Fabien Sorin

MXG 335 (Bâtiment MXG)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://fimap.epfl.ch/

Administrative data

Teaching & PhD


Materials Science and Engineering


Selected topics in advanced manufacturing

The course aims at providing a comprehensive overview of ongoing advanced manufacturing research topics and an opportunity for students to investigate current research trends in one particular topic of their choice.

Seminar series on advances in materials (spring)

A series of seminars on selected current and emerging topics in Materials will be presented by experts.

Mathematical methods for materials science

The aim of the course is to review mathematical concepts learned during the bachelor cycle and apply them to concrete problems commonly found in Engineering, and Materials Science in particular.

Optical Materials: Fundamental concepts and recent developments

In this class we will review the fundamental origin of the optical properties exhibited by different classes of materials. We will then give examples of the most up-to-date research on optical materials in a few growing scientific and technological fields.