Domaines de compétences
- Services d'information bibliothécaire - Gestion des données de recherche scientifique - Administration système (Unix, Mac OSX et MS Windows) - Modélisation moléculaire, en particulier simulations de dynamique moléculaire classique et théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité appliquées aux complexes de métaux de transition - Résonance paramagnétique électronique - Programmation (Python, Javascript, C, Fortran, Unix shell, Matlab)
Publications Infoscience
2024 The Zenodo communities: visibility and FAIRness of your dataset. Example at the EPFL A. Borel
Love Data Week 2024 , [online] , 14.02.2024 . 2023 A research data files & folders naming convention for the impatient A. Borel
2023 2022 README file for datasets - Best practices and template F. Varrato ; A. Borel ; C. Gabella
2022 2020 EPFL Library Publishing Support Fastguides B. Marselli ; A. Hunziker ; M. Platon ; M. Velasco ; A. Borel
et al.
Open Access Week 2020 , Lausanne, Switzerland , 19-26.10.2019 . 2019 RDM Walkthrough Guide F. Varrato ; A. Borel
2019 2013 Infoscience, EPFL's institutional repository: facts and prospects P. Devaud ; A. Borel
Open Access: Authors, publishers, investors and institutions for the dissemination of the scientific research's results , Lausanne , October 24, 2013 . ChemCalc: a building block for tomorrow’s chemical infrastructure L. Patiny ; A. Borel
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling . 2013 . Vol. 53 , num. 5 , p. 1223 - 1228. DOI : 10.1021/ci300563h. 2012 Computer-aided Universal Decimal Classification A. Borel
European Library Automation Group Conference 2012 , Palma de Mallorca, Spain , May 14-18, 2012 . Electronic fine structure calculation of [Gd(DOTA)(H2O)]- using LF-DFT: The zero field splitting F. Senn ; L. Helm ; A. Borel ; C. A. Daul
Comptes Rendus Chimie . 2012 . Vol. 15 , num. 2-3 , p. 250 - 254. DOI : 10.1016/j.crci.2011.10.008. DRM et bibliothèques A. Borel
Flash informatique . 2012 . num. spécial été , p. 13 - 14. 2011 MarcXimiL : near duplicates detection (and similarity analysis) J. Krause ; A. Borel
CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI7) , Geneva , June 22-24, 2011 . MarcXimiL - A deduplication tool for library records... and more A. Borel
European Library Automation Group Conference 2011 , Prague, Czech Republic , May 24-27, 2011 . Be realistic, demand the impossible: Comparison of 4 discovery tools using real data at the EPFL Library D. Aymonin ; A. Borel ; R. Grolimund ; T. Guignard ; G. Iffland
et al.
2011 2009 Development of a flexible tool for the automatic comparison of bibliographic records. Application to sample collections - Développement d'un logiciel flexible pour la comparaison de notices bibliographiques et application à différentes collections A. Borel ; J. Krause
2009 A ruthenium-based metallostar: synthesis, sensitized luminescence and 1H relaxivity L. Moriggi ; A. Aebischer ; C. Cannizzo ; A. Sour ; A. Borel
et al.
Dalton Transactions . 2009 . num. 12 , p. 2088 - 2095. DOI : 10.1039/b818599a. Site Selective Functionalization of Fluorinated Nitrogen Heterocycles M. Schlosser ; A. Borel ; L. Patiny
Fluorinated Heterocycles ; Washington, DC : American Chemical Society , 2009. p. 23 - 37. Multiple Frequency and Variable Temperature EPR study of Gd(III) polyaminocarboxylates: analysis and comparison of the magnetically dilute powder and the frozen solution spectra M. Benmelouka ; J. Van Tol ; A. Borel ; S. Nellutla ; M. Port
et al.
Helvetica Chimica Acta . 2009 . Vol. 92 , p. 2173 - 2185. DOI : 10.1002/hlca.200900117. 2008 Towards the Rational Design of MRI Contrast Agents: Electron Spin Relaxation Is Largely Unaffected by the Coordination Geometry of Gadolinium(III)-DOTA-Type Complexes A. Borel ; J. F. Bean ; R. B. Clarkson ; L. Helm ; L. Moriggi
et al.
Chemistry - A European Journal . 2008 . Vol. 14 , num. 9 , p. 2658 - 2667. DOI : 10.1002/chem.200701747. 2007 Multiple-frequency EPR spectra of two aqueous Gd3+ polyaminopolypyridinecarboxylate complexes: a study of high field effects A. Borel ; S. Laus ; A. Ozarowski ; C. Gateau ; A. Nonat
et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A . 2007 . Vol. 111 , num. 25 , p. 5399 - 5407. DOI : 10.1021/jp066921z. Design of Gd(III)-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents: Static and Transient Zero-Field Splitting Contributions to the Electronic Relaxation and Their Impact on Relaxivity M. Benmelouka ; A. Borel ; L. Moriggi ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
Journal of Physical Chemistry B . 2007 . Vol. 111 , num. 4 , p. 832 - 840. DOI : 10.1021/jp0633289. Stochastic Liouville equation treatment of the electron paramagnetic resonance line shape of an S-state ion in solution A. Borel ; R. B. Clarkson ; R. L. Belford
The Journal of Chemical Physics . 2007 . Vol. 126 , num. 5 , p. 054510/1 - 054510/11. DOI : 10.1063/1.2433947. 2006 Multiplets of free d- and f-metal ions: A systematic DFT study A. Borel ; C. A. Daul
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM . 2006 . Vol. 762 , num. 1-3 , p. 93 - 107. DOI : 10.1016/j.theochem.2005.09.023. A High-Frequency EPR Study of Frozen Solutions of Gd(III) Complexes: Straightforward Determination of the Zero-Field Splitting Parameters and Simulation of the NMRD Profiles M. Benmelouka ; J. Van Tol ; A. Borel ; M. Port ; L. Helm
et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society . 2006 . Vol. 128 , num. 24 , p. 7807 - 7816. DOI : 10.1021/ja0583261. A Starburst-Shaped Heterometallic Compound Incorporating Six Densely Packed Gd3+ Ions J. B. Livramento ; A. Sour ; A. Borel ; A. E. Merbach ; É. Tóth
Chemistry - A European Journal . 2006 . Vol. 12 , num. 4 , p. 989 - 1003. DOI : 10.1002/chem.200500969. Variable Temperature and EPR Frequency Study of Two Aqueous Gd(III) Complexes with Unprecedented Sharp Lines A. Borel ; H. Kang ; C. Gateau ; M. Mazzanti ; R. B. Clarkson
et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A . 2006 . Vol. 110 , num. 45 , p. 12434 - 12438. DOI : 10.1021/jp065445+. A Theoretical Characterization of Covalency in Rare Earth Complexes through Their Absorption Electronic Properties: f-f Transitions L. Petit ; A. Borel ; C. Daul ; P. Maldivi ; C. Adamo
Inorganic Chemistry . 2006 . Vol. 45 , num. 18 , p. 7382 - 7388. DOI : 10.1021/ic060149x. 2005 Water-Soluble Gadofullerenes: Toward High-Relaxivity, pH-Responsive MRI Contrast Agents É. Tóth ; R. D. Bolskar ; A. Borel ; G. González ; L. Helm
et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society . 2005 . Vol. 127 , num. 2 , p. 799 - 805. DOI : 10.1021/ja044688h. The effect of pyridinecarboxylate chelating groups on the stability and electronic relaxation of gadolinium complexes N. Chatterton ; C. Gateau ; M. Mazzanti ; J. Pécaut ; A. Borel
et al.
Dalton Transactions . 2005 . Vol. 6 , p. 1129 - 1135. DOI : 10.1039/b416150e. High Relaxivity Confined to a Small Molecular Space: A Metallostar-Based, Potential MRI Contrast Agent J. B. Livramento ; É. Tóth ; A. Sour ; A. Borel ; A. E. Merbach
et al.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition . 2005 . Vol. 44 , num. 10 , p. 1480 - 1484. DOI : 10.1002/anie.200461875. 2004 Molecular dynamics simulations of the internal mobility of Gd3+-based MRI contrast agents: consequences for water proton relaxivity A. Borel ; F. Yerly ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
CHIMIA . 2004 . Vol. 58 , num. 4 , p. 200 - 203. DOI : 10.2533/000942904777678055. Hybrid ligand-field theory/quantum chemical calculation of the fine structure and ZFS in lanthanide(III) complexes A. Borel ; L. Helm ; C. A. E. Daul
Chemical Physics Letters . 2004 . Vol. 383 , num. 5,6 , p. 584 - 591. DOI : 10.1016/j.cplett.2003.11.082. Molecular dynamics of Gd(III) complexes in aqueous solution by HF EPR A. Borel ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR ; New York : Plenum Press , 2004. p. 207 - 247. 2003 MD simulations of acyclic and macrocyclic Gd3+-based MRI contrast agents: Influence of the internal mobility on water proton relaxivity F. Yerly ; A. Borel ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
Chemistry - A European Journal . 2003 . Vol. 9 , num. 22 , p. 5468 - 5480. DOI : 10.1002/chem.200305175. 2002 T1e in Four Gd3+ Chelates: LODEPR Measurements and Models for Electron Spin Relaxation A. Borel ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach ; V. A. Atsarkin ; V. V. Demidov
et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A . 2002 . Vol. 106 , num. 26 , p. 6229 - 6231. DOI : 10.1021/jp0203752. Gd(III) based MRI contrast agents: improved physical meaning in a combined analysis of EPR and NMR data? F. A. Dunand ; A. Borel ; L. Helm
Inorganic Chemistry Communications . 2002 . Vol. 5 , num. 10 , p. 811 - 815. DOI : 10.1016/S1387-7003(02)00575-0. How Does Internal Motion Influence the Relaxation of the Water Protons in LnIIIDOTA-like Complexes? F. A. Dunand ; A. Borel ; A. E. Merbach
Journal of the American Chemical Society . 2002 . Vol. 124 , num. 4 , p. 710 - 716. DOI : 10.1021/ja016873q. Multiexponential Electronic Spin Relaxation and Redfield's Limit in Gd(III) Complexes in Solution: Consequences for 17O/1H NMR and EPR Simultaneous Analysis A. Borel ; F. Yerly ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
Journal of the American Chemical Society . 2002 . Vol. 124 , num. 9 , p. 2042 - 2048. DOI : 10.1021/ja016919f. 2001 EPR Spectroscopy of MRI-Related Gd(III) Complexes: Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Frequency and Temperature Spectra, Including Static and Transient Crystal Field Effects S. Rast ; A. Borel ; L. Helm ; E. Belorizky ; P. H. Fries
et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society . 2001 . Vol. 123 , num. 11 , p. 2637 - 2644. DOI : 10.1021/ja003707u. A general approach to the electronic spin relaxation of Gd(III) complexes in solutions. Monte Carlo simulations beyond the Redfield limit S. Rast ; P. H. Fries ; E. Belorizky ; A. Borel ; L. Helm
et al.
The Journal of Chemical Physics . 2001 . Vol. 115 , num. 16 , p. 7554 - 7563. DOI : 10.1063/1.1392364. Molecular dynamics simulations of MRI-relevant GdIII chelates: direct access to outer-sphere relaxivity A. Borel ; L. Helm ; A. E. Merbach
Chemistry - A European Journal . 2001 . Vol. 7 , num. 3 , p. 600 - 610. DOI : 10.1002/1521-3765(20010202)7:3<600::AID-CHEM600>3.0.CO;2-H. Molecular dynamics simulation of Gadolinium(III) complexes in aqueous solution L. Helm ; F. Yerly ; A. Borel ; A. E. Merbach
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry . 2001 . Vol. 86 , num. 1 , p. 57. DOI : 10.1016/S0162-0134(01)00251-3. 2000 EPR on aqueous Gd3+ complexes and a new analysis method considering both line widths and shifts A. Borel ; E. Toth ; L. Helm ; A. Janossy ; A. E. Merbach
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics . 2000 . Vol. 2 , num. 6 , p. 1311 - 1317. DOI : 10.1039/a909553e. 1998 Développement d'agents de contraste de haute relaxivité pour l'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique A. Borel ; I. van Uffelen ; L. Helm ; É. Tóth ; A. E. Merbach
1998 . Deuxième Colloque Franco-Québécois en Chimie Inorganique et Organométallique , Castres, France , 1997 . 1997 A Multinuclear NMR Study on the Structure and Dynamics of Lanthanide(III) Complexes of the Poly(amino carboxylate) EGTA4- in Aqueous Solution S. Aime ; A. Barge ; A. Borel ; M. Botta ; S. Chemerisov
et al.
Inorganic Chemistry . 1997 . Vol. 36 , num. 22 , p. 5104 - 5112. DOI : 10.1021/ic970240o.
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