Angela Steinauer
Web site: Web site:
Web site: Web site:
Since 2022: Head of the Laboratory of Biomolecular Engineering and Nanomedicine (LIBN), EPFL (Switzerland)2019-2021: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow at ETHZ (Switzerland)
2018: Ph.D. in Chemical Biology from Yale University (USA)
2007-2012: B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Chemistry from University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Teaching & PhD
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
PhD Students
Barnikol Georges, Crouzet Simon Judicaël, Dennis Oliver Harry, Melgar Aguilar Andrea Elizabeth, Oeser Paula,Courses
Advanced general chemistry I
This course comprises of two parts. The bases of the thermodynamics of equilibria and of the kinetics of reactions are introduced. The first notions of quantum chemistry on electrons and bonds, exemplified in organic chemistry, are presented in the second part.
This course concerns modern bioanalytical techniques to investigate biomolecules both in vitro and in vivo, including recent methods to image, track and manipulate single molecules. We cover the basic principles of the respective methods and discuss examples from the current scientific literature.
Chemical Biology Seminar Series 1
PhD students can broaden their horizon in the field of chemical biology by listening to 14 talks by speakers who talk about their recent research. The PhD students get the opportunity to also personally meet the speakers
Chemical Biology Seminar Series 3
PhD students can broaden their horizon in the field of chemical biology by listening to 8 to 14 talks by speakers who talk about their recent research. The PhD students get the opportunity to also personally meet the speakers.