Anders Meibom

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University of Lausanne
Full professor ad personam at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.

GR C2 514 (Bâtiment GR)
Station 2
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Environmental Bio-Geo-Chemistry 
Sub-cellular stable isotope imaging 
Biomineralization by marine organisms 
Cell metabolism 
Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

Teaching & PhD


Environmental Sciences and Engineering

PhD Programs


Introduction to environmental engineering

Key themes in environmental science and engineering will be show-cased, with examples - from equator to the poles - including atmospheric processes and climate change, water quality, energy resources and urban development, with the amazing technologies used to study and address current challenges.

Prototyping at the interface between disciplines

This course will allow students to engage in hands-on projects in a dedicated workshop environment - the SKIL. Students work together in small groups on projects formulated together with the teacher and the highly specialized lab-managers of the SKIL. Students can also bring their own ideas.

SKIL Student Kreativity and Innovation Laboratory

This course will allow students to engage in hands-on projects preferably defined by themselves, in a dedicated workshop environment. Students work together in small groups, with access to a wide range of tools, materials, software, etc. - assisted by highly specialized labmanagers.