Seyyedezzatollah Moosavi +41 21 693 76 45
Date de naissance: 22.06.1997
MC A2 164 (Bâtiment MC)
Rue de la Maladière 71b, CP 526
2002 Neuchâtel 2
Web site: Site web:
Sélection de publications
H Keshavarz, SE Moosavi, H Eslamian, A Kokabi Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023 |
Corrosion behavior and tribological-microstructural characterization of Al/ZrO2-Gr hybrid composite fabricated via Friction Stir Processing |
SE Moosavi, M Movahedi, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022 |
Friction stir welding of severely plastic deformed aluminum using (Al2O3 graphite) hybrid powders: Grain structure stability and mechanical performance |
SE Moosavi, M Movahedi, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Welding Science and Technology of Iran 8 (1), 29-46 |
The effect of rotation speed to traverse speed ratio and number of welding passes on thermo-mechanical stability of severely plastic deformed aluminum joined by friction stir welding and graphite/Al2O3 hybrid powder |