Mohamed Farhat

+41 21 693 50 86
AU -3 9004 (Aula des Cèdres - sous-sol)
Av. de Cour 33bis
1007 Lausanne
+41 21 693 50 86
AU -3 9004
Fields of expertise
- Flow Induced Noise & Vibration
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Flow control
- Flow instabilities in hydro turbines and pumps
- Condition monitoring of Hydraulic Machines
- Hemodynamics
- Advanced Instrumentation in Fluid Dynamics
Head of Research Group on Cavitation and Interface PhenomenaPhD Director, Lecturer
Member of EPFL Doctoral Committee (Mechanics)
EPFL Representative at CLUSER association
Coordinator at "Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF)"
M. Farhat earned his Master's degree in mechanical engineering from Institut Nationale Polytechnique de Grenoble (France) and completed his PhD at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland). In 1995, he joined Hydro-Quebec's R&D department in Montréal, Canada, where he oversaw numerous research projects pertaining to hydro and nuclear power plants. Since 2001, he is senior scientist, lecturer, and head of Cavitation Research Group at EPFL. His research combines fundamental approach and cutting-edge experimentation to tackle practical challenges across hydropower, marine propulsion, healthcare, and water management sectors. In 2019, he was appointed as Honorary Professor at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang, China.Awards
2021 : Life Sciences Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics : Preparation of Space Experiments, lntechOpen, London. United Kingdom, 2020
2019 : 1st Prize Winner of Scientific Image Contest : awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
2020 : EPFL-Rhyming Prize : Best PhD thesis in Fluid Mechanics (Ali Amini)
2018 : EPFL-EDME Prize : Prize for the best Best PhD thesis in Mechanics (Outi Supponen)
2015 : Edmund Optics Educational Award. : Innovative use of optics in education and research.
2014 : APS-DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award : For the video entry “Inner world of a collapsing bubble”
Infoscience publications
Farhat's Publications
An innovative method of pressure measurement inside a laser-induced cavitation bubble
Physics Of Fluids. 2024. DOI : 10.1063/5.0206640.BIMBAMBUM: A potential flow solver for single cavitation bubble dynamics
Computer Physics Communications. 2024. DOI : 10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109150.Vapor compression and energy dissipation in a collapsing laser-induced bubble
Physics Of Fluids. 2024. DOI : 10.1063/5.0200361.2023
Ex uno plures: how to construct high-speed movies of collapsing cavitation bubbles from a single image
Experiments In Fluids. 2023. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-023-03732-6.Vortex shedding from a composite hydrofoil: Experimental evidence of a novel "partial lock-in"
Physics Of Fluids. 2023. DOI : 10.1063/5.0184582.Plasma-based identification of gases in a laser-induced cavitation bubble
Applied Physics Letters. 2023. DOI : 10.1063/5.0164732.Near-wall hemodynamic parameters quantification in in vitro intracranial aneurysms with 7 T PC-MRI
Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics Biology And Medicine. 2023. DOI : 10.1007/s10334-023-01082-2.Numerical study on the scale effect of tip vortex cavitation induced by incoming velocities and scale ratios
Ocean Engineering. 2023. DOI : 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114544.Cavitation bubble dynamics and microjet atomization near tissue-mimicking materials
Physics Of Fluids. 2023. DOI : 10.1063/5.0136577.Onset of Flow Separation Phenomenon in a Low-Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump Impeller
Journal Of Fluids Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme. 2023. DOI : 10.1115/1.4056213.Perfluorocarbon emulsion enhances MR-ARFI displacement and temperature in vitro: Evaluating the response with MRI, NMR, and hydrophone
Frontiers In Oncology. 2023. DOI : 10.3389/fonc.2022.1025481.The influence of the gas on the dynamics of cavitation bubbles
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10699.Interactions of Cavitation Bubbles with Deformable Interfaces
Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-10369.2022
Dynamics of cavitation bubbles near granular boundaries
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022. DOI : 10.1017/jfm.2022.698.Observation of the Formation of Multiple Shock Waves at the Collapse of Cavitation Bubbles for Improvement of Energy Convergence
Energies. 2022. DOI : 10.3390/en15072305.2021
On the numerical simulation of a confined cavitating tip leakage vortex under geometrical and operational uncertainties
Computers & Fluids. 2021. DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104881.A review of cavitation in tip-leakage flow and its control
Journal Of Hydrodynamics. 2021. DOI : 10.1007/s42241-021-0022-z.A new Euler-Lagrangian cavitation model for tip-vortex cavitation with the effect of non-condensable gas
International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2021. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103441.Effect of the winglet on reduction of blade tip vortex from elliptical hydrofoil
2021. 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR), ELECTR NETWORK, Mar 21-26, 2021. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012054.2020
Suppressing tip-leakage vortex cavitation by overhanging grooves
Experiments In Fluids. 2020. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-020-02996-6.Hydrodynamic mechanisms of aggressive collapse events in leading edge cavitation
Journal Of Hydrodynamics. 2020. DOI : 10.1007/s42241-020-0002-8.Large eddy simulation of the tip-leakage cavitating flow with an insight on how cavitation influences vorticity and turbulence
Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020. DOI : 10.1016/j.apm.2019.08.005.Physical Mechanism and Flow Control of Tip Vortex Cavitation
Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-8010.2019
Gravity-Independent Oscillate Boiling
Microgravity Science And Technology. 2019. DOI : 10.1007/s12217-019-09708-8.Mitigating tip vortex cavitation by a flexible trailing thread
Physics Of Fluids. 2019. DOI : 10.1063/1.5126376.How Flow Reduction Influences the Intracranial Aneurysm Occlusion: A Prospective 4D Phase-Contrast MRI Study
American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2019. DOI : 10.3174/ajnr.A6312.Suppressing tip vortex cavitation by winglets
Experiments In Fluids. 2019. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-019-2809-z.Numerical and experimental investigation of shedding mechanisms from leading-edge cavitation
International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2019. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.06.010.LES investigation of the influence of cavitation on flow patterns in a confined tip-leakage flow
Ocean Engineering. 2019. DOI : 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106115.On the physical mechanism of tip vortex cavitation hysteresis
Experiments In Fluids. 2019. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-019-2762-x.Cavitation induction by projectile impacting on a water jet
International Journal Of Multiphase Flow. 2019. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.03.001.Detailed experiments on weakly deformed cavitation bubbles
Experiments In Fluids. 2019. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-019-2679-4.On the hysteresis of cavitation incipience and desinence in hydraulic machines
2019. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR), Kyoto, JAPAN, Sep 16-21, 2018. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/240/6/062060.High-speed imaging of high pressures produced by cavitation bubbles
2019. 32nd International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics (ICHSIP), Enschede, NETHERLANDS, Oct 08-12, 2018. DOI : 10.1117/12.2523259.Neurovascular stent artifacts in 3D-TOF and 3D-PCMRI: Influence of stent design on flow measurement
Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. 2019. DOI : 10.1002/mrm.27352.Roll-up region of tip vortex: numerical investigation
2019. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR), Kyoto, JAPAN, Sep 16-21, 2018. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/240/7/072027.2018
Jetting from cavitation bubbles due to multiple shockwaves
Applied Physics Letters. 2018. DOI : 10.1063/1.5060645.Rebounds of deformed cavitation bubbles
Physical Review Fluids. 2018. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.103604.RANS computations of a confined cavitating tip-leakage vortex
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 2018. DOI : 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2017.09.004.3D phase contrast MRI: Partial volume correction for robust blood flow quantification in small intracranial vessels
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2018. DOI : 10.1002/mrm.26637.2017
Luminescence from cavitation bubbles deformed in uniform pressure gradients
Physical Review E. 2017. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.033114.Shock waves from nonspherical cavitation bubbles
Physical Review Fluids. 2017. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.093601.Collapse phenomena of deformed cavitation bubbles
EPFL, 2017. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-8089.2016
Virtual-versus-Real Implantation of Flow Diverters: Clinical Potential and Influence of Vascular Geometry
American Journal Of Neuroradiology. 2016. DOI : 10.3174/ajnr.A4845.Numerical simulation of a collapsing bubble subject to gravity
Physics Of Fluids. 2016. DOI : 10.1063/1.4944561.Signal analysis of an actively generated cavitation bubble in pressurized pipes for detection of wall stiffness drops
Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2016. DOI : 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2016.05.009.Computational fluid dynamics with stents: quantitative comparison with particle image velocimetry for three commercial off the shelf intracranial stents
Journal Of Neurointerventional Surgery. 2016. DOI : 10.1136/neurintsurg-2014-011468.Experimental mode shape determination of a cantilevered hydrofoil under different flow conditions
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2016. DOI : 10.1177/0954406215614335.Geometrical deployment for braided stent
Medical Image Analysis. 2016. DOI : 10.1016/ of bubble expansion and collapse in the vicinity of a free surface
Physics Of Fluids. 2016. DOI : 10.1063/1.4949354.Scaling laws for jets of single cavitation bubbles
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2016. DOI : 10.1017/jfm.2016.463.2015
RANS and LES computations of the tip-leakage vortex for different gap widths
Journal Of Turbulence. 2015. DOI : 10.1080/14685248.2014.984068.Detailed Jet Dynamics in a Collapsing Bubble
2015. 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2015). DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/656/1/012038.Mind The Gap : Tip Leakage Vortex Dynamics and Cavitation in Axial Turbines
Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6611.Review of parameters influencing the structural response of a submerged body under cavitation conditions
2015. 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV), Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, DEC 06-10, 2015. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/656/1/012150.The inner world of a collapsing bubble
Physics Of Fluids. 2015. DOI : 10.1063/1.4931098.RANS computations of tip vortex cavitation
2015. 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV), Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, DEC 06-10, 2015. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/656/1/012183.Hemodynamic transition driven by stent porosity in sidewall aneurysms
Journal Of Biomechanics. 2015. DOI : 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.02.020.Radial Shock Wave Devices Generate Cavitation
Plos One. 2015. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0140541.2014
Non-intrusive detection of rotating stall in pump-turbines
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2014. DOI : 10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.03.007.Mind the gap - tip leakage vortex in axial turbines
2014. 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR), Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 22-26, 2014. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/22/5/052023.Comminution limit (CL) of particles and possible implications for pumped storage reservoirs
Journal of Materials Science. 2014. DOI : 10.1007/s10853-014-8089-3.Experimental Investigation of Pressure Fluctuations in a High-Energy Centrifugal Pump Stage at Off-Design Conditions
2014. 12th European Fluid Machinery Congress, Edinburgh, UK, October 6-7, 2014.Multi-time-lag PIV analysis of steady and pulsatile flows in a sidewall aneurysm
Experiments in Fluids. 2014. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-014-1746-0.The detection of cavitation in hydraulic machines by use of ultrasonic signal analysis
2014. 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Montréal, Canada, September 22-26, 2014. p. 1 - 10.Particle Imaging Velocimetry Evaluation of Intracranial Stents in Sidewall Aneurysm: Hemodynamic Transition Related to the Stent Design
Plos One. 2014. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0113762.Effect of trailing edge shape on hydrodynamic damping for a hydrofoil
Journal Of Fluids And Structures. 2014. DOI : 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.09.003.Obstacle-induced spiral vortex breakdown
Experiments in Fluids. 2014. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-014-1784-7.Mind the gap: a new insight into the tip leakage vortex using stereo-PIV
Experiments in Fluids. 2014. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-014-1849-7.Boundary layer effects on the vortex shedding in a Donaldson-type hydrofoil
2014. 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Montréal, Canada, September 22-26, 2014. p. 1 - 6.Numerical and experimental study of a nearby solid boundary and partial submergence effects on hydrofoil added mass
Computers & Fluids. 2014. DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2013.12.003.Surface wave dynamics in orbital shaken cylindrical containers
Physics of Fluids. 2014. DOI : 10.1063/1.4874612.2013
The quest for the most spherical bubble: experimental setup and data overview
Experiments in Fluids. 2013. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-013-1503-9.A self-assembled three-dimensional cloak in the visible
Scientific Reports. 2013. DOI : 10.1038/srep02328.Evidence for hydrogen generation in laser- or spark-induced cavitation bubbles
Applied Physics Letters. 2013. DOI : 10.1063/1.4793193.The effect of pressure gradient on the collapse of cavitation bubbles in normal and reduced gravity
EPFL, 2013. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5674.Hydrodynamics of orbital shaken bioreactors
Lausanne, EPFL, 2013. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5759.Experimental investigation of added mass effects on a hydrofoil under cavitation conditions
Journal Of Fluids And Structures. 2013. DOI : 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2013.01.008.2012
The Effects of a Tripped Turbulent Boundary Layer on Vortex Shedding from a Blunt Trailing Edge Hydrofoil
Journal Of Fluids Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme. 2012. DOI : 10.1115/1.4006700.Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode
Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5373.Fluid-Structure Coupling Effects on the Dynamic Response of Pump-Turbine Guide Vanes
Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5455.Non-Intrusive Detection of Rotating-Stall Occurring in the Turbine Quadrant of Francis-Type Pump-Turbines
EAFIT University, 2012.Effect of Hydrofoil Trailing Edge Geometry on the Wake Dynamics
Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-5218.Energy partition at the collapse of spherical cavitation bubbles
Physical Review E. 2012. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.046315.Analysis of the dynamic response of pump-turbine runners- Part I: Experiment
2012. 26th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Beijing, China, August 19–23, 2012. p. 1 - 8.Analytical approximations for the collapse of an empty spherical bubble
Physical Review E. 2012. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.066303.How oblique trailing edge of a hydrofoil reduces the vortex-induced vibration
Journal Of Fluids And Structures. 2012. DOI : 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2011.12.003.Cavitation in impacted drops and jets and the effect on erosion damage thresholds
Wear. 2012. DOI : 10.1016/j.wear.2012.03.006.2011
Bubbles in drops: from cavitation to exploding stars
2011. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 20–22, 2011.Universal Scaling Law for Jets of Collapsing Bubbles
Physical Review Letters. 2011. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.204501.Hydrodynamic stress in orbitally shaken bioreactors
2011. DOI : 10.1186/1753-6561-5-S8-P39.Influence of the Pump-Turbine Guide Vanes Vibrations on the Pressure Fluctuations in the Rotor-Stator Vaneless Gap
2011. 4th IAHR International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Belgrade, Serbia, October 26-28, 2011.Efficient and reproducible mammalian cell bioprocesses without probes and controllers?
New biotechnology. 2011. DOI : 10.1016/j.nbt.2011.02.004.Effect of Guide Vanes Cascade Vibrations on Pressure Mode Shape Arising from Rotor-Stator Interaction in Hydraulic Pump-Turbines
2011The most spherical cavitation bubble
2011. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 20-22, 2011.Confined shocks inside isolated liquid volumes: A new path of erosion?
Physics of Fluids. 2011. DOI : 10.1063/1.3647583.Experimental Evidence of Rotating Stall in a Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode
Transactions- American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2011. DOI : 10.1115/1.4004088.Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode: Experimental Investigation
2011. SHF Conference on Cavitation and Hydraulic Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 26-27, 2011.Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Operating Conditions: Numerical Simulation
2011. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 - 7th International Symposium on Pumping Machinery, Hamamatsu, Japan, July 24-29, 2011. p. 495 - 506. DOI : 10.1115/AJK2011-06090.2010
High-speed flow visualization in a pump-turbine under off-design operating conditions
2010. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, September 20-24, 2010. p. 1 - 9. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012059.Hydrodynamics of High Specific Power Pumps for Off-Design Operating Conditions
Lausanne, EPFL, 2010. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4642.L'Hydroptère: A story of a dream
2010. 21st HISWA International Symposium on Yacht Design and Yacht Construction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 15-16, 2010.Modal behavior of a reduced scale pump-turbine impeller. Part 1: Experiments
2010. 25th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timişoara, Romania, September 20-24, 2010. p. 1 - 9. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012116.Luminescence from hydrodynamic cavitation
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2010. DOI : 10.1098/rspa.2010.0134.Experimental investigation of the vortex shedding dynamic in the wake of oblique and blunt trailing edge hydrofoils using PIV-POD method
2010. 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions and Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise, Montreal, Canada, August 1-5, 2010. p. 149 - 154. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30758.Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine under Off-Design Operating Conditions in Generating Mode
2010. 1st EPFL Doctoral Conference in Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 19, 2010. p. 111 - 114.Fluid-Structure Coupling in the Guide Vanes Cascade of a Pump-Turbine Scale Model
2010. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Roumania, September 20-24, 2010. p. 1 - 10. DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012074.Fluid-structure coupling for an oscillating hydrofoil
Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2010. DOI : 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2010.07.002.Advanced Instrumentation for Measuring Fluid-Structure Coupling Phenomena in the Guide Vanes Cascade of a Pump-Turbine Scale Model
2010. ASME 2010 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, and Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise, Montreal, Québec, Canada, 1-5 August, 2010. p. 585 - 597. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30693.Determination of a scale-up factor from mixing time studies in orbitally shaken bioreactors
2010. 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN HIGH PERFORMANCE SAILING YACHTS (Innov'Sail), Lorient, France, June 30 - 1st July 1st, 2010.Laser-induced cavitation bubble collapsing in the vicinity of the leading edge of a hydrofoil
2010. 1st EPFL Doctoral Conference in Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 19, 2010. p. 121 - 124.2009
Techniques for generating centimetric drops in microgravity and application to cavitation studies
Experiments in Fluids. 2009. DOI : 10.1007/s00348-009-0610-0.Hydrodynamic Damping Identification from an Impulse Response of a Vibrating Blade
2009. 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno, October 14-16, 2009. p. 253 - 260.Effect of Flow Diverter Porosity on Intra-aneurysmal Blood Flow
Clinical Neuroradiology. 2009. DOI : 10.1007/s00062-009-9005-0.Vortex shedding from blunt and oblique trailing edge hydrofoils
2009. 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno, October 14-16, 2009. p. 245 - 252.Turbulent vortex shedding from a blunt trailing edge hydrofoil
Lausanne, EPFL, 2009. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-4475.Experimental investigation of a pump-turbine at off-design operating conditions
2009. 3rd International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno, Czech Republic, October 14-16, 2009. p. 339 - 347.Dynamic of cavitation bubble in a flowing liquid with a pressure gradient
2009. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, November 22-24, 2009.Experimental Investigation of Flow Instabilities and Rotating Stall in a High-Energy Centrifugal Pump Stage
2009. FEDSM 2009, Vail, Colorado, August 2 to 6, 2009. p. 505 - 513. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2009-78562.Methodologies to assess blood flow in cerebral aneurysms: Current state of research and perspectives
Journal of neuroradiology. Journal de neuroradiologie. 2009. DOI : 10.1016/j.neurad.2009.03.001.2008
CFD validation of pressure fluctuations in a pump turbine
2008. HYDRO 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008.Hydro Elastic Behavior of Vibrating Blades
2008. 24th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, October 27-31, 2008.One-Dimensional Analysis of Full Load Draft Tube Surge
Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2008. DOI : 10.1115/1.2903475.One-dimensional analysis of full load draft tube surge
2008. 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Diego, California USA, July 30-August 2, 2007. p. 391 - 396. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2007-37304.Cavitation Bubbles inside Spherical Water Drops in Microgravity
2008. Cavitation: Turbo-machinery & Medical Applications WIMRC FORUM, Warwick University, UK, July 7-9 2008.One-dimensional analysis of full load draft tube surge
2008. 24th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, October 27-31, 2008. p. 1 - 12.2007
Dynamics and Intensity of Erosive Partial Cavitation
Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2007. DOI : 10.1115/1.2742748.Cavitation in Kármán Vortex Shedding from 2D Hydrofoil: Wall Roughness effects
2007. 5th ASME JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, July 30-August 2, 2007. p. 489 - 495. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2007-37562.Numerical simulation of fluid added mass effect on a francis turbine runner
Computers & Fluids. 2007. DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2006.08.007.On Cavitation Bubbles and Their Interaction With a Free Surface
2nd IAHR International Meeting on cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, October 24-26, 2007.2D Oscillating Hydrofoil
2007. 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, 24-26 October 2007.Cavitation Influence on Kármán Vortex Shedding and Induced Hydrofoil Vibrations
Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2007. DOI : 10.1115/1.2746907.Direct effects of gravity on cavitation bubble collapse
2007. 58th International Astronautical Congress IAC, 2007.High Speed Flow Visualisation of an Impinging Jet on a Pelton Turbine Bucket
2007. 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 30-August 2 , 2007. p. 165 - 168. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2007-37628.Hydrodynamics of the free surface flow in Pelton turbine buckets
Lausanne, EPFL, 2007. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3715.Cavitation bubble behavior inside a liquid jet
Physics of Fluids. 2007. DOI : 10.1063/1.2744402.Unsteady CFD Prediction of von Kármán Vortex Shedding in Hydraulic Turbine Stay Vanes
2007. Hydro 2007, Granada, Spain, 15-17 October 2007.Rotor-Stator Interaction Induced Pressure Fluctuations: CFD and Hydroacoustic Simulations in the Stationary Components of a Multistage Centrifugal Pump
2007. FEDSM 2007, San Diego, July 30 - August 2, 2007.Hydrofoil Roughness Effects on von Kármán Vortex Shedding
2007. 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, October 24 - 26, 2007.2006
Cavitation Bubble Dynamics inside Liquid Drops in Microgravity
Physical Review Letters. 2006. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.094502.Effect of cavitation on the structure of the boundary layer in the wake of a partial cavity
2006. Sixth International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2006), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2006.Pump-Turbine Rotor-Stator Interactions in Generating Mode: Pressure Fluctuation in Distributor Channel
2006. 23rd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Yokohama, Japan, October 17- 21, 2006. p. 1 - 10.Flow in a Pelton Turbine Bucket: Numerical and Experimental Investigations
Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2006. DOI : 10.1115/1.2170120.Cavitation monitoring of hydroturbines: tests in a Francis turbine model
2006. Sixth International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2006), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2006.Secondary Cavitation and Shockwaves in Isolated Volumes
2006. 57th International Astronautical Congress IAC, Valencia, Spain, 2006.Microgravity Experiment: Cavitation Studies Inside Water Drops
57th International Astronautical Congress IAC, Valencia, Spain, 2006.Interaction of a cavitation bubble with a spherical free surface
2006. Sixth International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2006), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 11-15 September 2006.Etude physique de l'apparition et du développement de la cavitation sur une aube isolée
Lausanne, EPFL, 2006. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3574.Kármán vortex shedding in the wake of a 2D hydrofoil: Measurement and numerical simulation
2006. IAHR Int. Meeting of WG on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Barcelona, 28-30 June 2006.On the Dynamic of Cavitation Bubbles and Their Interaction with Solid and Free Surfaces
2006. Sixth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (invited paper), Chofu,Tokyo, October 26-27, 2006.Detection of cavitation in hydraulic turbines
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2006. DOI : 10.1016/j.ymssp.2004.08.006.Cavitation in Kármán Vortices and Flow Induced Vibrations
2006. International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 11-15 September 2006.2005
Physical modelling of leading edge cavitation : computational methodologies and application to hydraulic machinery
Lausanne, EPFL, 2005. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-3353.Water drops and cavitation bubbles in microgravity
2005. 56th International Astronautical Congress IAC, Fukuoka, Japan, 2005.Cavitation effects on fluid-structure interaction in the case of a 2D hydrofoil
2005. 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Houston, TX, June 19-23, 2005. p. 617 - 622. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2005-77477.CFD prediction of unsteady wicket gate-runner interaction in Francis turbines: A new standard hydraulic design procedure
2005. HYDRO 2005 International Conference and Exhibition, Villach, Austria, 17-20 October 2005.2004
Experimental and Numerical Cavitation Flow Analysis of an Industrial Inducer
2004. 22nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29 – July 2, 2004. p. 1 - 10.Validation of Bucket Flow Simulation using Dynamic Pressure Measurements
2004. 22nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29 – July 2, 2004. p. 1 - 8.Cavitation Erosion Prediction in Hydro Turbines from Onboard Vibrations
2004. 22nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29 – July 2, 2004. p. 1 - 10.Numerical Flow Analysis in a Pelton Turbine Bucket
2004. 22nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29 – July 2, 2004. p. 1 - 13.2003
Cavitation Erosion Tests on a 2D Hydrofoil using surface-mounted Obstacles
Wear. 2003. DOI : 10.1016/S0043-1648(03)00261-8.Physical Modelling and Simulation of Leading Edge Cavitation : Application to an Industrial Inducer
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Mechanical Engineering