John Botsis

Professor Emeritus
+41 21 693 29 69
Fields of expertise
- Solid and structural mechanics
- Experimental mechanics of advanced materials
- Fracture, fatigue & failure analysis
- Biomechanics & biomaterials
- Experimental mechanics of advanced materials
- Fracture, fatigue & failure analysis
- Biomechanics & biomaterials
To develop and use novel experimental techniques to study elementary events of deformation, damage, fracture and fatigue in advanced materials, biomaterials, bone and dental biomechanics as well as durability and reliability of structural components. The experimental results are supported by analytical methods and contemporary numerical tools in order to expand the knowledge base on these fields by basic and applied research, offer the necessary support to industry and provide the best possible quality of training.Biography
John (Ioannis) Botsis obtained his diplôme in civil engineering at the University of Patras, Greece in 1979. He continued his education at Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland Ohio/USA, where he received his MS and Ph.D. in 1984. After two years at the research center for national defense in Athens he was nominated assistant professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago, associate in 1991 and full professor in 1995. In 1996, he was nominated professor of solids and structural mechanics at the EPFL.At EPFL he teaches mechanics of structures and mechanics of continuous media´ at the bachelors level and Fracture mechanics at the masters and doctoral levels. His research covers the mechanics of solids and structures, fracture mechanics and micromechanics of polymers, metals and their composites as well as biomechanics. He is also actively involved in full-filed optical methods for surface strain measurements as well as internal strain measurements using fiber Bragg grating sensors, aimed at characterizing micromechanics of fracture, residual strains and strain distribution in composite laminates for structural monitoring. Funding for his research comes from the Swiss National Science Foundation, State Secretariat for Education and Research and Swiss industry. He retired on February 28, 2020.
Selected publications
G. A. PAPPAS & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, 197, 2020, 108172 |
Towards a geometry independent traction-separation and angle relation due to large scale bridging in DCB configuration |
L. P. CANAL, M. ALFANO & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, 139, 2017, pp. 90-98. |
A multi-scale based cohesive zone model for the analysis of thickness scaling effects in fiber bridging |
L. P. CANAL, G. PAPPAS & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, 126, 2016, pp. 52-59. |
Large scale fiber bridging in mode I intralaminar fracture. An embedded cell approach |
J. CUGNONI, R. AMACHER, S. KOHLER, J. BRUNNER, E. KRAMER, C. DRANSFELD, W. SMITH, K. SCOBBIE, L. SORENSEN & J. BOTSIS, ‘ Composites Science and Technology, 168, 2018, pp. 467-477. |
Towards Aerospace Grade thin-Ply Composites: Effects of ply thickness, Fibre, Matrix and Interlayer Toughening on Strength and Damage Tolerance |
R. AMACHER, J. CUGNONI, J. BOTSIS,, L. SORENSEN, W. SMITH & C. DRANSFELD Composites Science and Technology, 101, 2014, pp. 121132. |
Thin Ply Composites: An Experimental Characterization of the Size Effect |
G. PAPPAS, L. P. CANAL & J. BOTSIS Composites Part A, 91, 2016, pp. 117–126. |
Characterization of intralaminar mode I fracture of AS4/PPS composite using inverse identification and micromechanics |
E. FARMAND-ASHTIANI, D. ALANIS, J. CUGNONI & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, 119, 2015, pp. 85-92. |
Delamination in cross-ply laminates: Identification of traction-separation relations and cohesive zone modeling |
E. FARMAND-ASHTIANI, J. CUGNONI & J. BOTSIS, Composites Science and Technology, 137, (2016), pp. 52-59. |
Effects of large scale bridging in load controlled fatigue delamination of unidirectional carbon-epoxy specimens |
F. NAYA, G. PAPPAS & J. BOTSIS Composite Structures, 210, 2019, pp. 877–891 |
Micromechanical study on the origin of fiber bridging under interlaminar and intralaminar mode I failure |
E. FARMAND-ASHTIANI, J. CUGNONI & J. BOTSIS, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 55, 2015, pp. 5865. |
Specimen thickness dependence of large scale fiber bridging in mode I interlaminar fracture of carbon epoxy composite |
G. PAPPAS & J. BOTSIS International Journal of Solids and Structures, 85-86, 2016, pp. 114-124. |
Intralaminar fracture of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite: experimental results and numerical analysis |
C. BLONDEAU, G. PAPPAS & J. BOTSIS Composite Structures, 216, 2019, pp. 464–476 |
Influence of ply-angle on fracture in anti-symmetric interfaces of CFRP laminates |
C. BLONDEAU, G. A. PAPPAS, & J. BOTSIS, Composite Structures, 256, 2021, 113002 |
Crack propagation in CFRP laminates under Mode I monotonic and fatigue loads: A methodological study |
B. D. MANSHADI, A. P. VASSILOPOULOS & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, 83, 2013, pp. 32�39. |
A combined experimental/numerical study of the scaling effects on mode-I delamination of GFRP |
G. FROSSARD, J. CUGNONI, T. GMÜR & J. BOTSIS Composites Part A, 91, 2016, pp.1-8. |
Mode I Interlaminar Fracture of Carbon Epoxy Laminates: Effects of Ply Thickness |
G. A. PAPPAS & J BOTSIS International Journal of Solids and Structures, 191-192, 2020 pp. 42-55 |
Variations on R-curves and traction-separation relations in DCB specimens loaded under end opening forces or pure moments |
M. HERRÁEZ, N. PICHLER, G. PAPPAS, C. BLONDEAU & J. BOTSIS Composites Part A, 134, 2020, 105886 |
Experimental and Numerical Modelling on Angle-Ply Laminates under Remote Mode II Loading |
N. PICHLER, M. HERRÁEZ, J. BOTSIS Composites Part B, 197, 2020, 108089 |
Mixed-Mode Fracture Response of Anti-symmetric Laminates: Experiments and Modelling |
M. HERRÁEZ, N. PICHLER & J. BOTSIS Composite Structures, 247, 2020, 112422 |
Improving Delamination Resistance through Tailored Defects |
G. PAPPAS, S. JONCAS, V. MICHAUD & J. BOTSIS Composite Structures, 181, 2017, pp. 379-390 |
The Influence of Through-Thickness Reinforcement Geometry and Pattern on Delamination of Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Part II - Modelling |
G. PAPPAS, S. JONCAS, V. MICHAUD, & J. BOTSIS Composite Structures, 184, 2018, pp 924-934 |
The Influence of Through-Thickness Reinforcement Geometry and Pattern on Delamination of Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Part I - Experimental results |
S. STUTZ, J. CUGNONI & J. BOTSIS Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 71, 2011, pp. 443-449. |
Studies of mode I delamination in monotonic and fatigue loading using FBG wavelength multiplexing |
Other publications
Mechanics of Continuous Media: an Introduction
John BotsisMichel Deville
2018, EPFL Press
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Mécanique des milieux continus Une introduction
2016, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
CH - 1015 Lausanne
3e édition
Presses polytechinques et universitaires romandes, 2012
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Teaching & PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Past EPFL PhD Students
Bergomi Marzio , Borotto Marco , Farmand Ashtiani Ebrahim , Frieden Jeannot , Frossard Guillaume , Galli Matteo , Kohler Sébastien , Lai Marco , Maleki Milad , Nasri Nassima , Pappas Georgios , Piccinini Marco , Rhême Martin , Sivasubramaniam Venkatesh , Stutz Samuel ,Courses
Solid mechanics
Model the behavior of elastic, viscoelastic, and inelastic solids both in the infinitesimal and finite-deformation regimes.