Véronique Michaud

Professeure associée
veronique.michaud@epfl.ch +41 21 693 49 23 https://www.epfl.ch/labs/lpac/
MXH 145 (Bâtiment MXH)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 49 23
+41 21 693 42 85
MXH 145
MXH 145 (Bâtiment MXH)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 49 23
MXH 145
MED 3 1019 (Bâtiment MED)
Station 9
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 49 23
MXH 145
Research:- fundamentals of polymer composite processing
- processing and properties of adaptive composites, including shape memory alloys, optical fibers, shear thickening suspensions and/or self-healing mechanisms.
- Composite materials processing
- Introduction to Materials Science
- Innovation and entrepreneurship in engineering
Background:1994 Habilitation à diriger des recherches ( INPG, France)
1991 PhD in Materials Engineering ( MIT, USA)
1987 Ingénieur Civil des Mines ( Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
Depuis Janvier 2018: Vice-Doyenne de la faculté des ingénieurs, en charge de l
Recent publications
A1. Baris Caglar, William Esposito, Tung Nguyen-Dang, Stella Laperrousaz, Véronique Michaud, Fabien Sorin, Functionalized fiber reinforced composites via thermally drawn multifunctional fiber sensors, in print, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021.A2. Oguzhan Oguz, Nicolas Candau, Adrien Demongeot, Mehmet Kerem Citak, Fatma Nalan Cetin, Grégory Stochlet, Véronique Michaud, Yusuf Z. Menceloglu, Damage Tolerant and Heat Resistant Poly(lactide)/Cellulose Nanocrystal Nanocomposites with Enhanced Melt Elasticity by High-Shear Thermokinetic Mixing, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2020;1–13.A3. A. X. H. Yong, A. Aktas, D. May, A. Endruweit, S. V. Lomov, S. Advani, P. Hubert, S. G. Abaimov, D. Abliz, I. Akhatov, M. A. Ali, S. Allaoui, T. Allen, D. C. Berg, S. Bickerton, B.Caglar, P. Causse, A. Chiminelli, S. Comas-Cardona, M. Danzi, J. Dittmann, C. Dransfeld, P. Ermanni, E. Fauster, A. George, J. Gillibert, Q. Govignon, R. Graupner, V. Grishaev, A. Guilloux, M. A. Kabachi, A.Keller, K. Kind, D. Large, M. Laspalas, O. V. Lebedev, M Lizaranzu, A. C. Long C López, K. Masania, V. Michaud, P. Middendorf, P. Mitschang, S. van Oosterom, R. Schubnel, N. Sharp, P. Sousa, F.Trochu, R. Umer, J. H. Wang, Experimental characterisation of textile compaction response: a benchmark exercise, Comp. A, 142, 106243, (2021).A4. David Vernez, Jonathan Save, Anne Oppliger, Nicolas Concha-Lozano Nancy,Hopf, Hélène Niculita-Hirzel, Grégory Resch, Véronique Michaud, Laurie Dorange-Pattoret, Nicole Charriere, Kiattisak Batsungnoen, Guillaume Suarez, Reusability of filtering facepiece respirators after germicidal UV irradiation, BMJ Global Health, vol5,:e003110, 2020.A5. N. Hostettler, A. Cohades, V. Michaud, Statistical fatigue investigation and failure prediction of a healable composite system, Frontiers in Materials, Front. Mater. 7:561852. doi: 10.3389/fmats.2020.561852 (2020).A6. S.Dalle Vacche, D. Damjanovic, V. Michaud, Y. Leterrier, Interface-dominated time-dependent behaviour of poled poly(vinylidene fluoride - trifluoroethylene)/ barium titanate composites, Materials, 2020, 13, 225 doi:10.3390/ma13010225.A7. Y. Lebaupin, J. Friedli, B. Caglar, M. Piccand, R. Pasquier and V. Michaud, Crushing and intrusion resistance improvement of aluminum beams by carbon/epoxy composite patches, Composite Structures, 226 (2019), 111235. A8. R.V. Siva Prasanna Sanka, Balaji Krishnakumar, Yves Leterrier, Shyam Pandey, Sravendra Rana, Véronique Michaud, Soft Self-healing Nanocomposites, Frontiers in Materials, June 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 137.A9. R.V. Siva Prasanna Sanka, Balaji Krishnakumar, Yves Leterrier, Shyam Pandey, Monika Srivastava, Anurag Srivastava, Wolfgang H. Binder, Sravendra Rana, and Véronique Michaud, Nitrogen-doped graphene stabilized copper nanoparticles for Huisgen [3 2] cycloaddition “click” chemistry, Chemical Communications, 2019, vol 55, 6249.A10. B.Caglar, T. Cekin, F. Karasu, V.Michaud, Assessment of Capillary Phenomena in Liquid Composite Molding, Composites Part A, 120, 2019, pp. 73-83.A11. D. Salvatori, B. Caglar, V. Michaud, 3D Spacers Enhance Flow Kinetics in Resin Transfer Molding with Woven Fabrics, Composites part A, 119, (2019) pp. 206-216.A12. F.Sordo, E.R. Janecek, Y. Qu V. Michaud, F. Stellacci, J.Engman, T.J. Wooster, F.Sorin, Micro-structured fibers for the production of food, Advanced Materials, 1807282 (1 of 10), 2019.R1. A. Cohades, V. Michaud "Shape memory alloys in fibre-reinforced polymer composites", Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research, 1, 2018, pp.66-81.
R2. Amaël Cohades, Callum Branfoot, Steven Rae, Ian Bond, Véronique Michaud, Progress in Self-healing Fiber reinforced Polymer Composites, invited Progress report, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201800177.
R3. V. Michaud, A review of non-saturated resin flow in Liquid Composite Molding Processes, Transport in porous media, 115(3), 581-601, DOI: 10.1007/s11242-016-0629-7, 2016.
Enseignement & Phd
Materials Science and Engineering