Francesca Rodino

MC A3 196 (Bâtiment MC)
Rue de la Maladière 71b, CP 526
2002 Neuchâtel 2
+41 21 693 80 24
MC A3 196
Web site: Site web:
+41 21 693 80 24
Autres publications
PhD Research
- Rodino, F., Bartoli, M. and Carrara, S., 2023. Simultaneous and Selective Detection of Etoposide and Methotrexate with Single Electrochemical Sensors for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Letters. DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3300817
- Du, L., Thoma, Y., Rodino, F., & Carrara, S. (2024). Automatic simulation of electrochemical sensors by machine learning for drugs quantification. Electrochimica Acta, 491, 144304. DOI:
- Du, L., Rodino, F., Thoma, Y., & Carrara, S. (2024). Identification and Quantification of Multiple Drugs by Machine Learning on Electrochemical Sensors for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Letters. DOI:10.1109/LSENS.2024.3418197
- Matsumoto, T., Du, L., Rodino, F., Thoma, Y., Premachandra, C., & Carrara, S. (2024). Optimized Quantification of Multiple Drug Concentrations by Weighted MSE with Machine Learning on Electrochemical Sensor. IEEE Sensors Letters. DOI:10.1109/LSENS.2024.3452009
- Tavakolidakhrabadi, A., Domange, T., Nalm, C., Rodino, F., Meimandi, A., Bessire, C., & Carrara, S. (2024). A Novel Microfluidic System for Capacitive Detection via Magnetophoretic Separation of Malaria-Infected Red Blood Cells. IEEE Sensors Letters. DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2024.3451238
- Barbruni, G. L., Rodino, F., Ros, P. M., Demarchi, D., Ghezzi, D., & Carrara, S. (2024). A Wearable Real-Time System for Simultaneous Wireless Power and Data Transmission to Cortical Visual Prosthesis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. DOI:10.1109/TBCAS.2024.3357626
- Herold, G., Rodino, F., Golparvar, A., Reynaert, E., & Carrara, S. (2023). Enhancing Water Safety in Decentralized Water Reuse Systems with Low-Cost Prussian Blue Amperometric Sensors for Free Chlorine Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Letters. DOI:10.1109/LSENS.2023.3307084
- Rodino, F. (2022). Design and Development of an External Processing Unit for Wireless Power and Data Transmission to Miniaturized Neural Implants for Reverting Blindness (M.Sc. Thesis. Politecnico di Torino).
Enseignement & Phd
Teaching Assistant
- Bio-nano-chip design (EE-517): Introduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip. Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
- MEMS practicals II (MICRO-503): Objective of this practical is to apply in specific experimental settings the knowledge acquired in various MEMS related class.