricty in Solids” ed by P.V Yudin and A. K.Tagantsev World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte .Ltd. (2016)
Journal papers
P. A. Markovin, V. A. Trepakov, A. K. Tagantsev, A. Deineka, and D. A. Andreev Contribution of Spontaneous Polarization and Its Fluctuations to Refraction of Light in Ferroelectrics, Physics of the Solid State, 2016, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 134–139. (2016).
A.S.Yurkov and A.K. Tagantsev, Strong surface effect on direct bulk flexoelectric response in solids Applied Physics Letters 108, 022904 doi: 10.1063/1.4939975 (2016).
M. Mtebwa, A. K. Tagantsev, T. Yamada, P. Gemeiner, B. Dkhil, and N. Setter, Single-domain (110) PbTiO3 thin films: Thermodynamic theory and experiments, Physical Review B, v. 93, 144113 (2016).
Alexander Kvasov, John McGilly, JinWang, Zhiyong Shi, Cosmin Sandu, Tomas Sluka, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Piezoelectric enhancement under negative pressure, Nat. Commun v. 7: 12136,| DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12136 |(2016).
Alexander Kvasov, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Structure and pressure-induced ferroelectric phase transition in antiphase domain boundaries of strontium titanate from first principles, Physical Review B, v. 94, 054102|(2016).
Petr Bednyakov,Tomas Sluka, Alexander Tagantsev, Dragan Damjanovic,
and Nava Setter Free-Carrier-Compensated Charged Domain Walls Produced with Super-Bandgap Illumination in Insulating Ferroelectrics Adv. Mater. DOI: 10.1002/adma. 201602874 (2016).
Journal papersH. Morioka, T. Yamada, A.K. Tagantsev, R. Ikariyama, T. Nagasaki, T. Kurosawa, H. Funakubo, Suppressed polar distortion with enhanced Curie temperature in in-plane 90°-domain structure of a-axis oriented PbTiO3 Film, Applied Physics Letters, v.106 p. 042905 (2015)
S. Okhonin, M. Gureev, D. Sallin, J. Appel, A. Koukab, A. Kvasov, M. Pastre, E.S. Polzik, A.K. Tagantsev, F. Uddegard, M. Kayal, A dynamic operation of a PIN photodiode, Applied Physics Letters v.106, 031115 (2015).
L.J. McGilly, YudinP, FeiglL, A.K. Tagantsev, SetterN, Controlling domain wall motion in ferroelectric thin films, Nature Nanotechnology, v.10, 145 (2015).
P.V. Yudin, M.Y. Gureev, T. Sluka, A.K. Tagantsev, N. Setter, Anomalously thick domain walls in ferroelectrics, Physical Review B, v.91 060102 (2015).
J. Wang, A.K. Tagantsev, N. Setter, Effective-surface-energy approach for size effects in ferroics, Physical Review B v.91, 125432 (2015).
Tomoaki Yamada, Benjamin Wylie-van Eerd, Osami Sakata,Alexander K. Tagantsev, Hitoshi Morioka, Yoshitaka Ehara, Shintaro Yasui, Hiroshi Funakubo, Takanori Nagasaki, and H. J. Trodahl, Phase transitions associated with competing order parameters in compressively strained SrTiO3 thin films, Physical Review B, 91 214101 (2015).
Arnaud Crassous, Tomas Sluka, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter Polarization charge as a reconfigurable quasi-dopant in ferroelectric thin films, Nature Nanotechnology, v.10 p. 614-618 (2015)..
A. Kvasov, and A. K. Tagantsev, Dynamic flexoelectric effect in perovskites from first-principles calculations, Physical Review B, v. 92, 054104 (2015).
Jin Wang, BenWylie-van Eerd, Tomas Sluka, Cosmin Sandu, Marco Cantoni, Xian-KuiWei, Alexander Kvasov, Leo John McGilly, Pascale Gemeiner6, Brahim Dkhil, Alexander Tagantsev, Joe Trodahl and Nava Setter, Negative-pressure-induced enhancement in a freestanding ferroelectric, Nature materials, v.10, 985-90 (2015).
Petr S. Bednyakov, Tomas Sluka, Alexander K. Tagantsev, Dragan Damjanovic, and Nava Setter, Formation of charged ferroelectric domain walls with controlled periodicity Scientific Reports, v.5, 15819 (2015).
Igor Stolichnov, Ludwig Feigl, Leo J. McGilly, Tomas Sluka, Xian-Kui Wei, Enrico Colla, Arnaud Crassous, Konstantin Shapovalov, Petr Yudin, Alexander K.Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Bent Ferroelectric Domain Walls as Reconfigurable Metallic-Like Channels, Nano Letters 15, 8049–8055 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03450.(2015)
Mahamudu Mtebwa, Ludwig Feigl, Petr Yudin, Leo J. McGilly, Konstantin Shapovalov, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter Room temperature concurrent formation of ultra-dense arrays of ferroelectric domain walls, Applied Physics Letters 107, 142903 doi: 10.1063/1.4932524 (2015).
B. Sturman, E. Podivilov,1M. Stepanov, A. Tagantsev, and N. Setter Quantum properties of charged ferroelectric domain walls. Physical Review B, v. 92, 214112 (2015).
Leo J. McGilly, Ludwig Feigl, Tomas Sluka, Petr Yudin, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Velocity Control of 180° Domain Walls in Ferroelectric Thin Films by Electrode Modifications, Nano Letters 16 68-73 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett. 5b02798 (2015).
c.260 Kaushik Vaideeswaran, Konstantin Shapovalov, Petr V. Yudin, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter Moving antiphase boundaries using an external electric field Applied Physics Letters 107, 192905 doi: 10.1063/1.4935122 (2015).
PapersXian-Kui Wei,Alexander K. Tagantsev, Alexander Kvasov, Krystian Roleder,
Chun-Lin Jia and Nava Setter Ferroelectric translational antiphase boundaries in nonpolar materials Nat. Commun v. 5,3031, | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4031 (2014)
P. V. Yudin, R. Ahluwalia, and A. K. Tagantsev, Upper bounds for flexoelectric coefficients in ferroelectrics Applied Physics Letters, v.104,082913 (2014)
R. Ahluwalia, and A. K. Tagantsev, P. V. Yudin, N. Setter, N. Ng, and D. J. Srolovitz, Influence of flexoelectric coupling on domain patterns in ferroelectrics, Physical Review B, v. 89, 174105, (2014)
G. Burkovsky, A.K. Tagantsev, K. Vaideeswaran, N. Setter, S.B. Vakhrushev, A.V. Filimonov, A. Shaganov, D. Andronikova, A.I. Rudskoy, A.Q.R. Baron, H. Uchiyama, D. Chernyshov, Z. Ujma, K. Roleder, A. Majchrowski, J.-H. Ko, Lattice dynamics and antiferroelectricity PbZrO3 tested by x-ray and Brillouin light scattering, Physical Review B, 90, 144301 (2014).
Feigl, Ludwig, Yudin, Petr, Stolichnov, Igor, Sluka, Tomas, Shapovalov, Konstantin, Mtebwa, Mahamudu, Sandu, Cosmin S., Wei, Xian-Kui, Tagantsev, Alexander K. and Setter, Nava Controlled stripes of ultrafine ferroelectric domains , Nat. Commun v. 5:4677, | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5677 (2014)
K. Shapovalov, P.V. Yudin, A. K. Tagantsev, E. A. Eliseev, A. N. Morozovska, and N. Setter, Elastic Coupling between Nonferroelastic Domain Walls, Physical Review Letters v.113, 207601 (2014)
M. Mtebwa, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Effect of elastic compliances and higher order Landau coefficients on the phase diagram of single domain epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films, AIP Advances, v. 4, 127150, (2014).
Invited talks
American Physical Society March Meeting , Denver , USA, March 2014.
Europien Conference on Appreciations of Polar Dielectrics , Vilnius , Lithuania, July 2014.
Electronic Materials and applications , Orlando; USA , January 2014.
Russian Meeting on Ferroelectricty, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, August 2014
European Materials Society Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 2014
Invited review papers and booksSpartak Sh. Gevorgian, Alexander K. Tagantsev and Andrei K. Vorobiev, Tuneable Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators, Springer Science Business Media, 243 pages (2013)
Pavlo Zubko, Gustau Catalan, and Alexander K. Tagantsev, Flexoelectric Effect in Solids, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res.. 43:387421 (2013).
P.V. Yudin and A. K. Tagantsev, Fundamentals of Flexoelectricity in Solids, Nanotechnology v.24: 432001 (2013).
Journal papers
D. A. Semikin, A. K. Tagantsev, and A. D. Kanareykin, Ferroelectric ceramic tunability in transversely oriented static and transient electric fields J. Appl. Phys. 113, 024105 (2013)
E. A. Eliseev, P. V. Yudin, S.V.Kalinin, N. Setter, A. K. Tagantsev, and A. N. Morozovska, Structural phase transitions and electronic phenomena at 180-degree domain walls in rhombohedral BaTiO3, Physical Review B, vol.87, 054111 (2013)
A. Kvasov, and A. K. Tagantsev, Role of high-order electromechanical coupling terms in thermodynamics of ferroelectric thin films Physical Review B, vol.87, 184101 (2013)
Sluka T, Tagantsev A, Bednyakov P, Setter N. Free-electron gas at charged domain walls in insulating BaTiO3. Nat. Commun. v.4:1808, DOI 10.1038/ncomms2839 (2013)
A. Kvasov, and A. K. Tagantsev, Thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators tuning from first principles, Journal of Applied Physics, v. 113, 204104 (2013).
P. V. Yudin, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Bistability of ferroelectric domain walls: Morphotropic boundary and strain effects Physical Review B, vol.88, 024102 (2013)
A. K. Tagantsev, K. Vaideeswaran, S.B. Vakhrushev, A.V. Filimonov, R.G. Burkovsky, A. Shaganov, D. Andronikova, A.I. Rudskoy, A.Q.R. Baron, H. Uchiyama, D. Chernyshov, A. Bosak, Z. Ujma, K. Roleder, A. Majchrowski, J.-H. Ko and N. Setter, The origin of antiferroelectricity in PbZrO3, Nat. Commun v. 4:2229, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3229 (2013)
Pavel Mokrý, Tomá Sluka, and Alexander K. Tagantsev: Nonlinear extrinsic permittivity and piezoelectricity in lead titanate due to 90 domain walls pinning, Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague : IEEE-UFFC-2013, 222-226 (2013)
Invited talks
Electronic Materials and Applications 2013, Orlando, USA
10th Pacific Rim Conference On Ceramic And Glass Technology, San Diego, USA
13th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Krakow, Poland
International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics,St.Petersburg, Russia
I. Ponomareva, A. K. Tagantsev, L. Bellaiche, Finite-temperature flexoelectricity in ferroelectric thin films from first principles Physical Review B, vol. 85, pp. 104101 (2012).T. Sluka, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, M. Y. Gureev, and N. Setter, Enhanced electromechanical response of ferroelectrics due to charged domain walls. Nature Communications, DOI 10.1038/ncomms1751 (2012).
I. Stolichnov, P. Maksymovych, E. Mikheev, S. V. Kalinin, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Cold-Field Switching in PVDF-TrFE Ferroelectric Polymer Nanomesas, Physical Review Letters v.108 p.027603 (2012)
P. V. Yudin, A. K. Tagantsev, E. A. Eliseev, A. N. Morozovska, and N. Setter,
Bichiral structure of ferroelectric domain walls driven by flexoelectricity, Physical Review B, vol.86, 134102 (2012)
M. Y. Gureev, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter Ferroelectric charged domain walls in an applied electric field, Physical Review B, vol. 86, pp. 104104 (2012).
A. K. Tagantsev and A.S.Yurkov, Flexoelectric effect in finite samples, Journal of Applied Physics, v.112, 044103 (2012).
E. Mikheev, I. Stolichnov, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter Polarization screening in polymer ferroelectric films: Uncommon bulk mechanism, Applied Physics Letters, v.101, 132905 (2012).
A. Kvasov, and A. K. Tagantsev, Positive effective Q12 electrostrictive coefficient in perovskites, Journal of Applied Physics, v.112, 094106 (2012).
P. V. Yudin, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Impact of Strain Effects on the Stability of Ising Walls in Ferroelectrics, Ferroelectrics, 438:2031, (2012)
Invited talks
21st IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Aveiro, Portugal
German Physical Society Meeting, Berlin, Germany
International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials, Delhi, India
8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Penang, Malaysia (plenary)
11th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2011 - publications and invited talks
Journal papersJin Wang, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Size effect in ferroelectrics: Competition between geometrical and crystalline symmetries, Physical Review B, vol. 83, pp. 014104 (2011).
A. N. Morozovska, E. A. Eliseev, A. K. Tagantsev, S. L. Bravina, Long-Qing Chen, and S. V. Kalinin, Thermodynamics of electromechanically coupled mixed ionic-electronic conductors: Deformation potential, Vegard strains, and flexoelectric effect, Physical Review B, vol. 83, pp. 195313 (2011).
V. Shelukhin, D. Ehre, E. Lavert, E. Wachtel, Y. Feldman, A. Tagantsev, and I. Lubomirsky, Structural Determinants of the Sign of the Pyroelectric Effect in Quasi-Amorphous SrTiO3 Films, Advanced Functional Materials vol. 21 pp. 1403 (2011).
M. Y. Gureev, Alexander K. Tagantsev, and Nava Setter, Head-to-head and tail-to-tail 180◦ domain walls in an isolated ferroelectric, Physical Review B, vol. 83, pp. 184104 (2011)
D. Su, T. Yamada, R. Gysel, A. K. Tagantsev, P. Muralt, N. Setter, and N. Jiang, Growth-mode induced defects in epitaxial SrTiO(3) thin films grown on single crystal LaAlO(3) by a two-step PLD process, Journal of Materials Research vol.26 pp. 770 (2011)
E. V. Balashova, B. B. Krichevtsov, and A. K. Tagantsev, Thermodynamic description of generation of the second acoustic harmonics induced by an electric field in ferroelectrics, Physics of the Solid State vol.53 pp. 1367(2011)
Y. L. Wang, Z. B. He, D. Damjanovic, A. K. Tagantsev, G. C. Deng, and N. Setter, Unusual dielectric behavior and domain structure in rhombohedral phase of BaTiO(3) single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics vol.110 pp. 01410(2011)
Invited talks
Dielectrics 2011, St.Petersburg, Russia (plenary)
20th IEEE International Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics, Vancouver, Canada (plenary)
2010 - publications and invited talks
BookA. K. Tagantsev, L. E. Cross, and J. Fousek
Springer Science Bussiness Media, 821 pages (2010)
Journal papers
A. Noeth, T. Yamada, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Integration of Coplanar Barium-Strontium Titanate Tunable Capacitors on Micro-Machined Silicon, Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol. 115, pp.110-119 (2010).
I. Stolichnov, R. Gysel, A. K. Tagantsev, S. W. E. Riester, N. Setter, G. A. Salvatore, D. Bouvet, and A. M. Ionescu, Ferroelectric Polymer Gate Transistor as a Model System for Exploring the Mechanisms of the Retention Loss, Ferroelectrics, vol.409, pp.185-189 (2010).
T.Yamada, T.Kiguchi, A.K.Tagantsev, H.Morioka, T.Iijima, H.Ohsumi, S.Kimura, M.Osada, N.Setter, and H.Funakuboo, Antiferrodistortive Structural Phase Transition in Compressively-strained Epitaxial SrTiO3 Film Grown on (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3 Substrate, Integrated Ferroelectrics vol. 115, pp.57-62 (2010).
A. Soukiassian, A. Tagantsev, and N Setter, Anomalous dielectric peak in Mg and Li doped ZnO ceramics and thin films, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS vol. 97 pp. 192903 (2010)
M. A. Zurbuchen, V. O. Sherman, A. K. Tagantsev, J. Schubert, M. E. Hawley, D. D. Fong, S. K. Streiffer, Y. Jia, W. Tian, and D. G. Schlom, Synthesis, structure, and electrical behavior of Sr4Bi4Ti7O24, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.107, 024106 (2010).
N. Balke, M. Gajek, A. K. Tagantsev, L. W. Martin, Y. H. Chu, R. Ramesh, and S.V. Kalinin, Direct Observation of Capacitor Switching Using Planar Electrodes, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 20, pp. 3466-3475 (2010).
A. Carvalho, A. K. Tagantsev, S. Öberg, P. R. Briddon, and N. Setter, "Cation-site intrinsic defects in Zn-doped CdTe," Physical Review B, vol. 81, pp. 075215 (2010).
A. Noeth, T. Yamada, P. Muralt, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, "Tunable Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator Based on BaxSr1-xTiO3 Thin Film," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 57, pp. 379-385 (2010).
D. Zhang, T. W. Button, V. O. Sherman, A. K. Tagantsev, T. Price, and D. Iddles, "Effects of glass additions on the microstructure and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate (BST) ceramics," Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 30, pp. 407-412 (2010)
A. Noeth, T. Yamada, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, "Effect of mechanical loading on the tuning of acoustic resonances in Ba (x) Sr1-x TiO3 thin films," Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 24, pp. 237-244, (2010).
Invited talks
CECAM Workshop on Theory of Magnetoelectrics, Lausanne, Switzerland
XIX International Materials Research Congress , Cancun, Mexico (2 invited talks)
6th International Conference on Microwave Materials And Their Applications, Warsaw, Poland
10th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains, Prague, Czech Republic
2009 - publications and invited talks
Invited review paper
A. K. Tagantsev, V. Meunier, and P. Sharma, "Novel Electromechanical Phenomena at the Nanoscale: Phenomenological Theory and Atomistic Modeling," Mrs Bulletin, v. 34, pp. 643-647 (2009).
Journal papers
A. Carvalho, A. Alkauskas, A. Pasquarello, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, "Li-related defects in ZnO: Hybrid functional calculations," Physica B-Condensed Matter, vol. 404, pp. 4797-4799 (2009).
A. Carvalho, A. Tagantsev, S. Oberg, P. R. Briddon, and N. Setter, "Intrinsic defects in CdTe and CdZnTe alloys," Physica B-Condensed Matter, vol. 404, pp. 5019-5021 (2009).
A. Carvalho, A. Alkauskas, A. Pasquarello, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, "A hybrid density functional study of lithium in ZnO: Stability, ionization levels, and diffusion," Physical Review B, vol. 80, pp. 195205 (2009).
P. Mokry, Y. Wang, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, I. Stolichnov, and N. Setter, Evidence for dielectric aging due to progressive 180[degree] domain wall pinning in polydomain Pb(Zr0.45Ti 0.55])O3 thin films, Phys. Rev. B, v. 79, pp. 054104-9 (2009).
T. Yamada, C. S. Sandu, M. Gureev, V. O. Sherman, A. Noeth, P. Muralt, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Self-Assembled Perovskite-Fluorite Oblique Nanostructures for Adaptive (Tunable) Electronics, Advanced Materials, v. 21, pp. 1-5 (2009).
M. Y. Gureev, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Structure and Energy of Charged Domain Walls in Ferroelectrics," in ISAF 18th Ieee International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, , pp. 37-42 (2009).
D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, T. Yamada, M. Tyunina, A. K. Tagantsev, J. Levoska, and N. Setter, "Polar phonons in some compressively stressed epitaxial and polycrystalline SrTiO3 thin films," Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 22, pp. 297-301 (2009).
R. Gysel, I. Stolichnov, A. K. Tagantsev, S. W. E. Riester, N. Setter, G. A. Salvatore, D. Bouvet, and A. M. Ionescu, "Retention in nonvolatile silicon transistors with an organic ferroelectric gate," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, 263507 (2009).
Invited talks
4th Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology , Dunedin, New Zealand
8th Pacific Rim Conference On Ceramic And Glass Technology, Vancouver, Canada
10th International Balkan Workshop On Applied Physics, Constanta, Romania
18th IEEE International Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics, Xian, China
2008 - publications and invited talks
Journal papersAndreas Noeth, Tomoaki Yamada, , Alexander K. Tagantsev, Nava Setter Electrical tuning of dc bias induced acoustic resonances in paraelectric thin films capacitors Journal of Applied Physics, v.104, 094102 (2008).
Alexander K. Tagantsev, Pseudoferroelectricity: a possible scenario for doped ZnO, Applied Physics Letters, v. 93, 202905 (2008).
Alexander K. Tagantsev, Landau Expansion for Ferroelectrics: Which Variable to Use? Ferroelectrics, v. 375, 1.19-27 (2008).
A. K. Tagantsev, G. Gerra, and N. Setter, Short-range and long-range contributions to the size effect in metal-ferroelectric-metal heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B. v.77, 174111 (2008)
R. Gysel, I. Stolichnov, A. K. Tagantsev, N. Setter, and P. Mokry, Restricted domain growth and polarization reversal kinetics in ferroelectric polymer thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 103, p.084120 (2008)
Invited talks
19-th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Singapore, (2 invited talks)
2nd International Congress on Ceramics, Verona, Italy
2007 - publications and invited talks
Journal papers
Y. L. Wang,¤ A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, N. Setter, V. K. Yarmarkin, A. I. Sokolov, and I. A. Lukyanchuk, Landau thermodynamic potential for BaTiO3, J. Appl. Phys., v. 101, 104115 (2007).
G.Gerra, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Ferroelectricity in Asymmetric Metal-Ferroelectric-Metal Heterostructures: A Combined First-PrinciplesPhenomenological Approach, Phys. Rev. Lett. v.98, 207601 (2007).
Tomoaki Yamada, Vladimir O. Sherman, Dong Su, Paul Muralt,
Alexander K. Tagantsev, Nava Setter Growth process approaches for improved properties of tunable ferroelectric thin films Journal of the European Ceramic Society v.27, 37533758 (2007).
Y. L. Wang, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, N. Setter, Giant domain wall contribution to the dielectric susceptibility in BaTiO3 single crystals, Applied Physics Letters, v. 91, 062905 (2007).
Andreas Noeth, Tomoaki Yamada, Vladimir O. Sherman, , Paul Muralt, Alexander K. Tagantsev, Nava Setter Tuning of direct current bias-induced resonances in micromachined Ba0.3Sr0.7TiO3 thin-film capacitors Journal of Applied Physics, v.102, 114110 (2007).
P. K. Petrov, V. R. Palkar, A. K. Tagantsev, H. I. Chien, K. Prashanthi, A. K. Axelsson, S. Bhattacharya, and N. M. Alford, "Dielectric properties characterization of La- and Dy-doped BiFeO3 thin films," Journal of Materials Research, vol. 22, pp. 2179-2184 (2007).
A. Kolpakov, A. K. Tagantsev, L. Berlyand, and A. Kanareykin Nonlinear dielectric response of periodic composite materials Journal of Electroceramics, v.18 pp. 129-137 (2007).
P. Mokry, A. K. Tagantsev, and J. Fousek, Pressure on charged domain walls and additional imprint mechanism in ferroelectrics, Physical Review B v.75 094110 (2007).
D.Su, T.i Yamada, V. O. Sherman, A. K. Tagantsev,P. Muralt, and N. Setter Annealing effect on dislocations in SrTiO3 /LaAlO3 heterostructures
J. Appl. Phys., v. 101, pp. 064102 (2007).
D. Ehre, H. Cohen, V. Lyahovitskaya, A. Tagantsev, and I. Lubomirsky, Structural Transformations during Formation of Quasi-Amorphous BaTiO3 Advanced Functional Materials, v.17 pp. 1204-1208 (2007).
D. Ehre, V. Lyahovitskaya, A. Tagantsev, and I. Lubomirsky, Amorphous piezo- and pyro-electric phases of BaZrO3 and SrTiO3. Advanced l Materials, 19. 1515 (2007).
Vladimir O. Sherman, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter, Model of a low-permittivity and high-tunability ferroelectric based composite. Applied Physics Letters, v.90, 162901 (2007).
Invited talks
German physical society Meeting
16th IEEE International Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics, Nara, Japan
International Conference on Electroceramics-2007 ,Arusha, Tanzania
Selected publications
A. K. Tagantsev, L. E. Cross, and J. Fousek Springer Science Business Media, 821 pages (2010) |
Domains in ferroic crystals and thin films |
A.K.Tagantsev Phase Transitions 35, 119-203 (1991) |
Electric polarization in crystals and its response to thermal and elastic perturbation |
A.K. Tagantsev, V.O. Sherman, K.F. Astafiev, J. Venkatesh, and N. SetterFerroelectric Journal of Electroceramics v.11, 5-66 (2003) |
Materials for Microwave Tunable Applications |
V.L.Gurevich and A.K.Tagantsev Adv.Phys. 40, 719-767 (1991) |
Intrinsic dielectric loss in crystals |
A.K. Tagantsev Phys.Rev.Lett, 72, 1100 (1994) |
Vogel-Fulcher Relationship for the Dielectric Permittivity of Relaxor Ferroelectrics |
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Mechanism of polarization response in the ergodic phase of a relaxor ferroelectric |
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Effect of mechanical boundary conditions on phase diagrams of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films |
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Polarization fatigue in ferroelectric thin films: basic experimental findings, phenomenological scenarios, and microscopic features |
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Two-mode electrodynamics of superconductors in the mixed state(1992) |
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Piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity in crystalline dielectrics |
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Weak ferroelectrics |
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Short-range and long-range contributions to the size effect in metal-ferroelectric-metal heterostructures |
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Ionic Polarizability of Conductive Metal Oxides and Critical Thickness for Ferroelectricity in BaTiO3 |
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Identification of passive layer in ferroelectric thin films from their switching parameters |
A. K. Tagantsev, K. Vaideeswaran, S.B. Vakhrushev, A.V. Filimonov, R.G. Burkovsky, A. Shaganov, D. Andronikova, A.I. Rudskoy, A.Q.R. Baron, H. Uchiyama, D. Chernyshov, A. Bosak, Z. Ujma, K. Roleder, A. Majchrowski, J.-H. Ko and N. Setter Nat. Commun v. 4:2229 (2013) |
The origin of antiferroelectricity in PbZrO3 |
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Flexoelectric effect in finite samples |
Petr S. Bednyakov, Boris I. Sturman, Tomas Sluka, Alexander K. Tagantsev and Petr V. Yudin npj Computational Materials 4 p.1-11 (2018) |
Physics and applications of charged domain walls |
A.K. Tagantsev and S.A Fedorov Phys. Rev Lett v. 123, 043602 (2019) |
Quantum-Limited Measurements Using an Optical Cavity with Modulated Intrinsic Loss |
Jin Wang, BenWylie-van Eerd, Tomas Sluka, Cosmin Sandu, Marco Cantoni, Xian-KuiWei, Alexander Kvasov, Leo John McGilly, Pascale Gemeiner6, Brahim Dkhil, Alexander Tagantsev, Joe Trodahl and Nava Setter, Nature materials, v.10, 985-90 (2015) |
Negative-pressure-induced enhancement in a freestanding ferroelectric |