Irène Elizabeth Vogel Chevroulet

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EPFL Teachers' Council
2017 - 2019
2019 - 2021
2021 - 2023

BP 4227 (Bâtiment BP)
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Office:  BP 4227

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Architecture Theory and History 19th -21th c
- Architect Diploma 
Uni Ge School of Architecture
- Swiss National Science Foundation Young Researcher Scholarship
- Historian MA University of East Anglia in Norwich

Japanese Architecture, Garden Art, Culture
Writings and drawings on Japanese Architecture and Garden Art since 1870
- Swiss National Science Foundation MHV Researcher Scholarship for 3 years
- Dr es Sciences Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne

Archivist and collaborator: Patrick Berger Architect in Paris & Professor Hon EPFL - Teaching and research documentation 1992-2012

Member of the Board of Directors Foundation Sasakawa Paris

Piano since 1972 - Certificate Lausanne Haute Ecole de Musique Mention Bien 1998 - Since 2023 with Prof. Esther Walker

Ceramics 1996 - 2024 Toshiyuki Takeuchi Workshop

Japan 1983 - 1984 Social Work Teaching Calligraphy Ikebana Painting


Selected publications


Teaching & PhD


Humanities and Social Sciences Program



Sustainable Japanese architecture and landscape

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

Contemporary Japan I

Introduction into the culture of Japan - its thought and way of life - designed to foster future study of the archipelago. We elucidate the specificities of a Japanese identity that is imbued with both tradition and openness to innovation, to create sustainability - society, economy, environment.

Contemporary Japan II

Introduction to the culture of Japan - its thought and way of life - designed to foster future study of the archipelago. It elucidates the specificities of a Japanese identity that is imbued with both tradition and openness to innovation, for creating sustainability - society, economy, environment.