Marco Cantoni

photo placeholder image +41 21 693 48 16

Nationalité:  Swiss

Date de naissance:  06.08.1963

MXC 132 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

Web site:   Site web:

MXC 132 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

MXC 132 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

MXC 132 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

Web site:   Site web:

MXC 132 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

Web site:   Site web:

Données administratives


Publications Infoscience

Enseignement & Phd


Materials Science and Engineering


A dirigé les thèses EPFL de

Bazzoni Amélie , Burdet Pierre , Nabiei Farhang ,


Introduction à la microscopie TP

Ce cours d'introduction à la microscopie a pour but de donner un apperçu des différentes techniques d'analyse de la microstructure et de la composition des matériaux, en particulier celles liées aux microscopies électronique et optique. Le cours comprend des cours ainsi que des démonstrations.

Scanning electron microscopy techniques (a)

This intensive course is intended for researchers who are potential new users of scanning electron microscopes. It will provide them with a basic understanding of the instruments, optics of SEM, the imaging modes, the associated analytical techniques EDS and EBSD, related theories of image formation.

Demonstrations will be given on the microscopes.

2x Year Spri

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction (a)

This course is for potential new users of transmission electron microscopes for study of materials samples. It will give them a basic understanding of the instruments, sample requirements, optics of TEM, electron diffraction, the imaging modes, high-resolution TEM, and theories of image formation.

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction (b)

This course is for potential new users of transmission electron microscopes for study of materials samples. It will give them a basic understanding of the instruments, sample requirements, optics of TEM, electron diffraction, the imaging modes, high-resolution TEM, and theories of image formation.

3D Electron Microscopy and FIB-Nanotomography

Physics of the different signals generated by electron beams and focused ion beams.
  • Underlying physical principles for the acquisition of data sets for 3D reconstruction: interaction volumes, voxel (3 dimensional "pixel") size, mechanical stability issues for successful recon-struction.
  • surface reconstruction (SEM), serial (parallel) sectioning (SEM/FIB and TEM),

Scanning and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy

This intensive course is intended for researchers who are potential new users of transmission electron microscopes and have followed the introductory doctoral course on TEM or have already a good background in conventional transmission electron microscopy. It will provide them with a basic understanding of the methods, relying on an explanation of the physics at play.


Experimental methods in physics

Ce cours a deux objectifs: L'apprentissage de plusieurs méthodes expérimentales modernes, et la lecture critique des articles de physique expérimentale