Elise Geneviève Hautecoeur
Web site: Web site: https://lapis.epfl.ch
Teaching & PhD
Advanced CAO and Integrated Modeling DIM
1st year: basics of 2D (3D) computer representation.
From one to several software: ability to choose the appropriate 2D and 3D tools.
Linking CAD and DIM tools: critical view and ability to choose the methods necessary for the desired result.
UE R: Introduction to BIM (Building Information Modeling)
This UE explores more in details, and in a more practical way, the concepts introduced during the BIM introduction course AR-484. All project different phases are addressed, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and data exchanges.
Introduction to BIM (Building Information Modeling)
Based on feedback from BIM professionals, this introductory course will allow you to acquire a global vision..