Jean-François Bert

Teaching & PhD


Humanities and Social Sciences Program

Past EPFL PhD Students

Volynskaya Alina ,


Anthropology of knowledge

Can we talk about knowledge from the point of view of the operations and actors who build it, rather than through the content it produces and with which it is identified?

Sciences, raison et foi

The aim of this course is to examine the conflicts between science and religion. Conflicts that are inevitable when science decides to tackle themes that overlap with those discussed in sacred texts, in particular the question of the origin of the world or of living organisms.

Darwin, religion and science

This course takes the long history of opponents of Darwin and Darwinism (creationists, neo-creationists, supporters of intelligent design) to try to understand their strategies and arguments.

Anthropology of belief

This course is an introduction to the question of conspiracy theories especially in the field of science

Sciences and religions I

The aim of this course is to review the conditions (both historical and epistemological) that have enabled the sciences to gain autonomy from religion.

Sciences and religions II

Can one be a scientist and a believer at the same time? Is science the enemy of faith? Should a scientist always be an atheist or an agnostic? These are some of the questions dealt with in this seminar. Its purpose is to present the various forms of the debate between science and religion.