Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin

Professor Emeritus +41 21 695 82 51
Citizenship: Swiss
Birth date: 14.06.1957
Fields of expertise
Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Perovskite Solar Cells Design and development of charge transporting materials Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecular AssembliesBiography
Dr. Md. K. Nazeeruddin received M.Sc. and Ph. D. in inorganic chemistry from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. He joined as a Lecturer in Deccan College of Engineering and Technology, Osmania University in 1986, and subsequently, moved to Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, as a Research Associate. He was awarded the Government of Indias fellowship in 1987 for study abroad. In 2014, EPFL awarded him the title of Professor. His current research at EPFL focuses on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, CO2 reduction, Hydrogen production, and Light-emitting diodes. He has published more than 509 peer-reviewed papers, ten book chapters, and he is inventor/co-inventor of over 50 patents. The high impact of his work has been recognized by invitations to speak at over 130 international conferences, and has been nominated to the OLLA International Scientific Advisory Board. He appeared in the ISI listing of most cited chemists, and has more than 49'000 citations with an h-index of 105. He is teaching "Functional Materials" course at EPFL, and Korea University; directing, and managing several industrial, national, and European Union projects. He was awarded EPFL Excellence prize in 1998 and 2006, Brazilian FAPESP Fellowship in 1999, Japanese Government Science & Technology Agency Fellowship, in 1998, Government of India National Fellowship in 1987-1988. Recently he has been appointed as World Class University (WCU) professor by the Korea University, Jochiwon, Korea (, Adjunct Professor by the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Eminent Professor in Brunei.Open Positions
The Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI) of the EPFL, SWITZERLAND, has two openings for postdoctoral positions in the group of Dr. Md. K. Nazeeruddin. The postdoctoral positions involve multistep synthesis of ligands and blue phosphorescent emitters. Synthesis, and characterisation of perovskites and their application in solar energy conversion into electricity. The candidates are expected to be independent, highly ambitious, career oriented, and hard working. We offer excellent working conditions and an environment strongly conducive to academic research and/or an industrial carrier. The EPFL offers a full benefits package and salary commensurate with skills and experience, starting from US$90,000. Review of applications will continue through November 2014 or until the position is filled. Please submit a CV, copies of the diplomas, cover letter, and names of three professional references to: Dr. Md. K. Nazeeruddin Station 6 Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI) Institute of Chemical Science and Engineering Faculty of Basic Science Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.Group
PRESENT POST-DOCs (1). Dr. Gao Peng (2). Dr. Yong Hui Lee (3). Dr. Dar Ibraheem (4). Dr. Peng Qin (5). Dr. Paek Sanghyun (6). Dr. Michael Saliba (7). Dr. Li Xiong (8). Dr. Tress Wolfgang (9). Dr. Abate Antonio (10). Dr. Arora Neha (11). Dr. Cristina Roldán Carmona PRESENT DOCTORAL STUDENTS: (1). Chandiran Aravind (2). Dualeh Amalie (3). Labouchère Philippe Pierre (4). Aghazada Sadig (5). Gratia Paul (6). Rakstys Kasparas (7). Hyeju Choi (8). Konrad Domanski (9). Im Jeong-Hyeok (guest student) Alumni Dr. Wu Kuan-Lin Dr. Simon Mathew Dr. Tom Holcombe Dr. Lauren Polander Dr. Mine Nice Dr. Soo-Jin Moon Dr. Yum Jun Ho Dr.Shavaleev Nail Malikovich Dr. Dr. Jared Delcamp Dr. Florian Kessler Dr. Baranoff Etienne Rebecca Mitchell Dr. Lee Hyo Joong Dr. Nick Evans Dr. Cedric Klein Dr. Thierry Renouard Dr. Jean-Jacques Lagref Dr. Zhang Xianxi Dr. E. Yoneda Vulcano Rosaria Teocoli FrancescaRecent publications
2014 Publications (394). Gel electrolyte materials formed from a series of novel low molecular mass organogelators for stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, By Tao, Li; Huo, Zhipeng; Ding, Yong; Wang, Lu; Zhu, Jun; Zhang, Changneng; Pan, Xu; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Dai, Songyuan; Gratzel, Michael, From Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2014), 2(38), 15921-15930. (393). Passivation of ZnO Nanowire Guests and 3D Inverse Opal Host Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, By Labouchere, Philippe; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Moehl, Thomas; Harms, Hauke; Chavhan, Sudam; Tena-Zaera, Ramon; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael; Tetreault, Nicolas, Advanced Energy Materials (2014), 4(12), 217/1-217/9. (392). Thiocyanate-Free Ruthenium(II) Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on the Cobalt Redox Couple, By Wu, Kuan-Lin; Clifford, John N.; Wang, Sheng-Wei; Aswani, Yella; Palomares, Emilio; Lobello, Maria Grazia; Mosconi, Edoardo; De Angelis, Filippo; Ku, Wan-Ping; Chi, Yun; et al, From ChemSusChem (2014), Ahead of Print. (391). Thermal Behavior of Methylammonium Lead-trihalide Perovskite Photovoltaic Light Harvesters, Dualeh, Amalie; Gao, Peng; Seok, Sang Il; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, From Chemistry of Materials (2014), Ahead of Print. (390). Branched and bulky substituted ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells, By Sanchez Carballo, M.; Urbani, M.; Chandiran, A. Kumar; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, D.; Vazquez, P.; Gratzel, M.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Torres, T., From Dalton Transactions (2014), Ahead of Print. (389). Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with 13.63 % Efficiency Based on Planar Triphenylamine Hole Conductors, Choi, Hyeju; Paek, Sanghyun; Lim, Namwoo; Lee, Younghui; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Ko, Jaejung, From Chemistry - A European Journal (2014), 20(35), 10894-10899. (388). Organohalide lead perovskites for photovoltaic applications, Gao, Peng; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Energy & Environmental Science (2014), 7(8), 2448-2463. (387). Photoanode based on (001) oriented Anatase Nanoplatelets for Organic-inorganic Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cell, By Dar, M. Ibrahim; Ramos, Francisco Javier; Xue, Zhaosheng; Liu, Bin; Ahmad, Shahzada; Shivashankar, Srinivasrao A.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, MichaelChemistry of Materials (2014), Ahead of Print. (386). Star-shaped hole transporting materials with a triazine unit for efficient perovskite solar cells, Do, Kwangseok; Choi, Hyeju; Lim, Kimin; Jo, Hyunjun; Cho, Jin Woo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Ko, Jaejung, Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2014), Ahead of Print (385). Low band gap S,N-heteroacene-based oligothiophenes as hole-transporting and light absorbing materials for efficient perovskite-based solar cells, Mishra, Amaresh; Qin, Peng; Kast, Hannelore; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Baeuerle, Peter; Gratzel, Michael, Energy & Environmental Science (2014), Ahead of Print. (384). Cyclopentadithiophene-functionalized Ru(II)-bipyridine sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells, Urbani, Maxence; Medel, Maria; Kumar, Sangeeta Amit; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, David; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Torres, Tomas, Polyhedron (2014), Ahead of Print. (383). A hybrid lead iodide perovskite and lead sulfide QD heterojunction solar cell to obtain a panchromatic response, Etgar, Lioz; Gao, Peng; Qin, Peng; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja, Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2014), 2(30), 11586-11590. (382). Perovskite Solar Cells with 12.8% Efficiency by Using Conjugated Quinolizino Acridine Based Hole Transporting Material, Qin, Peng; Paek, Sanghyun; Dar, M. Ibrahim; Pellet, Norman; Ko, Jaejung; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014), 136(24), 8516-8519. (381). Near-IR photoresponse of ruthenium dipyrrinate terpyridine sensitizers in the dye-sensitized solar cells, Li, Guocan; Yella, Aswani; Brown, Douglas G.; Gorelsky, Serge I.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael; Berlinguette, Curtis P.; Shatruk, Michael, Inorganic Chemistry (2014), 53(11), 5417-5419. (380). Extended ?-Bridge in Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: the Longer, the Better?, Gao, Peng; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Yi, Chenyi; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K, Advanced Energy Materials (2014), 4(7), 1301485/1-1301485/6. (379). Sub-Nanometer Conformal TiO2 Blocking Layer for High Efficiency Solid-State Perovskite Absorber Solar Cells, Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Yella, Aswani; Mayer, Matthew T.; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) (2014), 26(25), 4309-4312. (378). Cation-Induced Band-Gap Tuning in Organohalide Perovskites: interplay of Spin-Orbit Coupling and Octahedra Tilting, Amat, Anna; Mosconi, Edoardo; Ronca, Enrico; Quarti, Claudio; Umari, Paolo; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; De Angelis, Filippo, Nano Letters (2014), 14(6), 3608-3616. (377). Editorial: Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Photovoltaics, Ahmad, Shahzada; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Bisquert, Juan, ChemPhysChem (2014), 15(6), 987-989. (366). Molecular Engineering of 2-Quinolinone Based Anchoring Groups for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Ganesan, Paramaguru; Chandiran, Aravindkumar; Gao, Peng; Rajalingam, Renganathan; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja., Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (30), 16896-16903 (365). Molecular Engineering of Phthalocyanine Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Ince, Mine; Yum, Jun-Ho; Kim, Yongjoo; Mathew, Simon; Gratzel, Michael; Torres, Tomas; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (30), 17166-17170. (364). Subphthalocyanines: Active molecules for molecular photovoltaics, Ince, M.; Trukhina, O.; Medina, A.; Zango, G.; Yum, J.-H.; Yella, A.; Claessens, C. G.; Martinez-Diaz, M. V.; Gratzel, M.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; et al., Preprints - American Chemical Society, Division of Energy & Fuels (2014), 59(1), 219-220. (363). Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead Iodide Perovskite-Sensitized Solid-State Solar Cells [Erratum to document cited in CA160:162422], By Dualeh, Amalie; Moehl, Thomas; Tetreault, Nicolas; Teuscher, Joel; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, ACS Nano (2014), 8(4), 4053. (362). Influence of the Donor Size in D-?-A Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Yang, Jiabao; Ganesan, Paramaguru; Teuscher, Joel; Moehl, Thomas; Kim, Yong Joo; Yi, Chenyi; Comte, Pascal; Pei, Kai; Holcombe, Thomas W.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014), 136(15), 5722-5730. (361). Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Nanocolumnar Plasma-Deposited ZnO Thin Films, Ramos, F. Javier; Lopez-Santos, Maria C.; Guillen, Elena; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R.; Ahmad, Shahzada, ChemPhysChem (2014), 15(6), 1148-1153. (360). Structure-property relationships based on Hammett constants in cyclometalated iridium(iii) complexes: their application to the design of a fluorine-free FIrPic-like emitter, Frey, Julien; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Baranoff, Etienne, Dalton Transactions (2014), 43(15), 5667-5679. (359). Nanocrystalline rutile electron extraction layer enables low-temperature solution processed perovskite photovoltaics with 13.7% efficiency, By Yella, Aswani; Heiniger, Leo-Philipp; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, Nano Letters (2014), 14(5), 2591-2596. (358). Stable Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Novel Low Molecular Mass Organogelators and Room-Temperature Molten Salts, Tao, Li; Huo, Zhipeng; Dai, Songyuan; Ding, Yong; Zhu, Jun; Zhang, Changneng; Zhang, Bing; Yao, Jianxi; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (30) 16718-16726. (357). Sterically Hindered Phthalocyanines for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of the Distance between the Aromatic Core and the Anchoring Group, Ragoussi, Maria-Eleni; Yum, Jun-Ho; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Ince, Mine; de la Torre, Gema; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas, ChemPhysChem (2014), 15(6), 1033-1036. (356). Flexible high efficiency perovskite solar cells, Roldan-Carmona, Cristina; Malinkiewicz, Olga; Soriano, Alejandra; Minguez Espallargas, Guillermo; Garcia, Ana; Reinecke, Patrick; Kroyer, Thomas; Dar, M. Ibrahim;Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Bolink, Henk J., Energy & Environmental Science (2014), 7(3), 994-997. (355). Analysis of Electron Transfer Properties of ZnO and TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Abdi-Jalebi, Mojtaba; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael, ACS Nano (2014), 8(3), 2261-2268. (354). Mixed-Organic-Cation Perovskite Photovoltaics for Enhanced Solar-Light Harvesting, Pellet, Norman; Gao, Peng; Gregori, Giuliano; Yang, Tae-Youl; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Maier, Joachim; Graetzel, Michael, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2014), 53, 3151-3157. (353). Quantum-Confined ZnO Nanoshell Photoanodes for Mesoscopic Solar Cells, Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Abdi-Jalebi, Mojtaba; Yella, Aswani; Dar, M. Ibrahim; Yi, Chenyi; Shivashankar, Srinivasrao A.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael, From Nano Letters (2014), 14, 1190-1195.| (352). Perovskite as Light Harvester: A Game Changer in Photovoltaics, Kazim, Samrana; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael; Ahmad, Shahzada, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2014), 53, 2812-2824. (351). Effect of Annealing Temperature on Film Morphology of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Pervoskite Solid-State Solar Cells, Dualeh, Amalie; Tetreault, Nicolas; Moehl, Thomas; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Functional Materials (2014), 24 (21),3250-3258. (350). Host-guest blue light-emitting electrochemical cells, Pertegas, Antonio; Shavaleev, Nail M.; Tordera, Daniel; Orti, Enrique; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Bolink, Henk J., of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices (2014), 2(9), 1605-1611. (349). Highly efficient flexible cathodes for dye sensitized solar cells to complement Pt@TCO coatings, Idigoras, Jesus; Guillen, Elena; Ramos, F. Javier; Anta, Juan A.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Ahmad, Shahzada, Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2014), 2(9), 3175-3181. (348). Dye-sensitized solar cells with 13% efficiency achieved through the molecular engineering of porphyrin sensitizers, Mathew, Simon; Yella, Aswani; Gao, Peng; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Ashari-Astani, Negar; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Graetzel, Michael, Nature Chemistry (2014), 6, 242-247. (347). Engineering of Ru(II) dyes for interfacial and light-harvesting optimization, By Lobello, Maria Grazia; Wu, Kuan-Lin; Reddy, Marri Anil; Marotta, Gabriele; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Chi, Yun; Chandrasekharam, Malapaka; Vitillaro, Giuseppe; De Angelis, Filippo, Dalton Transactions (2014), 43(7), 2726-2732. (346). Peripherally and Axially Carboxylic Acid Substituted Subphthalocyanines for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Ince, Mine; Medina, Anais; Yum, Jun-Ho; Yella, Aswani; Claessens, Christian G.; Martinez-Diaz, M. Victoria; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas, Chemistry - A European Journal (2014), 20(7), 2016-2021. (345). Controlled synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles and nanospheres using a microwave assisted approach for their application in dye-sensitized solar cells, By Dar, M. Ibrahim; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Shivashankar, Srinivasrao A., Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2014), 2(6), 1662-1667. (344). Yttrium-substituted nanocrystalline TiO2 photoanodes for perovskite based heterojunction solar cells, Qin, Peng; Domanski, Anna L.; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Berger, Ruediger; Butt, Hans-Juergen; Dar, M. Ibrahim; Moehl, Thomas; Tetreault, Nicolas; Gao, Peng; Ahmad, Shahzada; et al Nanoscale (2014), 6(3), 1508-1514. (343). Adapting Ruthenium Sensitizers to Cobalt Electrolyte Systems, Amit Kumar, Sangeeta; Urbani, Maxence; Medel, Maria; Ince, Mine; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, David; Aravind Kumar, Chandiran; Bhaskarwar, Ashok N.; Torres, Tomas; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, (2014). 5, 501-505. (342). Perovskite solar cells employing organic charge-transport layers, Malinkiewicz, Olga; Yella, Aswani; Lee, Yong Hui; Espallargas, Guillermo Minguez; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Bolink, Henk J., From Nature Photonics (2014), 8, 128-132. (341). Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead Iodide Perovskite-Sensitized Solid-State Solar Cells, Dualeh, Amalie; Moehl, Thomas; Tetreault, Nicolas; Teuscher, Joel; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, From ACS Nano (2013), (2014), 8(1), 362-373. (340). The reorganization energy of intermolecular hole hopping between dyes anchored to surfaces, Moia, Davide; Vaissier, Valerie; Lopez-Duarte, Ismael; Torres, Tomas; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; O'Regan, Brian C.; Nelson, Jenny; Barnes, Piers R. F., From Chemical Science (2014), 5(1), 281-290. The top 25 most downloaded articles in Chemical Science from JanuaryMarch 2014 (339). The Role of Insulating Oxides in Blocking the Charge Carrier Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Functional Materials (2014), 24(11), 1615-1623. (338). Design of Ru(II) sensitizers endowed by three anchoring units for adsorption mode and light harvesting optimization, Lobello, Maria Grazia; Fantacci, Simona; Manfredi, Norberto; Coluccini, Carmine; Abbotto, Alessandro; Nazeeruddin, Mohammed K.; De Angelis, Filippo, Thin Solid Films, 2014, 2013 Publications (337). Efficient Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Pyrene Arylamine Derivatives as Hole-Transporting Materials, Jeon, Nam Joong; Lee, Jaemin; Noh, Jun Hong; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael; Seok, Sang Il., Journal of the American Chemical Society (2013), 135(51), 19087-19090. (336). Metal free sensitizer and catalyst for dye sensitized solar cells, Ahmad, Shahzada; Guillen, Elena; Kavan, Ladislav; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Energy & Environmental Science (2013), 6(12), 3439-3466. (335). High Open-Circuit Voltages: Evidence for a Sensitizer-Induced TiO2 Conduction Band Shift in Ru(II)-Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Moehl, Thomas; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Wu, Kuan-Lin; Hsu, Hui-Chu; Chi, Yun; Ronca, Enrico; De Angelis, Filippo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael, Chemistry of Materials (2013), 25(22), 4497-4502. (334). Low Current Density Driving Leads to Efficient, Bright and Stable Green Electroluminescence, Tordera, Daniel; Frey, Julien; Vonlanthen, David; Constable, Edwin; Pertegas, Antonio; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Baranoff, Etienne; Nazeeruddin, M. Khaja, Advanced Energy Materials (2013), 3(10), 1338-1343. (333). Near-infrared absorbing unsymmetrical Zn(II) phthalocyanine for dye-sensitized solar cells, Singh, Varun Kumar; Salvatori, Paolo; Amat, Anna; Agrawal, Saurabh; De Angelis, Filippo; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Krishna, Narra Vamsi; Giribabu, Lingamallu, Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 407, 289-296. (332). Redox properties of cobalt(II) complexes with azole-pyridines, Shavaleev, Nail M.; Kessler, Florian; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 407, 261-268. (331). Using a two-step deposition technique to prepare perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) for thin film solar cells based on ZrO2 and TiO2 mesostructures, Bi, Dongqin; Moon, Soo-Jin; Haeggman, Leif; Boschloo, Gerrit; Yang, Lei; Johansson, Erik M. J.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael; Hagfeldt, Anders, RSC Advances (2013), 3(41), 18762-18766. (330). Nanostructured TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 heterojunction solar cells employing spiro-OMeTAD/Co-complex as hole-transporting material, Noh, Jun Hong; Jeon, Nam Joong; Choi, Yong Chan; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael; Seok, Sang Il, Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2013), 1(38), 11842-11847. (329). Charged Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes with Carbene-Based Ancillary Ligands, Monti, Filippo; Kessler, Florian; Delgado, Manuel; Frey, Julien; Bazzanini, Federico; Accorsi, Gianluca; Armaroli, Nicola; Bolink, Henk J.; Orti, Enrique; Scopelliti, Rosario; et al, Inorganic Chemistry (2013), 52(18), 10292-10305. (328). New terpyridine cobalt complex redox shuttle for dye-sensitized solar cells, Salvatori, Paolo; Marotta, Gabriele; Cinti, Antonio; Mosconi, Edoardo; Panigrahi, Mallika; Giribabu, Lingamallu; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; De Angelis, Filippo, Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 406, 106-112. (327). Enhancing the open circuit voltage of dye sensitized solar cells by surface engineering of silica particles in a gel electrolyte, Etgar, Lioz; Schuchardt, Guillaume; Costenaro, Daniele; Carniato, Fabio; Bisio, Chiara; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Marchese, Leonardo; Graetzel, Michael, Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2013), 1(35), 10142-10147. (326). A Simple Synthetic Route to Obtain Pure Trans-Ruthenium(II) Complexes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications, Barolo, Claudia; Yum, Jun-Ho; Artuso, Emma; Barbero, Nadia; Di Censo, Davide; Lobello, Maria Grazia; Fantacci, Simona; De Angelis, Filippo; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammed Khaja; et al., ChemSusChem, (2013), 6, 2170-2180. (325). Correlating the Lifetime and Fluorine Content of Iridium(III) Emitters in Green Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells, Tordera, Daniel; Serrano-Perez, Juan J.; Pertegas, Antonio; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Baranoff, Etienne; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Frey, Julien, Chemistry of Materials (2013), 25(16), 3391-3397. (324). Sequential deposition as a route to high-performance perovskite-sensitized solar cells, Burschka, Julian; Pellet, Norman; Moon, Soo-Jin; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2013), 499(7458), 316-319. (323). Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of Osmium-Polypyridine Complexes in Solution, Bram, Olivier; Messina, Fabrizio; Baranoff, Etienne; Cannizzo, Andrea; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Chergui, Majed, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117(31), 15958-15966. (322). Anatase TiO2 hollow microspheres fabricated by Continuous Spray Pyrolysis as a scattering layer in dye-sensitised solar cells, Dwivedi, Charu; Dutta, Viresh; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, Energy Procedia (2013), 33, 223-227. (321). Towards Compatibility between Ruthenium Sensitizers and Cobalt Electrolytes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Polander, Lauren E.; Yella, Aswani; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Ashari Astani, Negar; Teuscher, Joel; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gao, Peng; Mathew, Simon; Moser, Jacques-E.; Tavernelli, Ivano; et al., Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2013), 52(33), 8731-8735. (320). Unravelling the potential for dithienopyrrole sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells, Polander, Lauren E.; Yella, Aswani; Teuscher, Joel; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Ashari Astani, Negar; Gao, Peng; Moser, Jacques-E.; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; et al, Chemistry of Materials (2013), 25(13), 2642-2648. (319). Co(III) Complexes as p-Dopants in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Burschka, Julian; Kessler, Florian; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael, Chemistry of Materials (2013), 25(15), 2986-2990. (318). Molecular engineering of a fluorene donor for dye-sensitized solar cells, Yella, Aswani; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Ashari Astani, Negar; Teuscher, Joel; Polander, Lauren E.; Mathew, Simon; Moser, Jacques-E.; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; et al, Chemistry of Materials (2013), 25(13), 2733-2739. (317). First-Principles Modeling of Mixed Halide Organometal Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications, Mosconi, Edoardo; Amat, Anna; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; De Angelis, Filippo, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117(27), 13902-13913. (316). Sterically demanded unsymmetrical zinc phthalocyanines for dye-sensitized solar cells, Giribabu, Lingamallu; Singh, Varun Kumar; Jella, Tejaswi; Soujanya, Yarasi; Amat, Anna; De Angelis, Filippo; Yella, Aswani; Gao, Peng; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja From Dyes and Pigments (2013), 98(3), 518-529. (315). Engineering of thiocyanate-free Ru(ii) sensitizers for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells, Wang, Sheng-Wei; Wu, Kuan-Lin; Ghadiri, Elham; Lobello, Maria Grazia; Ho, Shu-Te; Chi, Yun; Moser, Jacques-E.; De Angelis, Filippo; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., Chemical Science (2013), 4(6), 2423-2433. (314). Efficient inorganic-organic hybrid heterojunction solar cells containing perovskite compound and polymeric hole conductors, Heo, Jin Hyuck; Im, Sang Hyuk; Noh, Jun Hong; Mandal, Tarak N.; Lim, Choong-Sun; Chang, Jeong Ah; Lee, Yong Hui; Kim, Hi-jung; Sarkar, Arpita; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; et al, Nature Photonics (2013), 7(6), 486-491. (313). Regeneration and recombination kinetics in cobalt polypyridine based dye-sensitized solar cells, explained using Marcus theory, Feldt, Sandra M.; Lohse, Peter W.; Kessler, Florian; Nazeeruddin, Mohammed K.; Graetzel, Michael; Boschloo, Gerrit; Hagfeldt, Anders, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2013), 15(19), 7087-7097. (312). Facile synthesis of a bulky BPTPA donor group suitable for cobalt electrolyte based dye sensitized solar cells, Gao, Peng; Kim, Yong Joo; Yum, Jun-Ho; Holcombe, Thomas W.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability (2013), 1(18), 5535-5544. (311). Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells using a novel class of ullazine dyes as sensitizers , Dualeh, Amalie; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Delcamp, Jared Heath; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, Advanced Energy Materials (2013), 3(4), 496-504. (310). Steric hindrance at metal center quenches green phosphorescence of cationic iridium(III) complexes with 1-(2-pyridyl)-pyrazoles, Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 404, 210-214. (309). The application of electrospun titania nanofibers in dye-sensitized solar cells, Krysova, Hana; Zukal, Arnost; Trckova-Barakova, Jana; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael; Kavan, Ladislav, Chimia (2013), 67(3), 149-154. (308). Low-temperature crystalline titanium dioxide by atomic layer deposition for dye-sensitized solar cells, By Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Yella, Aswani; Stefik, Morgan; Heiniger, Leo-Philipp; Comte, Pascal; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad. K.; Gratzel, Michael, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2013), 5(8), 3487-3493. (307). Temperature Dependence of Transport-Properties of Spiro-MeOTAD as a Hole Transport Material in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Dualeh, Amalie; Moehl, Thomas, Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael, ACS Nano (2013), 7(3), 2292-2301 (306). Harnessing the open-circuit voltage via a new series of Ru(ii) sensitizers bearing (iso-) quinolinyl pyrazolate ancillaries, Wu, Kuan-Lin; Ku, Wan-Ping; Clifford, John N.; Palomares, Emilio; Ho, Shu-Te; Chi, Yun; Liu, Shih-Hung; Chou, Pi-Tai; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Energy & Environmental Science (2013), 6(3), 859-870. (305). Pulsed-current versus constant-voltage light-emitting electrochemical cells with trifluoromethyl-substituted cationic iridium(iii) complexes, Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Pertegas, Antonio; Roldan-Carmona, Cristina; Tordera, Daniel; Bolink, Henk J. Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic, Devices (2013), 1(11), 2241-2248. (304). First Principles Design of Dye Molecules with Ullazine Donor for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Feng, Jie; Jiao, Yang; Ma, Wei; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; Meng, Sheng, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117(8), 3772-3778. (303). Effect of interfacial engineering in solid-state nanostructured Sb2S3 heterojunction solar cells, Fukumoto, Takafumi; Moehl, Thomas; Niwa, Yusuke; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; Etgar, Lioz, Advanced Energy Materials (2013), 3(1), 29-33. (302). High-performance pure blue phosphorescent OLED using a novel bis-heteroleptic iridium(III) complex with fluorinated bipyridyl ligands, Kessler, Florian; Watanabe, Yuichiro; Sasabe, Hisahiro; Katagiri, Hiroshi; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael; Kido, Junji, Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic, Devices (2013), 1(6), 1070-1075. (301). Evaluating the Critical Thickness of TiO2 Layer on Insulating Mesoporous Templates for Efficient Current Collection in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Comte, Pascal; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Kessler, Florian; Yi, Chenyi; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Functional Materials (2013), 23(21), 2775-2781. (300). How to blue-shift phosphorescence color of iridium(III) complexes, Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 396, 17-20. (299). Extreme Tuning of Redox and Optical Properties of Cationic Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Isocyanide Complexes, Shavaleev, Nail M.; Monti, Filippo; Scopelliti, Rosario; Baschieri, Andrea; Sambri, Letizia; Armaroli, Nicola; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., From Organometallics (2013), 32(2), 460-467. (298). Core/Shell PbSe/PbS QDs TiO2 Heterojunction Solar Cell, Etgar, Lioz; Yanover, Diana; Capek, Richard Karel; Vaxenburg, Roman; Xue, Zhaosheng; Liu, Bin; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Lifshitz, Efrat; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Materials, (2013), 23, 2736-2741. (297). The Role of ? Bridges in High-Efficiency DSCs Based on Unsymmetrical Squaraines Delcamp, Jared H.; Shi, Yanrong; Yum, Jun-Ho; Sajoto, Tissa; Dell'Orto, Elisa; Barlow, Stephen; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Marder, Seth R.; Graetzel, Michael, Chemistry--A European Journal (2013), 19(5), 1819-1827. (296). Tuning the photophysical properties of cationic iridium(iii) complexes containing cyclometallated 1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-1H-pyrazole through functionalized 2,2'-bipyridine ligands: blue but not blue enough, Baranoff, Etienne; Bolink, Henk J.; Constable, Edwin C.; Delgado, Manuel; Haeussinger, Daniel; Housecroft, Catherine E.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Neuburger, Markus; Orti, Enrique; Schneider, Gabriel E.; et al, Dalton Transactions (2013), 42(4), 1073-1087. (295). Thiocyanate-Free Ru(II) Sensitizers with a 4,4'-Dicarboxyvinyl-2,2'-bipyridine Anchor for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Wu, Kuan-Lin; Ku, Wan-Ping; Wang, Sheng-Wei; Yella, Aswani; Chi, Yun; Liu, Shih-Hung; Chou, Pi-Tai; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Advanced Functional Materials, (2013), 23, 2285-2294. (294). A deep-blue emitting charged bis-cyclometallated iridium(iii) complex for light-emitting electrochemical cells, By Meier, Sebastian B.; Sarfert, Wiebke; Junquera-Hernandez, Jose M.; Delgado, Manuel; Tordera, Daniel; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Kessler, Florian; Scopelliti, Rosario; Graetzel, Michael; et al Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices (2013), 1(1), 58-68. (293). Phosphorescence of iridium(III) complexes with 2-(2-pyridyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoles, By Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Inorganica Chimica Acta (2013), 394, 295-299. (292). The molecular engineering of organic sensitizers for solar cell applications, Delcamp, Jared H.; Yella, Aswani; Holcombe, Thomas W.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael., Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2013), 52(1), 376-380. 2012 Publications (291). Cobalt Electrolyte/Dye Interactions in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A combined Computational and Experimental Study, Mosconi, Edoardo; Yum, Jun-Ho; Kessler, Florian; Gomez-Garcia, Carlos Jose; Zuccaccia, Cristiano; Cinti, Antonio; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael; De Angelis, Filippo, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2012), 134(47), 19438-19453. (290) A structural study of DPP-based sensitizers for DSC applications, Holcombe, Thomas W.; Yum, Jun-Ho; Yoon, Junghyun; Gao, Peng; Marszalek, Magdalena; Di Censo, Davide; Rakstys, Kasparas; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael, Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2012), 48(87), 10724-10726. (289). Towards high-performance DPP-based sensitizers for DSC applications, By Yum, Jun-Ho; Holcombe, Thomas W.; Kim, Yongjoo; Yoon, Junghyun; Rakstys, Kasparas; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2012), 48(87), 10727-10729 (288). Mesoscopic CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 Heterojunction Solar Cells, By Etgar, Lioz; Gao, Peng; Xue, Zhaosheng; Peng, Qin; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Liu, Bin; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2012), 134(42), 17396-17399. (287). Acid-base properties of the N3 ruthenium(ii) solar cell sensitizer: a combined experimental and computational analysis Full Text, By Pizzoli, Giuliano; Lobello, Maria Grazia; Carlotti, Benedetta; Elisei, Fausto; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Vitillaro, Giuseppe; De Angelis, Filippo, From Dalton Transactions (2012), 41(38), 11841-11848. Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (286). Towards flexibility: metal free plastic cathodes for dye sensitized solar cells Full Text By Ahmad, Shahzada; Dell'Orto, Elisa; Yum, Jun-Ho; Kessler, Florian; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, From Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2012), 48(78), 9714-9716. (285). The Molecular Engineering of Organic Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications Full Text By Delcamp, Jared H.; Yella, Aswani; Holcombe, Thomas W.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, From Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, Ahead of Print. (284). Efficient orange light-emitting electrochemical cells Full Text By Tordera, Daniel; Pertegas, Antonio; Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Baranoff, Etienne; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Journal of Materials Chemistry (2012), 22(36), 19264- (283).Blue Phosphorescence of Trifluoromethyl- and Trifluoromethoxy-Substituted Cationic Iridium(III) Isocyanide Complexes Full Text, By Shavaleev, Nail M.; Monti, Filippo; Scopelliti, Rosario; Armaroli, Nicola; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Organometallics (2012), 31(17), 6288-6296. (282). Fine-tuning the Electronic Structure of Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text, By Gao, Peng; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Organic Letters, Ahead of Print. (281). Modeling Ruthenium-Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Surfaces Exposing the (001) or (101) Faces: A First-Principles Investigation Full Text By De Angelis, Filippo; Vitillaro, Giuseppe; Kavan, Ladislav; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad. K.; Gratzel, Michael From Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Ahead of Print. (281). Cyclometalated ruthenium dyes for DSSC Full Text By Yoneda, Eiji; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael From Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (2012), 25(2), 175-181. (280). A new generation of platinum and iodine free efficient dye-sensitized solar cells Full Text By Ahmad, Shahzada; Bessho, Takeru; Kessler, Florian; Baranoff, Etienne; Frey, Julien; Yi, Chenyi; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2012), 14(30), 10631-10639. (279). Bistriphenylamine-based organic sensitizers with high molar extinction coefficients for dye-sensitized solar cells Full Text By Chang, Dong Wook; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Salvatori, Paolo; De Angelis, Filippo; Graetzel, Michael; Park, Su-Moon; Dai, Liming; Lee, Hyo Joong; Baek, Jong-Beom;Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From RSC Advances (2012), 2(15), 6209-6215. | (278). A Simple Approach to Room Temperature Phosphorescent Allenylidene Complexes Full Text By Kessler, Florian; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Scopelliti, Rosario; Di Censo, Davide; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Baranoff, Etienne From Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2012), 51(32), 8030-8033. (277). Subnanometer Ga2O3 Tunnelling Layer by Atomic Layer Deposition to Achieve 1.1 V Open-Circuit Potential in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text By Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Tetreault, Nicolas; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Kessler, Florian; Baranoff, Etienne; Yi, Chenyi; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael From Nano Letters (2012), 12(8), 3941-3947. (276). Atomic layer deposition for novel dye-sensitized solar cells Full Text By Tetreault, N.; Heiniger, L.-P.; Stefik, M.; Labouchere, P. P.; Arsenault, E.; Nazeeruddin, N. K.; Ozin, G. A.; Gratzel, M. From ECS Transactions (2011), 41(2, Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 7), 303-314. (275). Nanocomposites Containing Neutral Blue Emitting Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Emitters for Oxygen Sensing Full Text By Marin-Suarez, Marta; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Scopelliti, Rosario; Jung, Il; Di Censo, Davide; Gratzel, Michael; Fernandez-Sanchez, Jorge Fernando; Fernandez-Gutierrez, Alberto; et al From Chemistry of Materials (2012), 24(12), 2330-2338. (274). Bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methane as Non-Chromophoric Ancillary Ligand for Charged Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Full Text By Meng, Sheng; Jung, Il; Feng, Jie; Scopelliti, Rosario; Di Censo, Davide; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, M. Khaja; Baranoff, Etienne From European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012), 2012(19), 3209-3215. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (273). Phosphorescent cationic iridium(III) complexes with cyclometalating 1H-indazole and 2H-[1,2,3]-triazole ligands Full Text By Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Inorganica Chimica Acta (2012), 388, 84-87. (272). Near-infrared sensitization of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells with a squaraine dye Full Text By Dualeh, Amalie; Delcamp, Jared H.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael From Applied Physics Letters (2012), 100(17), 173512/1-173512/4. (271). Stable Green Electroluminescence from an Iridium Tris-Heteroleptic Ionic Complex Full Text, By Tordera, Daniel; Delgado, Manuel; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Frey, Julien; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Baranoff, Etienne From Chemistry of Materials (2012), 24(10), 1896-1903. (270). High Efficiency Quantum Dot Heterojunction Solar Cell Using Anatase (001) TiO2 Nanosheets Full Text By Etgar, Lioz; Zhang, Wei; Gabriel, Stefanie; Hickey, Stephen G.; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Eychmueller, Alexander; Liu, Bin; Graetzel, Michael From Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) (2012), 24(16), 2202-2206. (269). Anthocyanins and betalains as light-harvesting pigments for dye-sensitized solar cells Full Text By Calogero, Giuseppe; Yum, Jun-Ho; Sinopoli, Alessandro; Di Marco, Gaetano; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja From Solar Energy (2012), 86(5), 1563-1575. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (268). A cobalt complex redox shuttle for dye-sensitized solar cells with high open-circuit potentials Full Text By Yum, Jun-Ho; Baranoff, Etienne; Kessler, Florian; Moehl, Thomas; Ahmad, Shahzada; Bessho, Takeru; Marchioro, Arianna; Ghadiri, Elham; Moser, Jacques-E.; Yi, Chenyi; et al From Nature Communications (2012), 3(Jan.), 1655/1-1655/8,S1655/1-S1655/7. (267). Convergent Synthesis of Near-Infrared Absorbing, "Push-Pull", Bisthiophene-Substituted, Zinc(II) Phthalocyanines and their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text By Ince, Mine; Cardinali, Francois; Yum, Jun-Ho; Martinez-Diaz, M. Victoria; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael; Torres, Tomas From Chemistry--A European Journal (2012), 18(20), 6343-6348, S6343/1-S6343/16. (266). Phthalocyanines for molecular photovoltaics Full Text By Ince, M.; Cardinali, F.; Ragoussi, M.; Yum, J.; Martinez-Diaz, M. V.; de la Torre, G.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Graetzel, M.; Torres, T. From Preprints of Symposia - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry (2012), 57(1), 112. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (265). Carboxyethynyl Anchoring Ligands: A Means to Improving the Efficiency of Phthalocyanine-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text By Ragoussi, Maria-Eleni; Cid, Juan-Jose; Yum, Jun-Ho; de la Torre, Gema; Di Censo, Davide; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas From Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2012), 51(18), 4375-4378, S4375/1-S4375/14. (264). Self-assembled photosystem-I biophotovoltaics on nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO Full Text By Mershin, Andreas; Matsumoto, Kazuya; Kaiser, Liselotte; Yu, Daoyong; Vaughn, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Bruce, Barry D.; Graetzel, Michael; Zhang, Shuguang From Scientific Reports (2012), 2, srep00234, 7 pp.. (263). Phthalocyanines for molecular photovoltaics Full Text By Ince, M.; Cardinali, F.; Raugossi, M.; Yum, J.; Gouloumis, A.; Martinez-Diaz, M.; Torre, G.; Nazeeruddin, M.; Gratzel, M.; Torres, Tomas From Abstracts of Papers, 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, United States, March 25-29, 2012 (2012), FUEL-522. | Language: (262). Enhancing the efficiency of a dye sensitized solar cell due to the energy transfer between CdSe quantum dots and a designed squaraine dye Full Text By Etgar, Lioz; Park, Jinhyung; Barolo, Claudia; Lesnyak, Vladimir; Panda, Subhendu K.; Quagliotto, Pierluigi; Hickey, Stephen G.; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Eychmuller, Alexander; Viscardi, Guido; et al From RSC Advances (2012), 2(7), 2748-2752. | Language: English, Database: CAPLU (261). Effect of bulky groups in ruthenium heteroleptic sensitizers on dye sensitized solar cell performance Full Text By Garcia-Iglesias, Miguel; Pelleja, Laia; Yum, Jun-Ho; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, David; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael; Clifford, John N.; Palomares, Emilio; Vazquez, Purificacion; Torres, Tomas From Chemical Science (2012), 3(4), 1177-1184. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (260). Influence of the counter electrode on the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells using a disulfide/thiolate redox electrolyte Full Text By Burschka, Julian; Brault, Vincent; Ahmad, Shahzada; Breau, Livain; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Marsan, Benoit; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Graetzel, Michael From Energy & Environmental Science (2012), 5(3), 6089-6097. (259). Charged cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes that have large electrochemical gap Full Text By Shavaleev, Nail M.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Baranoff, Etienne; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. From Inorganica Chimica Acta (2012), 383, 316-319. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (258). Symmetric vs. asymmetric squaraines as photosensitisers in mesoscopic injection solar cells: a structure-property relationship study Full Text By Park, Jinhyung; Barolo, Claudia; Sauvage, Frederic; Barbero, Nadia; Benzi, Caterina; Quagliotto, Pierluigi; Coluccia, Salvatore; Di Censo, Davide; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; et al From Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2012), 48(22), 2782-2784. (257). Modulating dye E(S /S*) with efficient heterocyclic nitrogen containing acceptors for DSCs Full Text By Delcamp, Jared H.; Yella, Aswani; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael From Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2012), 48(17), 2295-2297. (256).Bright Blue Phosphorescence from Cationic Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Isocyanide Complexes Full Text By Shavaleev, Nail M.; Monti, Filippo; Costa, Ruben D.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Bolink, Henk J.; Orti, Enrique; Accorsi, Gianluca; Armaroli, Nicola; Baranoff, Etienne; Gratzel, Michael; et al From Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 51(4), 2263-2271. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (255). Influence of Halogen Atoms on a Homologous Series of Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Full Text By Baranoff, Etienne; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Monti, Filippo; Steimer, Frederic; Accorsi, Gianluca; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja From Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 51(2), 799-811. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (254). Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt (II/III)-Based Redox Electrolyte Exceed 12% Efficiency [Erratum to document cited in CA156:15579] Full Text By Yella, Aswani; Lee, Hsuan-Wei; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Yi, Chenyi; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Diau, Eric Wei-Guang; Yeh, Chen-Yu; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Graetzel, Michael From Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2011), 334(6060), 1203. (253). Hole-conducting mediator for stable Sb2S3-sensitized photoelectrochemical solar cells Full Text By Lim, Choong-Sun; Im, Sang Hyuk; Rhee, Jae Hui; Lee, Yong Hui; Kim, Hi-Jung; Maiti, Nilkamal; Kang, Yongku; Chang, Jeong Ah; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael; et al From Journal of Materials Chemistry (2012), 22(3), 1107-1111. (252). Acid-induced degradation of phosphorescent dopants for OLEDs and its application to the synthesis of tris-heteroleptic iridium(III) bis-cyclometalated complexes Full Text By Baranoff, Etienne; Curchod, Basile F. E.; Frey, Julien; Scopelliti, Rosario; Kessler, Florian; Tavernelli, Ivano; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja From Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 51(1), 215-224. (251) Influence of Donor Groups of Organic D-?-A Dyes on Open-Circuit Voltage in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text By Dualeh, Amalie; De Angelis, Filippo; Fantacci, Simona; Moehl, Thomas; Yi, Chenyi; Kessler, Florian; Baranoff, Etienne; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael From Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2012), 116(1), 1572-1578. (250). Near-UV to red-emitting charged bis-cyclometallated iridium(iii) complexes for light-emitting electrochemical cells Full Text By Kessler, Florian; Costa, Ruben D.; Di Censo, Davide; Scopelliti, Rosario; Orti, Enrique; Bolink, Henk J.; Meier, Sebastian; Sarfert, Wiebke; Graetzel, Michael;Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; et al From Dalton Transactions (2012), 41(1), 180-191. (249). Evaluation of a Ruthenium Oxyquinolate Architecture for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Full Text By Zhao, Helen C.; Harney, Joseph P.; Huang, Yu-Ting; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; Tsai, Ming-Kang; Rochford, Jonathan From Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 51(1), 1-3. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS (248). Molecular Engineering of Zinc Phthalocyanines with Phosphinic Acid Anchoring Groups Full Text By Lopez-Duarte, Ismael; Wang, Mingkui; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Ince, Mine; Martinez-Diaz, M. Victoria; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas; Graetzel, Michael From Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2012), 51(8), 1895-1898, S1895/1-S1895/13.Awards:
EPFL award for Excellence, 2006 Brazilian FAPESP Fellowship Award, 1999 Japanese Government Science & Technology Agency Fellowship, 1998 EPFL award for Excellence, 1998 Government of India National Scholar award, 1987-1988 CSIR, Senior research Fellowship, 1983-1986 CSIR, Junior research Fellowship, 1980-1983Professional Activities
Conferences organized: (1). Joint ICTP-KFAS workshop on Nanoscience for Solar Energy Conversion, 27-29th October 2008, Trieste, Italy. (2). Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference, (HOPV) 2010, 23-27 May , ASSISI, Italy. Professional Activities OLLA, International Scientific Advisory Board, 2005-2007 Guest editor of a special issue of Coordination Chemistry Reviews: Michael Graetzel Festschrift Volume 248, 2004 Chairperson for one session in the Xth International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Sendai, 1993 Editorial board member: Artificial Photosynthesis ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesPUBLICATIONS
2011 Publications (247). Atomic layer deposition for novel dye-sensitized solar cells , By Tetreault, N.; Heiniger, L.-P.; Stefik, M.; Labouchere, P. P.; Arsenault, E.; Nazeeruddin, N. K.; Ozin, G. A.; Gratzel, M. From ECS Transactions (2011), 41(2, Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 7), 303-314. (246). Tsao, Hoi Nok; Burschka, Julian; Yi, Chenyi; Kessler, Florian; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael. Influence of the interfacial charge-transfer resistance at the counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells employing cobalt redox shuttles. Energy & Environmental Science (2011), 4(12), 4921-4924. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. AN 2011:1566873 CAPLUS (245). Cho, Nara; Lee, Chi-Woo; Cho, Dae Won; Kang, Sang Ook; Ko, Jaejung; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.. Influence of lithium ions on the ion-coordinating ruthenium sensitizers for nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (2011), 32(8), 3031-3038. CODEN: BKCSDE ISSN:0253-2964. AN 2011:1494702 CAPLUS (244). Yella, Aswani; Lee, Hsuan-Wei; Tsao, Hoi Nok; Yi, Chenyi; Chandiran, Aravind Kumar; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Diau, Eric Wei-Guang; Yeh, Chen-Yu; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Graetzel, Michael. Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt (II/III)-Based Redox Electrolyte Exceed 12 Percent Efficiency. Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2011), 334(6056), 629-634. CODEN: SCIEAS ISSN:0036-8075. AN 2011:1389974 CAPLUS (243). Kavan, Ladislav; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Gratzel, Michael. Graphene Nanoplatelet Cathode for Co(III)/(II) Mediated Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ACS Nano (2011), 5(11), 9171-9178. CODEN: ANCAC3 ISSN:1936-0851. CAN 155:640320 AN 2011:1367229 CAPLUS (242). Fantacci, Simona; De Angelis, Filippo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Electronic and Optical Properties of the Spiro-MeOTAD Hole Conductor in Its Neutral and Oxidized Forms: A DFT/TDDFT Investigation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011), 115(46), 23126-23133. CODEN: JPCCCK ISSN:1932-7447. CAN 155:670488 AN 2011:1329281 CAPLUS (241). Burschka, Julian; Dualeh, Amalie; Kessler, Florian; Baranoff, Etienne; Cevey-Ha, Ngoc-Le; Yi, Chenyi; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Tris(2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine)cobalt(III) as p-Type Dopant for Organic Semiconductors and Its Application in Highly Efficient Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2011), 133(45), 18042-18045. CODEN: JACSAT ISSN:0002-7863. CAN 155:640307 AN 2011:1274446 CAPLUS (240). Im, Sang Hyuk; Lim, Choong-Sun; Chang, Jeong Ah; Lee, Yong Hui; Maiti, Nilkamal; Kim, Hi-Jung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael; Seok, Sang Il. Toward Interaction of Sensitizer and Functional Moieties in Hole-Transporting Materials for Efficient Semiconductor-Sensitized Solar Cells. Nano Letters (2011), 11(11), 4789-4793. CODEN: NALEFD ISSN:1530-6984. CAN 155:567163 AN 2011:1267368 CAPLUS (239). Chandrasekharam, Malapaka; Rajkumar, Ganugula; Rao, Chikkam Srinivasa; Suresh, Thogiti; Reddy, Paidi Yella; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Mahammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael. A molecularly engineered fluorene-substituted Ru-complex for efficient mesoscopic dye-sensitized solar cells. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2011), 2(3), 035016/1-035016/13. CODEN: ANSNCK ISSN:2043-6262. AN 2011:1207358 CAPLUS (238). Chandrasekharam, Malapaka; Rajkumar, Ganugula; Suresh, Thogoti; Rao, Chikkam Srinivasa; Reddy, Paidi Yella; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael. Substitution of carbazole modified fluorenes as p -extension in Ru(II) complex-influence on performance of dye-sensitized solar cells. Advances in OptoElectronics (2011), 963068, 10 pp. CODEN: AODPAO ISSN:1687-5648. CAN 155:514630 AN 2011:1148012 CAPLUS (237). Ito, Seigo; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Liska, Paul; Comte, Pascal; Pechy, Peter; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael. Electron-density and electron-lifetime profile in nanocrystalline-TiO2 electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells analysed by voltage decay and charge extraction. ISRN Nanotechnology (2011), 281329, 5 pp. CODEN: INSACZ ISSN:2090-6072. AN 2011:1148003 CAPLUS (236). Abbotto, Alessandro; Leandri, Valentina; Manfredi, Norberto; De Angelis, Filippo; Pastore, Mariachiara; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael. Bis-Donor-Bis-Acceptor Tribranched Organic Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2011), 2011(31), 6195-6205. CODEN: EJOCFK ISSN:1099-0690. AN 2011:1138255 CAPLUS (235). Etgar, Lioz; Park, Jin Hyung; Barolo, Claudia; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Viscardi, Guido; Graetzel, Michael. Design and development of novel linker for PbS quantum dots/TiO2 mesoscopic solar cell. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2011), 3(9), 3264-3267. CODEN: AAMICK ISSN:1944-8244. CAN 155:411694 AN 2011:994220 CAPLUS (234). Baranoff, Etienne; Jung, Il; Scopelliti, Rosario; Solari, Euro; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Room-temperature combinatorial screening of cyclometallated iridium(iii) complexes for a step towards molecular control of colour purity. Dalton Transactions (2011), 40(26), 6860-6867. CODEN: DTARAF ISSN:1477-9226. CAN 155:211960 AN 2011:777666 CAPLUS (233). Lee, Dong Hyun; Lee, Myung Jun; Song, Hae Min; Song, Bok Joo; Seo, Kang Deuk; Pastore, Mariachiara; Anselmi, Chiara; Fantacci, Simona; De Angelis, Filippo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graeetzel, Michael; Kim, Hwan Kyu. Organic dyes incorporating low-band-gap chromophores based on p -extended benzothiadiazole for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dyes and Pigments (2011), 91(2), 192-198. CODEN: DYPIDX ISSN:0143-7208. CAN 155:217144 AN 2011:741097 CAPLUS (232). Chandrasekharam, Malapaka; Rajkumar, Ganugula; Rao, Chikkam Srinivasa; Suresh, Thogiti; Reddy, Marri Anil; Reddy, Paidi Yella; Soujanya, Yarasi; Takeru, B.; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Mahammad Khaja; Graetzel, Michael. Polypyridyl Ru(II)-sensitizers with extended p -system enhances the performance of dye sensitized solar cells. Synthetic Metals (2011), 161(11-12), 1098-1104. CODEN: SYMEDZ ISSN:0379-6779. CAN 155:187427 AN 2011:699710 CAPLUS (231). Shi, Yanrong; Hill, Rebecca B. M.; Yum, Jun-Ho; Dualeh, Amalie; Barlow, Stephen; Graetzel, Michael; Marder, Seth R.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.. A High-Efficiency Panchromatic Squaraine Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2011), 50(29), 6619-6621, S6619/1-S6619/5. CODEN: ACIEF5 ISSN:1433-7851. CAN 155:276388 AN 2011:692173 CAPLUS (230). Sauvage, Frederic; Decoppet, Jean-David; Zhang, Min; Zakeeruddin, Shaik Mohammed; Comte, Pascal; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad; Wang, Peng; Gratzel, Michael. Effect of Sensitizer Adsorption Temperature on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2011), 133(24), 9304-9310. CODEN: JACSAT ISSN:0002-7863. CAN 155:16927 AN 2011:672073 CAPLUS (229). Kuang, Dai-Bin; Comte, Pascal; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Hagberg, Daniel P.; Karlsson, Karl Martin; Sun, Li-Cheng; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael. Stable dye-sensitized solar cells based on organic chromophores and ionic liquid electrolyte. Solar Energy (2011), 85(6), 1189-1194. CODEN: SRENA4 ISSN:0038-092X. AN 2011:645149 CAPLUS (228). Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Baranoff, Etienne; Graetzel, Michael. Dye-sensitized solar cells: A brief overview. Solar Energy (2011), 85(6), 1172-1178. CODEN: SRENA4 ISSN:0038-092X. AN 2011:645145 CAPLUS (227). Robson, Kiyoshi C. D.; Koivisto, Bryan D.; Yella, Aswani; Sporinova, Barbora; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Baumgartner, Thomas; Gratzel, Michael; Berlinguette, Curtis P. Design and Development of Functionalized Cyclometalated Ruthenium Chromophores for Light-Harvesting Applications. Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2011), 50(12), 5494-5508. CODEN: INOCAJ ISSN:0020-1669. CAN 154:627815 AN 2011:625549 CAPLUS (226). Tsao, Hoi Nok; Yi, Chenyi; Moehl, Thomas; Yum, Jun-Ho; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammed K.; Graetzel, Michael. Cyclopentadithiophene bridged donor-acceptor dyes achieve high power conversion efficiencies in dye-sensitized solar cells based on the tris-cobalt bipyridine redox couple. ChemSusChem (2011), 4(5), 591-594. CODEN: CHEMIZ ISSN:1864-5631. CAN 155:99368 AN 2011:618414 CAPLUS (225). Garcia-Iglesias, Miguel; Yum, Jun-Ho; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Pechy, Peter; Vazquez, Purificacion; Palomares, Emilio; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas. Effect of anchoring groups in zinc phthalocyanine on the dye-sensitized solar cell performance and stability. Chemical Science (2011), 2(6), 1145-1150. CODEN: CSHCCN ISSN:2041-6520. AN 2011:609153 CAPLUS (224). Giribabu, Lingamallu; Bessho, Takeru; Srinivasu, Mareedu; Vijaykumar, Challuri; Soujanya, Yarasi; Reddy, Veeranagari Gopal; Reddy, Paidi Yella; Yum, Jun-Ho; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja. A new family of heteroleptic ruthenium(ii) polypyridyl complexes for sensitization of nanocrystalline TiO2 films. Dalton Transactions (2011), 40(17), 4497-4504. CODEN: DTARAF ISSN:1477-9226. CAN 155:55365 AN 2011:486535 CAPLUS (223). Meng, Sheng; Kaxiras, Efthimios; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael. Design of dye acceptors for photovoltaics from first-principles calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011), 115(18), 9276-9282. CODEN: JPCCCK ISSN:1932-7447. CAN 154:517924 AN 2011:480468 CAPLUS (222). Kolemen, Safacan; Bozdemir, O. Altan; Cakmak, Yusuf; Barin, Gokhan; Erten-Ela, Sule; Marszalek, Magdalena; Yum, Jun-Ho; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael; Akkaya, Engin U. Optimization of distyryl-Bodipy chromophores for efficient panchromatic sensitization in dye sensitized solar cells. Chemical Science (2011), 2(5), 949-954. CODEN: CSHCCN ISSN:2041-6520. AN 2011:462122 CAPLUS (221). De Angelis, Filippo; Fantacci, Simona; Mosconi, Edoardo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Absorption Spectra and Excited State Energy Levels of the N719 Dye on TiO2 in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Models. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011), 115(17), 8825-8831. CODEN: JPCCCK ISSN:1932-7447. CAN 154:490848 AN 2011:452492 CAPLUS (220). Yum, Jun-Ho; Baranoff, Etienne; Wenger, Sophie; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael. Panchromatic engineering for dye-sensitized solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science (2011), 4(3), 842-857. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. CAN 155:488403 AN 2011:392181 CAPLUS (219). Seo, Kang Deuk; Song, Hae Min; Lee, Myung Jun; Pastore, Mariachiara; Anselmi, Chiara; De Angelis, Filippo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graeetzel, Michael; Kim, Hwan Kyu. Coumarin dyes containing low-band-gap chromophores for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dyes and Pigments (2011), 90(3), 304-310. CODEN: DYPIDX ISSN:0143-7208. CAN 154:517856 AN 2011:351108 CAPLUS (218). Choi, Hyunbong; Kang, Sang Ook; Ko, Jaejung; Gao, Guohua; Kang, Hong Seok; Kang, Moon-Sung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael. An efficient dye-sensitized solar cell with an organic sensitizer encapsulated in a cyclodextrin. Preprints of Symposia - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry (2011), 56(1), 156-157. CODEN: PSADFZ ISSN:1521-4648. CAN 155:276246 AN 2011:318046 CAPLUS (217). Garcia-Iglesias, Miguel; Cid, Juan-Jose; Yum, Jun-Ho; Forneli, Amparo; Vazquez, Purificacion; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Palomares, Emilio; Gratzel, Michael; Torres, Tomas. Increasing the efficiency of zinc-phthalocyanine based solar cells through modification of the anchoring ligand. Energy & Environmental Science (2011), 4(1), 189-194. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. CAN 155:357508 AN 2011:299492 CAPLUS (216). Yum, Jun-Ho; Hardin, Brian E.; Hoke, Eric T.; Baranoff, Etienne; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Torres, Tomas; McGehee, Michael D.; Gratzel, Michael. Incorporating Multiple Energy Relay Dyes in Liquid Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. ChemPhysChem (2011), 12(3), 657-661. CODEN: CPCHFT ISSN:1439-4235. CAN 155:593305 AN 2011:236783 CAPLUS (215). Paek, Sanghyun; Choi, Hyunbong; Kim, Chulwoo; Cho, Nara; So, Seulgi; Song, Kihyung; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Ko, Jaejung. Efficient and stable panchromatic squaraine dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2011), 47(10), 2874-2876. CODEN: CHCOFS ISSN:1359-7345. CAN 154:464440 AN 2011:223049 CAPLUS (214). Baranoff, Etienne; Orselli, Enrico; Allouche, Lionel; Di Censo, Davide; Scopelliti, Rosario; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. A bright tetranuclear iridium(III) complex. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2011), 47(10), 2799-2801. CODEN: CHCOFS ISSN:1359-7345. CAN 154:410131 AN 2011:223031 CAPLUS (213). Klein, Cedric; Baranoff, Etienne; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Convenient synthesis of tridentate 2,6-di(pyrazol-1-yl)-4-carboxypyridine and tetradentate 6,6'-di(pyrazol-1-yl)-4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine ligands. Tetrahedron Letters (2011), 52(5), 584-587. CODEN: TELEAY ISSN:0040-4039. CAN 154:259477 AN 2011:39810 CAPLUS (212). Li, Xiaoe; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Thelakkat, Mukundan; Barnes, Piers R. F.; Vilar, Ramon; Durrant, James R. Spectroelectrochemical studies of hole percolation on functionalized nanocrystalline TiO2 films: A comparison of two different ruthenium complexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011), 13(4), 1575-1584. CODEN: PPCPFQ ISSN:1463-9076. CAN 154:345102 AN 2011:36816 CAPLUS (211). Baranoff, Etienne; Fantacci, Simona; De Angelis, Filippo; Zhang, Xianxi; Scopelliti, Rosario; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Based on Phenyl-Imidazole Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2011), 50(2), 451-462. CODEN: INOCAJ ISSN:0020-1669. CAN 154:158598 AN 2010:1556570 CAPLUS (210). Abbotto, Alessandro; Sauvage, Frederic; Barolo, Claudia; De Angelis, Filippo; Fantacci, Simona; Graetzel, Michael; Manfredi, Norberto; Marinzi, Chiara; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.. Panchromatic ruthenium sensitizer based on electron-rich heteroarylvinylene p -conjugated quaterpyridine for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dalton Transactions (2011), 40(1), 234-242. CODEN: DTARAF ISSN:1477-9226. CAN 154:239221 AN 2010:1533437 CAPLUS (209). Lee, Hyo Joong; Leventis, Henry C.; Haque, Saif A.; Torres, Tomas; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Panchromatic response composed of hybrid visible-light absorbing polymers and near-IR absorbing dyes for nanocrystalline TiO2-based solid-state solar cells. Journal of Power Sources (2011), 196(1), 596-599. CODEN: JPSODZ ISSN:0378-7753. CAN 153:584887 AN 2010:1114544 CAPLUS 2010 Publications (208). Lee, Hyo Joong; Chang, Dong Wook; Park, Su-Moon; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.. CdSe quantum dot (QD) and molecular dye hybrid sensitizers for TiO2 mesoporous solar cells: working together with a common hole carrier of cobalt complexes. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2010), 46(46), 8788-8790. CODEN: CHCOFS ISSN:1359-7345. AN 2010:1422982 CAPLUS (207). Klein, Cedric; Baranoff, Etienne; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Graetzel, Michael. Convenient synthesis of functionalized 4,4'-disubstituted-2,2'-bipyridine with extended p -system for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Tetrahedron Letters (2010), 51(47), 6161-6165. CODEN: TELEAY ISSN:0040-4039. CAN 154:45866 AN 2010:1334471 CAPLUS (206). Baranoff, Etienne; Bolink, Henk J.; De Angelis, Filippo; Fantacci, Simona; Di Censo, Davide; Djellab, Karim; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. An inconvenient influence of iridium(iii) isomer on OLED efficiency. Dalton Transactions (2010), 39(38), 8914-8918. CODEN: DTARAF ISSN:1477-9226. AN 2010:1183809 CAPLUS (205). Bauer, Christophe; Teuscher, Joel; Pelet, Serge; Wenger, Bernard; Bonhote, Pierre; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Comte, Pascal; Gratzel, Michael; Moser, Jacques-Edouard. Ultrafast charge transfer through p-oligo(phenylene) bridges: effect of nonequilibrium vibrations. Current Science (2010), 99(3), 343-352. CODEN: CUSCAM ISSN:0011-3891. AN 2010:1155107 CAPLUS (204). Ahmad, Shahzada; Yum, Jun-Ho; Butt, Hans-Juergen; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael. Efficient Platinum-Free Counter Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications. ChemPhysChem (2010), 11(13), 2814-2819. CODEN: CPCHFT ISSN:1439-4235. AN 2010:1144241 CAPLUS (203). Paek, Sanghyun; Choi, Hyunbong; Choi, Hyeju; Lee, Chi-Woo; Kang, Moon-sung; Song, Kihyung; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Ko, Jaejung. Molecular Engineering of Efficient Organic Sensitizers Incorporating a Binary p -Conjugated Linker Unit for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2010), 114(34), 14646-14653. CODEN: JPCCCK ISSN:1932-7447. AN 2010:996145 CAPLUS (202). Hardin, Brian E.; Yum, Jun-Ho; Hoke, Eric T.; Jun, Young Chul; Pechy, Peter; Torres, Tomas; Brongersma, Mark L.; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Gratzel, Michael; McGehee, Michael D. High Excitation Transfer Efficiency from Energy Relay Dyes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Nano Letters (2010), 10(8), 3077-3083. CODEN: NALEFD ISSN:1530-6984. CAN 153:265029 AN 2010:858952 CAPLUS (201). Marin-Suarezdel Toro, M.; Fernandez-Sanchez, J. F.; Baranoff, E.; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, M.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, A. Novel luminescent Ir(III) dyes for developing highly sensitive oxygen sensing films. Talanta (2010), 82(2), 620-626. CODEN: TLNTA2 ISSN:0039-9140. AN 2010:849547 CAPLUS (200). Yum, Jun-Ho; Humphry-Baker, Robin; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Effect of heat and light on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells based on organic sensitizers and nanostructured TiO2. Nano Today (2010), 5(2), 91-98. CODEN: NTAOCG ISSN:1748-0132. AN 2010:796324 CAPLUS (199). Yum, Jun-Ho; Baranoff, Etienne; Hardin, Brian E.; Hoke, Eric T.; McGehee, Michael D.; Nuesch, Frank; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Phosphorescent energy relay dye for improved light harvesting response in liquid dye-sensitized solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science (2010), 3(4), 434-437. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. AN 2010:782195 CAPLUS (198). Chang, Jeong Ah; Rhee, Jae Hui; Im, Sang Hyuk; Lee, Yong Hui; Kim, Hi-jung; Seok, Sang Il; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael. High-Performance Nanostructured Inorganic-Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells. Nano Letters (2010), 10(7), 2609-2612. CODEN: NALEFD ISSN:1530-6984. CAN 153:121335 AN 2010:680563 CAPLUS (197). Pattantyus-Abraham, Andras G.; Kramer, Illan J.; Barkhouse, Aaron R.; Wang, Xihua; Konstantatos, Gerasimos; Debnath, Ratan; Levina, Larissa; Raabe, Ines; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael; Sargent, Edward H. Depleted-Heterojunction Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells. ACS Nano (2010), 4(6), 3374-3380. CODEN: ANCAC3 ISSN:1936-0851. CAN 153:16604 AN 2010:645021 CAPLUS (196). Bolink, Henk J.; Baranoff, Etienne; Clemente-Leon, Miguel; Coronado, Eugenio; Lardies, Nora; Lopez-Munoz, Angel; Repetto, Diego; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.. Dual-Emitting Langmuir-Blodgett Film-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. Langmuir (2010), 26(13), 11461-11468. CODEN: LANGD5 ISSN:0743-7463. CAN 153:130031 AN 2010:629842 CAPLUS (195). Kuster, Simon; Sauvage, Frederic; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael; Nueesch, Frank A.; Geiger, Thomas. Unsymmetrical squaraine dimer with an extended p -electron framework: An approach in harvesting near infra-red photons for energy conversion. Dyes and Pigments (2010), 87(1), 30-38. CODEN: DYPIDX ISSN:0143-7208. AN 2010:587177 (194). Choi, Hyunbong; Kim, Jeum-Jong; Song, Kihyung; Ko, Jaejung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael. Molecular engineering of panchromatic unsymmetrical squaraines for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry (2010), 20(16), 3280-3286. CODEN: JMACEP ISSN:0959-9428. CAN 153:41488 AN 2010:426798 CAPLUS (193). Baranoff, Etienne; Yum, Jun-Ho; Jung, Il; Vulcano, Rosaria; Gratzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja. Cyclometallated iridium complexes as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemistry--An Asian Journal (2010), 5(3), 496-499. CODEN: CAAJBI ISSN:1861-4728. AN 2010:400544 CAPLUS (192). Abbotto, Alessandro; Manfredi, Norberto; Marinzi, Chiara; de Angelis, Filippo; Mosconi, Edoardo; Yum, Jun-Ho; Xianxi, Zhang; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Di-branched di-anchoring organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science (2009), 2(10), 1094-1101. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. AN 2010:352066 CAPLUS (191). Baek, Nam Seob; Yum, Jun-Ho; Zhang, Xianxi; Kim, Hwan Kyu; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Functionalized alkyne bridged dendron based chromophores for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Energy & Environmental Science (2009), 2(10), 1082-1087. CODEN: EESNBY ISSN:1754-5706. AN 2010:352064 CAPLUS (190). De Angelis, Filippo; Fantacci, Simona; Selloni, Annabella; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. First-principles modeling of the adsorption geometry and electronic structure of Ru(II) dyes on extended TiO2 substrates for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2010), 114(13), 6054-6061. CODEN: JPCCCK ISSN:1932-7447. CAN 152:459182 AN 2010:308094 CAPLUS (189). Ahmad, Shahzada; Yum, Jun-Ho; Xianxi, Zhang; Graetzel, Michael; Butt, Hans-Juergen; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.. Dye-sensitized solar cells based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) counter electrode derived from ionic liquids. Journal of Materials Chemistry (2010), 20(9), 1654-1658. CODEN: JMACEP ISSN:0959-9428. CAN 152:434718 AN 2010:201206 CAPLUS (188). Kawano, Ryuji; Katakabe, Toru; Shimosawa, Hironobu; Nazeeruddin, Md. Khaja; Graetzel, Michael; Matsui, Hiroshi; Kitamura, Takayuki; Tanabe, Nobuo; Watanabe, Masayoshi. Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells using polymerized ionic liquid electrolyte with platinum-free counter electrode. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2010), 12(8), 1916-1921. CODEN: PPCPFQ ISSN:1463-9076. CAN 152:481495 AN 2010:173633 CAPLUS (187). Choi, Hyunbong; Raabe, Ines; Kim, Duckhyun; Teocoli, Francesca; Kim, Chulwoo; Song, Kihyung; Yum, Jun-Ho; Ko, Jaejung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael. High molar extinction coefficient organic sensitizers for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. Chemistry--A European Journal (2010), 16(4), 1193-1201. CODEN: CEUJED ISSN:0947-6539. CAN 152:530443 AN 2010:106203 CAPLUS (186). Ma, Ruimin; Guo, Ping; Yang, Linlin; Guo, Lianshun; Zhang, Xianxi; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Theoretical Screening of -NH2-, -OH-, -CH3-, -F-, and -SH-Substituted Porphyrins As Sensitizer Candidates for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010), 114(4), 1973-1979. CODEN: JPCAFH ISSN:1089-5639. CAN 152:243594 AN 2010:42168 CAPLUS 2009 publications (185). Panchromatic Response in Solid-state Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using Phosphorescent Energy Relay Dyes, Jun-Ho Yum, Brian E. Hardin, Soo-Jin Moon, Etienne Baranoff, Frank Nüesch, Michael D. McGehee, Michael Grätzel, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 48, 9277-9280, 2009. (184). Efficient CdSe Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Prepared by an Improved Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Process, HyoJoong Lee, Mingkui Wang, Peter Chen, Daniel R. Gamelin,§ Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Michael Grätzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, ACS Nano Letters, 9, 4221-4227, 2009. (183). Engineering of Novel Anchoring Ligand for Thin Film Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Amaresh Mishraa, Nuttapol Pootrakulchote, Cedric Klain, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Peter Bäuerle, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, ChemCommun, 46, 7146, 2009. (182). Study of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Scanning Electron Micrograph Observation and Thickness Optimization of Porous TiO2 Electrodes, Seigo Ito, Mohammad K. Nazreeruddin2, Michael Grätzel, Takaki Mizuno, Atsushi, Tanaka, Tsuguo Koyanagi, IJP/517609, 2009 in press. (181). Ito, Seigo; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Pechy, Peter; Comte, Pascal; Gratzel, Michael; Mizuno, Takaki; Tanaka, Atsushi; Koyanagis, Tsuguo. Study of dye-sensitized solar cells by scanning electron micrograph observation and thickness optimization of porous TiO2 electrodes. International Journal of Photoenergy, IJPNBU ISSN: 1687-529X. AN 2009:1040130, 2009. (180). Di-branched Di-anchoring Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Alessandro Abbotto, Norberto Manfredi, Chiara Marinzi,a Filippo De Angelis, Edoardo Mosconi, Jun-Ho Yum, Zhang Xianxi, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Energy Environ. Sci., 2, 1094, 2009. (179). Choi, Hyunbong; Kang, Sang Ook; Ko, Jaejung; Gao, Guohua; Kang, Hong Seok; Kang, Moon-Sung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael. An Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell with an Organic Sensitizer Encapsulated in a Cyclodextrin Cavity. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 48, 5938-5941, 2009. (178). Ma, Ruimin; Guo, Ping; Cui, Hongji; Zhang, Xianxi; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Gratzel, Michael. Substituent Effect on the Meso-Substituted Porphyrins: Theoretical Screening of Sensitizer Candidates for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry, A 113, 10119-10124, 2009. (177). Highly Efficient Organic Sensitizers for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Soo-Jin Moon, Jun-Ho Yum, Robin Humphry-Baker, Karl Martin Karlsson, Daniel P. Hagberg, Tannia Marinado, Anders Hagfeldt, Licheng Sun, Michael Grätzel and Md K. Nazeeruddin, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 16816-16820, 2009. (176). An Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell with an Organic Sensitizer Encapsulated in a Cyclodextrin Cavity, Hyunbong Choi, Sang Ook Kang, Jaejung Ko, Hong Seok Kang, Moon-Sung Kang, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Volume: 48 Issue: 32 Pages: 5938-5941 Published: 2009. (175). Increased light harvesting in dye-sensitized solar cells with energy relay dyes, BRIAN E. HARDIN, ERIC T. HOKE, PAUL B. ARMSTRONG, JUN-HO YUM, TOMÁS TORRES, JEAN M.J. FRÉCHET, MD KHAJA NAZEERUDDIN, MICHAEL GRÄTZEL, AND MICHAEL D. MCGEHEE, NATURE PHOTONICS, 406, 3, 2009. (174). High Open-Circuit Voltage Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Organic Dye. Chen, Peter; Yum, Jun Ho; De Angelis, Filippo; Mosconi, Edoardo; Fantacci, Simona; Moon, Soo-Jin; Baker, Robin Humphry; Ko, Jaejung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael. Nano Letters, 9, 2487-2492, 2009. (173). Self-assembled photosystem-I photovoltaics on nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO, ANDREAS MERSHIN, KAZUYA MATSUMOTO, LISELOTTE KAISER, DAOYONG YU, MICHAEL VAUGHN, MD. K. NAZEERUDDIN, BARRY D. BRUCE2, MICHAEL GRAETZEL AND SHUGUANG ZHANG, NATURE PHOTONICS , 2009. (172). Molecular Design of Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dyes for High Efficiency Conversion of Low Energy Photons into Electrons using TiO2 Nanocrystalline Films, Thomas Geiger, Simon Kuster, Jun-Ho Yum, Soo-Jin Moon, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Michael Grätzel, Frank Nüesch, Advanced Functional Materials, 19, 2720-2727, 2009. (171). Influence of Different Cations of N3 Dyes on Their Photovoltaic Performance and Stability, Lu?sa Andrade, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Helena Aguilar Ribeiro, Ad elio Mendes and Michael Graetzel, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 2009, Article ID 563420, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/563420 . (170). Regenerative PbS and CdS Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells with a Cobalt Complex as Hole Mediator, Hyo Joong Lee, Peter Chen, Soo-Jin Moon, Daniel R. Gamelin, Pascal Comte, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Sang Il Seok, Michael Gratzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Langmuir, 7602, 25, 2009. (169). Time-dependent density functional theory study of squaraine dye-sensitized solar cells, Dario Rocca, Filippo De Angelis, Ralph Gebauer, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Stefano Baroni, Chemical PhysicsLetters, 475, 4953, 2009. (168). Panchromatic Cross-Substituted squaraines for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Applications, Luca Beverina, Riccardo Ruffo, Claudio Maria Mari, Giorgio A. Pagani, Mauro Sassi, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, CHEMSUSCHEM Volume: 2 Issue: 7 Pages: 621-624, 2009. (167). Functionalized Alkyne Bridged Dendron based Chromophores for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Applications, Nam Seob Baek, Jun-Ho Yum, Hwan Kyu Kim, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Energy Environ. Sci., 2, 2082, 2009. (166). Cyclometallated iridium complexes for conversion of electricity into light and light into electricity, Etienen Baranoff, Jun-ho Yum, Michael Graetzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 694 Issue: 17 Pages: 2661-2670, 2009. (165). Facile preparation of large aspect ratio ellipsoidal anatase TiO2 nanoparticles and their application to dye-sensitized solar cell, Baek, In Chan; Vithal, Muga; Chang, Jeong Ah; Yum, Jun-Ho; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Graetzel, Michael; Chung, Yong-Chae; Seok, Sang Il. Electrochemistry Communications (2009), 11(4), 909-912. (164). Influence of Sodium Cations of N3 Dye on the Photovoltaic Performance and Stability of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Andrade, Luisa; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Aguilar Ribeiro, Helena; Mendes, Adelio; Graetzel, Michael. ChemPhysChem 10(7), 1117-1124 (2009). (163). White-Light phosphorescence emission from a single molecule: application to Organic LightEmitting Diodes, H. J. Bolink, F. De Angelis, E. Baranoff, C. Klein, N. Evans, Simona Fantacci, E. Coronado, M. Sessolo , K. Kalyanasundaram, M. Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Issue: 31 Pages: 4672-4674, 2009. (162). A dendritic oligothiophene ruthenium sensitizer for stable dye-sensitized solar cells, F. SAUVAGE, M. K. R. FISCHER, A. MISHRA, S. M. ZAKEERUDDIN, Md. K. NAZEERUDDIN, P. BAEUERLE, M. GRAETZEL, ChemSusChem, 2, 761-768, 2009. (161). An ester-substituted iridium complex for efficient vacuum-processed organic light-emitting diodes, Etienne Baranoff, Stéphane Suàrez, Philippe Bugnon, Henk J. Bolink, Cédric Klein, Rosario Scopelliti, Libero Zuppiroli, Michael Graetzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, ChemSusChem, 2, 305-308, 2009. (160). A new paradigm for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, Takeru Bessho, Eiji Yoneda, Jun-Ho Yum, Matteo Guglielmi, Ivano Tavernelli, and Ursula Rothlisberger, Hachiro Imai, and Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 5930-5934, 2009. (159). PbS Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solid-State Solar Cells. Old Concepts, but New Results, HyoJoong Lee, Henry C. Leventis, Peter Chen, Seigo, Ito, Saif A. Haque, Tomas Torres, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Michael Graetzel, and Md. Khaja Nazeeruddin, Advanced Functional materials, 19, 2735-2742, 2009. (158). Carboxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene- and carboxy-2,6-naphthylene-vinylene unsymmetrical substituted zinc phthalocyanines for dye-sensitized solar cells, Fabio Silvestria, Miguel García-Iglesiasa, Jun-Ho Yumb, Purifi cación Vázquez, M. Victoria Martínez-Díaza, Michael Grätzelb, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin*b and Tomás Torres, J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 13, 17, 2009. (157). Structure-Function Relationship in Unsymmetrical Zinc Phthalocyanines for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Application, Juan-José Cid, Miguel García-Iglesias, Jun-Ho Yum, Amparo Forneli, Josep Albero, Eugenia Martínez-Ferrero, Purificación Vázquez, Michael Grätzel, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Tomás Torres, Emilio Palomares, Chemistry A, Eur. J., 15, 5130-5137, 2009. (156). Organic dyes with novel anchoring group for dye-sensitized solar cell applications, Baik, Chul; Kim, Duckhyun; Kang, Moon-Sung; Kang, Sang Ook; Ko, Jaejung; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Graetzel, Michael, J. Photochemistry A, 201, 168-174, 2009. (155). A Light Resisting Organic Sensitizer for Solar Cells, Jun-Ho Yum, Daniel P. Hagberg, Soo-Jin Moon, Karl Martin Karlsson, Tannia Marinado, Licheng Sun, Anders Hagfeldt, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Angewandte Chemie, 48, 1576-1580, 2009. (154). Henk J. Bolink, Etienne Baranoff, Miguel Clemente-Leon, Eugenio Coronado, Angel Lopez, Diego Repetto, Michele Sessolo, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Langmuir, 25, 79-83, 2009. (153). Unsymmetrical Extended ?-Conjugated Zinc Phthalocyanine For Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, L. Giribabu, Ch. Vijay Kumar, P. Yella Reddy and M. Lakshmi Kantam, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Graetzel, Journal of Chemical Sciences (Bangalore, India) 121(1), 75-82, 2009. (152). High Molar Extinction Coefficient Ruthenium Sensitizers for Thin Film Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Song-Rim Jang, Jun-Ho Yum, Cedric Klein, Kang-Jin Kim, Pawel Wagner, David Officer, Michael Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 1998-2003, 2009. (151). High efficient donoracceptor ruthenium complex for dye-sensitized solar cell applications, Jun-Ho Yum, I. L. Jung, Chul Baik, Jaejung Ko, M. K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Graetzel, Energy Environ. Sci., 2, 100-1002, 2009. 2008 publications (150). Ab Initio Prediction of the Emission Color in Phosphorescent Iridium(III): Complexes for OLEDs Filippo De Angelis, Fabrizio Santoro, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Vincenzo Barone, J. Phys. Chem B, 112, 13181-13183, 2008. (149). Electronrich heteroaromatic conjugated bipyridine based ruthenium sensitizer for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, Alessandro Abbotto, Claudia Barolo, Luca Bellotto, Filippo De Angelis, Michael Grätzel, Norberto Manfredi, Chiara Marinzi, Simona Fantacci, Jun-Ho Yumd and Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 42, 5318-5320, 2008. (148). An element of surprise-efficient copper-functionalized dye-sensitized solar cells, Bessho, Takeru; Constable, Edwin C.; Graetzel, Michael; Hernandez Redondo, Ana; Housecroft, Catherine E.; Kylberg, William; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Neuburger, Markus; Schaffner, Silvia. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom (32), 3717-3719. 2008. I am pleased to tell you that last month your article was amongst the top ten accessed articles from the online version of Chemical Communications( In August your article received 2,656 accesses. I hope you find this information of interest. You can browse the full list of top 10 articles here: Please note that we have no record of who has been accessing your article or from which countries, only the overall number of accesses. (147). Effect of Coadsorbent on the Photovoltaic Performance of Squaraine Sensitized Nanocrystalline Solar Cells, J. H Yum, S. J Moon, R. Humphry-Baker, P. Walter, T. Geiger, F. Nüesch, M. Grätzel and M d. K. Nazeeruddin, Nanotechnology, 19, (issue 42) 424005, 2008. (146). Ruthenium sensitizers based on heteroaromatic conjugated bypiridines for dye-sensitized solar cells, Abbotto, Alessandro; Barolo, Claudia; Yum, Jun-Ho; Bellotto, Luca; De Angelis, Filippo; Graetzel, Michael; Marinzi, Chiara; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 6999 (Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics III), O9990-O9990. (145). Bolink, Henk J.; Coronado, Eugenio; Costa, Ruben D.; Lardies, Nora; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Orti, Enrique. Unexpected large spectral shift from blue to green region in a light-emitting electrochemical cell. Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 6999 (Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics III), 69992L-69992L-12. (144). An improved perylene sensitizer for solar cell applications, Chen Li, Jun-Ho Yum, Soo-Jin Moon, Andreas Herrmann, Felix Eickemeyer, Neil G Pschirer, Peter Erk, Jan Schöneboom, Klaus Müllen, Michael Grätzel and Mohammad. K. Nazeeruddin, ChemSusChem, 1(7), 615-618, 2008. (143). Stepwise cosensitization of nanocrystalline TiO2 films utilizing Al2O3 layers in dye-sensitized solar cells, Hyunbong Choi, Sanghoon Kim, Sang Ook Kang, Jaejung Ko, Moon-Sung Kang, John N. Clifford, Amparo Forneli, Emilio Palomares, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 47(43), 8259-8263, 2008. (142). Effect of Coadsorbent on the Photovoltaic Performance of Zinc Pthalocyanine Sensitized Solar Cells, Jun-Ho Yum, Song-rim Jang, Robin Humphry-Baker, M. Grätzel, Juan-José Cid, Tomas Torres and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Langmuir, 24(10); 5636-5640, 2008. (141). Sublimation Not an Innocent Technique: A Case of Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium Emitter for OLED, Etienne Baranoff, Stéphane Suárez, Philippe Bugnon, Claudia Barolo, Roberto Buscaino, Rosario Scopelliti, Libero Zuppiroli, Michael Graetzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Inorg. Chem. 47, 6575-6577, 2008. (140). Molecular Engineering of Organic Sensitizers for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Applications, Daniel P. Hagberg, Jun-Ho Yum, HyoJoong Lee, Filippo De Angelis, Tannia Marinado, Karl Martin Karlsson, Robin Humphry-Baker, Licheng Sun, Anders Hagfeldt, Michael Grätzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(19), 6259-6266. 2008. (139). High Extinction Coefficient "Antenna" Dye in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Photophysical and Electronic Study, Snaith, Henry J.; Karthikeyan, C. S.; Petrozza, Annamaria; Teuscher, Joel; Moser, Jacques E.; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Thelakkat, Mukundan; Gratzel, Michael. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 7562-7566, 2008. (138). CdSe Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Exceeding Efficiency 1% at Full-Sun Intensity, Hyo Joong Lee, Jun-Ho Yum, Henry C. Leventis, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Saif A. Haque, Peter Chen, Sang Il Seok, Michael Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Physical Chemistry C 112(30), 11600-11608, 2008. (137). Molecular engineering of hybrid sensitizers incorporating an organic antenna into ruthenium complex and their application in solar cells, Hyunbong Choi, Chul Baik, Moon-Sung Kang, Sanghoon Kim, Sang Ook Kang, Jaejung Ko, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, New J. Chem., 32, 2301, 2008. (136). Synthesis, Characterization and TD-DFT Analysis of Blue Light Emitting Anionic Iridium Complexes, D. Di Censo, C. Klein, S. Fantacci, F. De Angelis, N. Evans, K. Kalyanasundaram, M. Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Inorg. Chem., 47, 980-989, 2008. (135). Phenomenally High Molar Extinction Coefficient Sensitizer with Donor-Acceptor Ligands for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Applications, Chongchan Lee, Jun-Ho Yum, Hyunbong Choi, Sang Ook Kang, Jaejung Ko, Robin Humphry-Baker, Michael Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Inorganic chemistry, 47, 2267-2273, 2008. (134). A Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Sensitizer Solution used for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Claudio Baiocchi, Claudia Barolo, Roberto Buscaino, Claudio Medana, Michael Grätzel, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Guido Viscardi, Inorganica Chemica Acta, 361, 798-805, 2008. (133). Artificial photosynthesis based on dye-sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cells, J-J. Lagref, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, Inorg. Chemica Acta, 361, 735-745, 2008. (132). A Highly Efficient and Thermally Stable Organic Sensitizers for Solvent Free Electrolyte Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Hyunbong Choi, Chul Baik, Sang Ook Kang, Jaejung Ko, Moon-Sung Kang, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Angewandte Chemie, 47, 327-330, 2008. (131). A Magnetically Controlled Wireless Optical Oxygen, Sensor for In Vivo Intraocular Measurements, Olgac¸ Ergeneman, G¨orkem Dogangil, Jake J. Abbott, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, and Bradley J. Nelson. SUBMITTED TO IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, SPECIAL ISSUE ON IN VIVO SENSORS FOR MEDICINE, 8, 29-37, 2008. (130). Fabrication of thin film dye sensitized solar cells with solar to electric power conversion efficiency over 10%, Seigo Ito, Takurou N. Murakami, Pascal Comte, Paul Liska, Carole Grätzel, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Thin Solid Films, 516, 4613-4619, 2008. 2007 publications (129). Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Investigations on the Excited States of Ru(II)-Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Nanoparticles: The Role of Sensitizer Protonation. Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, Annabella Selloni, Michael Grätzel, Moammhad K. Nazeruddin, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 129, 14156-14157, 2007. (128). Origin and Implications of the Large Spectral Shift in Electroluminescence Observed in a Blue-Emitting Cationic Iridium (III) Complex, Henk J. Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Stephanie Cheylan, Eugenio Coronado, Rubén D. Costa, Guido Lo Pinto, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, Enrique Ortí, and Pedro M. Viruela, J. Mater. Chem. 17, 5032-5041, 2007. (127). Influence of Sensitizers Dipole on Open-Circuit Potential of the Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantocci, M. Grätzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Nano Letters, 7, 3189-3195, 7, 2007. (126). A magnetically controlled wireless intraocular oxygen sensor: concept, prototype, and in vitro experiments. Ergeneman Olgac; Dogangil Gorkem; Abbott Jake J; Nazeeruddin Mohammad K; Nelson Bradley J., Conference proceedings : Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference (2007), 1 4189-93. Journal code: 101243413. ISSN:1557-170X. PubMed ID 18002926 AN 2007679032. (125). Kim, Jae Kwan; Jung, Il; Song, Kyu-Ho; Baik, Chul; Choi, Hyunbong; Kim, Duckhyun; Fantacci, S.; De Angelis, F.; Yum, J.-H.; Nazeerudin, Md. K.; Graetzel, M.; Ko, Jaejung. Highly Efficient Solar Cells Using Organic Dyes with Amorphous Moiety. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2007), Volume Date 2006, 974E(Solar Energy Conversion), No pp. given, Paper #: 0974-CC08-03. CODEN: MRSPDH ISSN:0272-9172. AN 2008:567028. (124). Bolink, Henk Jan; Cappeli, Luca; Coronado, Eugenio; Costa, Ruben D.; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, MdK; Viruela, Pedro M.; Orti, Enrique. Improved Stability of Solid State Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells Consisting of Ruthenium and Iridium Complexes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2007), Volume Date 2006, 965E(Organic Electronics), No pp. given, Paper #: 0965-S03-04. CODEN: MRSPDH ISSN:0272-9172. AN 2008:537280. (123). Co-Sensitization of Organic Dyes for Efficient Ionic Liquid Electrolyte based Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Daibin Kuang, Pablo Walter, F. Nüesch, Sanghoon Kim, Jaejung Ko, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Pascal Comte, Shaik. M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Langmuir, 23, 10906-10909, 2007. (122). Molecular Co-sensitization for Efficient Panchromatic Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Juan-José Cid, Jun-Ho Yum, Song-Rim Jang, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Eugenia Martínez-Ferrero, Emilio Palomares, Jaejung Ko, Michael Grätzel, Tomás Torres, Angewandte Chemie, 46, 8358-8362, 2007. (121). Efficient Co-Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films by Organic Sensitizers, Jun-Ho Yum, Song-Rim Jang, Pablo Walter, F. Nüesch, Sanghoon Kim, Jaejung Ko, Michael Grätzel and Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Chem. Commun. 44, 4680-4682, 2007. (120). Highly efficient porphyrin sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells, Wayne M. Campbell, David L. Officer, Kenneth W. Jolley, Pawel Wagner, Klaudia Wagner, Penny J. Walsh, Keith Gordon, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Qing Wang and Michael Grätzel, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 11760-11762, 2007. (119). Perfect Green Emitting and Efficient Solution Processable OLED Obtained With a Novel Iridium III Complex, Henk J. Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Eugenio Coronado, Cedric Klein, Michael Graetzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin. acceptd, Chem. Commun, 3276-3278, 2007. (118). Efficient Near IR Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films by a Squaraine dye, Jun-Ho Yum, F. Nüesch, Michael Grätzel and Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 129, 10320-10321, 2007. (117). Unsymmetrical Alkoxy Zinc Phthalocyanine for Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, L. Giribabu, Ch. Vijay Kumar, V. Gopal Reddy, P. Yella Reddy and Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Solar Energy Materials, 91, 1611-1617, 2007. (116). Improved Stability of Solid State Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells Consisting of Ruthenium and Iridium Complexes, Henk Jan Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Eugenio Coronado, Rubén D. Costa, Michael Graetzel, MdK Nazeeruddin, Pedro M Viruela, Enrique Ortí, MRS Proceedings Volume 965E (MRS Organic Electronics Materials, Devices and Applications), Editors: F. So, G.B. Blanchet, Y. Ohmori, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 965E, Warrendale, PA, 0965-S03-04, 2007). Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2007), Volume Date 2006, 965E(Organic Electronics), No pp. given, Paper #: 0965-S03-04. (115). Fabrication of Screen-Printing Pastes from TiO2 Powders for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Seigo Ito, Peter Chen, Pascal Comte, Mohamed K. Nazeeruddin, Paul Liska, Péter Péchy and Michael Grätzel, Progress in Photovoltaics, 15, 603-612, 2007. (114). Controlling of Phosphorescence Color and Quantum Yields in Iridium Complexes, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantocci, N. Evans, C. Klein, S. M. Zakeeruddin, Jacques-E. Moser, K. Kalyanasundaram, Henk J. Bolink, M. Grätzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Inorg. Chem., 46, 5989-6001, 2007. (113). Engineering of Efficient Phosphorescent Iridium Cationic Complex for Developing Oxygen-Sensitive Polymeric and Nanostructured Films Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez, Antonio L. Medina-Castillo, Cédric Klein, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Antonio Segura-Carretero, Alberto Fernández-Gutiérrez, Michael Graetzel, Ursula E. Spichiger-Keller, The Analyst, 132, 929-936, 2007. (112). Sensor technologies based on a cellulose supported platform,?Jane Holly Poplin, Richard P. Swatloski, John D. Holbrey, Scott K. Spear, Andreas Metlen, Michael Grätzel, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Robin D. Rogers, Chem. Commun., 2025, 2007. (111). The electronic role of the TiO2 light-scattering layer in dye-sensitized solar cells, Zhipan Zhang, Seigo Ito, Brian O Regan, Daibin Kuang, S. M. Zakeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Peter Péchy, Robin Humphry-Baker, Tsuguo Koyanagi, Takaki Mizuno and Michael Graetzel, Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany) Z. Phys. Chem. 221, 319-328, 2007. (110). Dye dependent regeneration dynamics in dye sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells: evidence for the formation of a ruthenium bipyridyl cation / iodide intermediate, John N. Clifford, Emilio Palomares, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel and James R. Durrant, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 6561-6567, 2007. (109). Dye-sensitized solar cell using amphiphilic ruthenium dyes and an ionic liquid crystal as the electrolyte, Ryuji Kawano, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Akihiro Sato, Michael Grätzel and Masayoshi Watanabe, Electrochem. Commun. 9, 1134-1138, 2007. (108). A High Molar Extinction Coefficient Charge Transfer Sensitizer and its Application in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, T. Bessho, Le Cevey, S. Ito, C. Klein, F. De Angelis, S. Fantacci, P. Comte, P. Liska, H. Imai and M. Graetzel, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry 185, 331-337, 2007. (107). Novel Oxygen Selective Complexes for Optical Oxygen Sensing, By J.F. Fernández-Sánchez, T. Roth, R. Cannas, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, S. Spichiger, M. Graetzel, and U.E. Spichiger-Keller, Talanta, 71, 242-250, 2007. (106). Efficient Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films by a Near Infrared Absorbing Unsymmetrical Zinc Phthalocyanine, Paidi Yella Reddy, Lingamallu Giribabu, Christopher Lyness, Henry J. Snaith, Challuri Vijaykumar, Malapaka Chandrasekharam, Mannepalli Lakshmikantam, Jun-Ho Yum, Kuppuswamy Kalyanasundaram, Michael Grätzel and Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Angewandte Chemie., vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 373-376, 2007. 2006 publications (105). Hirata, Narukuni; Palomares, Emilio; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, M.; Durrant, James R. The influence of dye protonation upon the performance of dye sensitised solar cells. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (Electron Transfer in Nanomaterials), 93-98, 2004-22, 2006. (104). Molecular Engineering of Organic Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications, Sanghoon Kim, Jae Kwan Lee, Sang Ook Kang,1 Jaejung Ko, J.-H. Yum, S. Fantacci, F. De Angelis, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 128, 16701-16707, 2006. (103). Barrier layer insertion in mesoporous dye-sensitized solar cells: the use of alkyl chains to minimize kinetic redundancy of the dye regeneration reaction, Jessica E. Kroeze, Narukuni Hirata, Sara Koops, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Michael Grätzel and James R. Durrant, Communicated to J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 128, 16376-16383, 2006. (102). Stable Single-Layer Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell Using 4,7-Diphenyl-1,2-phenanthroline-bis(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(III) Hexafluorophosphate, Henk J. Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Eugenio Coronado, Michael Grätzel, Enrique Ortí, Ruben D. Costa,Pedro M. Viruela and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 128, 14786-14787, 2006. (101). Efficient and stable solid state light emitting electrochemical cell using tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate and and its simple microwave assited synthesis, Henk J. Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Eugenio Coronado, Michael Grätzel, and Md K. Nazeeruddin, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 128, 46-47, 2006. (100). Molecular wiring of nanocrystals: NCS-enhanced cross-surface charge transfer in self-assembled Ru-complex monolayer on mesoscopic oxide films, Qing Wang, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Robin Humphry-Baker, and Michael Grätzel, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 128, 4446-4452, 2006. (99). Effect of Nanocrystalline-TiO2 Film Thickness on Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Seigo Ito, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Robin Humphry-Baker, Paul Liska, Raphaël Charvet, Pascal Comte, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin, Peter Péchy, Masakazu Takata, Hidetoshi Miura, Satoshi Uchida, Michael Grätzel, Adv. Materials, 18, 1202-1205, 2006. (98). Highly Selective and Reversible Optical, Colorimetric and Electrochemical Detection of Mercury (II) by Amphiphilic Ruthenium complexes Anchored onto Mesoporous Oxide Films, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, D. Di Censo, R. Humphry-Baker, and M. Grätzel, Ad. Functional Materials, 16, 189-194, 2006. (97). Encapsulation-free hybrid organic inorganic light-emitting diodes, Katsuyuki Morii, Takeshi Takashima, Qing Wang, Md. Khaja Nazeeruddin, Masaya Ishida, Tatsuya Shimoda, and Michael Graetzel, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 183510, 2006. (96). Dissociation of Iridium(III) phosphorescent emitters upon adsorption on Cu(110) revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy, H. Gersen, R. Schaub, W. Xu, I. Stensgaard, E. Laegsgaard, T.R. Linderoth, F. Besenbacher, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Graetzel, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 264102, 2006. (95). DFT-INDO/S modelling of new high molar extinction coefficient charge transfer sensitizers for solar cell applications, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Qing Wang, Le Cevey, Viviane Aranyos, Paul Liska, Egbert Figgemeier, Cedric Klein, N. Hirata, James R. Durrant, Anders Hagfeldt, A. B. P. Lever, and Michael Grätzel, Inorg. Chem., 45, 787-797, 2006. (94). Efficient Green-Blue Light Emitting Cationic Iridium Complex for Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. T. Wegh, Z. Zhou, C. Klein, Q. Wang, Simona Fantacci, Filippo De Angelis and M. Grätzel, Inorg. Chem., 45, 9245-9250, 2006. (93). Synthesis, Characterization and DFT-TDDFT Computational Study of a Ruthenium Complex Containing a Functionalized Tetradentate Ligand, C. Barolo, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Simona Fantacci, D. Di Censo, Seigo Ito, P. Comte, P. Liska, G. Viscardi, P. Quagliotto, Filippo De Angelis, and M. Grätzel, Inorg. Chem. 45, 4642-4653, 2006. (92). Electronic Structures and absorption spectra of Linkage Isomers of trithiocyanato (4, 4/, 4//- tricarboxy-2, 2/: 6, 2//- terpyridine) Ruthenium (II) Complexes: A DFT Study and NBO Analysis, Sutapa Ghosh, G.Krishna Chaitanya, K. Bhanuprakash, Md.K.Nazeeruddin, M.Grätzel and P. Yella Reddy, Inorg. Chem. 45, 7600-7611, 2006. (91). Electron donor-acceptor distance dependence of the dynamics of light-induced interfacial charge transfer in the dye-sensitization of nanocrystalline oxide semiconductor, B. Wenger, C. Bauer, M. K. Nazeeruddin, P. Comte, S. M. Zakeerudin, M. Grätzel & J.-E. Moser, Proc. SPIE 2006, 6325, 63250V-1-11. (90). Nanostructured Composite Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Deposition, Alexander G. Agrios, Ilkay Cesar, Pascal Comte, M.K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Chem. Materials, 18, 5395-5397, 2006. (89). Efficient Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on 4,4'-di-(2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethenyl)-2,2'-Bipyridine, D. Berner, C. Klein, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, F. De Angelis, M. Castellani, Ph. Bugnon, R. Scopelliti, L. Zuppiroli, and M. Graetzel, J. Mater. Chem., 4468-4474, 16, 2006. (88). High-Efficiency (7.2%) Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell with Ti-Metal Substrate for Nanocrystalline-TiO2 Photoanode, Seigo ITO, Ngoc-Le Cevey Ha, Guido Rothenberger, Paul Liska, Pascal Compte, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Péter Péchy, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Chem. Commun, 38, 4004-4006, 2006. (87). Highly Efficient dye-sensitized solar cells based on carbon black counter electrodes, T. N. Murakami, A. Kay, S. Ito, Q. Wang, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, T. Bessho, P. Liska, R. H. Baker, P. Comte, P. Péchy and M. Graetzel, J. of Electrochemical Society, 153, A2255-A2261, 2006. (86). Photovoltaic Characterization of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Effect of Device Masking on Conversion Efficiency, Seigo Ito, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Paul Liska, Pascal Comte, Raphaël Charvet, Péter Péchy, Marie Jirousek, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Progress in Photovoltaics, 14, 589-601, 2006. (85) Hybrid polymer / zinc oxide photovoltaic devices using vertically oriented ZnO nanorods and an ambiphilic molecular interface layer, P. Ravirajan, A. Peiro Munoz, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, J. R. Durrant, and J. Nelson, J. Phys. Chem. B, 7635-7639, 110, 2006. 2005 publications (84). Combined Experimental and DFT-TDDFT Computational Study of Photoelectrochemical Cell Ruthenium Sensitizers, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, Annabella Selloni, Guido Viscardi, Paul Liska, Seigo Ito, Bessho Takeru and Michael Grätzel, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 127, 16835-16847, 2005. (83). Effect of hydrocarbon chain length of amphiphilic ruthenium dyes on solid-state dye-sensitized photovoltaics, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Jessica Kroeze, James Durrant, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, Nano Letters, 5, 1315-1320, 2005. (82). Organized Mesoporous TiO2 Films Exhibiting Greatly Enhanced Performance in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Markéta Zukalová, Arnot Zukal, Ladislav Kavan, Md K. Nazeeruddin, Paul Liska, and Michael Grätzel, Nano Letters, 5, 1789-1792, 2005. (81). Reversible Colorimetric Probes for Mercury Sensing, Eugenio Coronado, José R. Galán-Mascarós, Carlos Martí-Gastaldo, Emilio Palomares, James R. Durrant, Ramón Vilar, M. Gratzel, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, J. AM. CHEM. SOC, 127, 12351-12356, 2005. (80). Engineering of a Novel Ruthenium Sensitizer and its Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells for Conversion of Sunlight into Electricity, C. Klein, Md. K. Nazeeruddin P. Liska, Davide Di Censo, N. Hirata, E. Palomares, J. R. Durrant and M. Grätzel, Inorg. Chem. 44, 178-180, 2005. (79). Efficient Light Harvesting By Using Green Zn-Porphyrin Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, Qing Wang, E. E. Bonfantani, Wayne M. Campbell, David L. Officer, Robin Humphry-Baker, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, J. Phys. Chem B, 109, 15397-15409, 2005. (78). Synthesis of Novel Ruthenium Sensitizers and their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, C. Klein, P. Liska and M. Grätzel, Coord. Chem. Rev., 248, 1317-1328, 2005. (77). Zn-Porphyrin-Sensitised Nanocrystalline TiO2 Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Wayne M. Campbell, Qing Wang, Kenneth W. Jolley, David L. Officer, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and Michael Grätzel, ChemPhysChem, 6, 1253-1258, 2005. (76). Time dependent density functional theory study of the absorption spectrum of the[Ru(4,4-COO--2,2-bpy)2(X) 2]4- (X=NCS, Cl) dyes in water solution, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, Annabella Selloni, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Graetzel, Chemical Physics Letters, 415, 115-120, 2005. (75). Controle of Dark Current in Photoelectrochemical (TiO2/I--I3-) and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Seigo Ito, Paul Liska, Pascal Comte, Raphael Charvet, Peter Péchy, Udo Bach, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Shaik Mohammed Zakeeruddin, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Chem. Commun., 4351-4353, 2005. 2004 publications (74). Amphiphilic Ruthenium Sensitizers and their Applications in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, C. Klein, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, D. Di Censo, P. Liska and Michael Grätzel, Inorg. Chem., 43, 4216-4226, 2004. (73). Stepwise Assembly of Amphiphilic Ruthenium Sensitizers and their Applications in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, S. M. Zakeeruddin, J-J. Lagref, P. Liska, P. Comte, C. Barolo, G. Viscardi, K. Schenk, and M. Graetzel, Coord. Chem. Rev. 248, 1317-1328, 2004. (72). Molecular Control of Recombination Dynamics in Dye Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films: Free Energy vs. Distance Dependence. John N. Clifford, Emilio Palomares, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, Jenny Nelson, X.J Li, Nicholas J. Long and James R. Durrant, J. Am. Chem. Sco. 126, 5225-5233, 2004. (71). Multi-Step Electron Transfer Processes on Dye Co-sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, John N. Clifford, E. Palomares, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Gratzel and James R. Durrant. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 5670-5671, 2004. (70). Supramolecular Control of Charge Transfer Dynamics on Dye Sensitised Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, N. Hirata, Jean-Jacques Lagref, E. Palomares, James R. Durrant, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Gratzel, Davide Di Censo, Eur. J. Chem. A., 10, 595-602, 2004. (69). Application of Metalloporphyrins in Nanocrystalline Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for Conversion of Sunlight into Electricity, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, David L. Officer, Wayne M. Campbell, Anthony K. Burrell and M. Grätzel, Langmuir, 20, 6514-6517, 2004. (68). A Stable New Sensitizer with Improved Light Harvesting for Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline Solar Cells, Peng Wang, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Jacques E. Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Pascal Comte, Viviane Aranyos, Anders Hagfeldt, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Grätzel, Adv. Materials, 16, 1806, 2004. 2003 publications (67). Investigation of Sensitizer Adsorption and the Influence of Protons on Current and Voltage of a Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cell, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, P. Liska, and M. Gra1tzel, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 8981-8987, 2003. (66). Highly Phosphorescence Iridium Complexes and Their Application in Organic Light-Emitting Devices Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, D. Berner, S. Rivier, L. Zuppiroli, and M. Graetzel, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 125, 8790-8797, 2003. (65). A remarkably stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell based on an amphiphilic ruthenium sensitizer and a polymer gel electrolyte, Peng Wang, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Jacques E. Moser, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Takashi Sekiguchi and Michael Grätzel, Nature Mater, 2, 402- 407, 2003. (64). Molecular engineering on semiconductor surfaces: design, synthesis and application of new efficient amphiphilic ruthenium photosensitizers for nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells, J. J. Lagref Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, Synthetic Metals 138, 333339, 2003. (63). A Swift Dye Uptake Procedure for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Splivallo, P. Liska, P. Comte and M. Grätzel, Chem. Commun, 14561457, 2003. 2002 publications (62). Novel Ruthenium Complexes Containing Functionalized Hybrid Tetradentate Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and INDO/S Analysis, T. Renouard, R.-A. Fallahpour, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, S. I. Gorelsky, A. B. P. Lever, and M. Gra1tzel, , Inorg. Chem., 41, 367378, 2002. (61). Design, Synthesis and Application of Amphiphilic Ruthenium Polypyridyl Photosensitizers in Solar Cells Based on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films, S. M. Zakeeruddin, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, P. Péchy, P. Quagliotto, C. Barolo, G. Viscardi and M. Grätzel, Langmuir, 18, 952-954, 2002. (60). An Improved Synthesis of cis-dithiocyanato bis(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) ruthenium (II) sensitizer, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Inorganic Synthesis, volume 33, 185, 2002. (59). Electron injection kinetics for the nanocrystalline TiO2 flms Sensitized with the dye sensitised with the dye (Bu4N)2 Ru (dcbpyH)2(NCS)2, Yasuhiro Tachibana, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Greatzel, David R.Klug, James R.Durrant. Chemical Physics, 285, 127132, 2002. (58). Structural Characterization of Solar Cell Prototypes Based on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Anatase Sensitized with Ru Complexes. X-ray Diffraction, XPS, and XAFS Spectroscopy Study, Y. V. Zubavichus, Yu. L. Slovokhotov, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel, and V. Shklover. Chem. Materials 2002, 14, 3556. (57). Packing of Ruthenium sensitizer molecules on mostly exposed faces of nanocrystalline TiO2: crystal structure of (NBu)4)2[Ru(H2tctterpy)(NCS)3]2-.0.5 DMSO. V. Shklover, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel and Yu. E. Ovchinnikov. Appl. Organometal. Chem. 16, 635, 2002. 2001 publications (56). Engineering of Efficient Panchromatic Sensitizers for Nanocrystalline TiO2-based Solar cells, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, P. Péchy, T. Renouard, S. M. Zakeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, P. Liska, L. Cevey, E. Costa, V. Shklover, Leone Spiccia, Glen Deacon, C. A. Bignozzi, and M. Grätzel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 1613, 2001. (55). Development Status of Dye Sensitized Nanocrystalline Photovoltaic Devices, A. J. McEvoy, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, G. Rothenberger and M. Graetzel, Electrochemical Society Proceedings (Washington, DC) 10, 69, 2001. (54). Co(II)(bip)2 Complex Rivals Tri-iodide/Iodide Redox Mediator in Dye-Sensitized Photovoltaic Cells, H. Nusbaumer, J. - E. Moser, S. M. Zakeeruddin, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Graetzel, J. Phys. Chem. B, 105 (43), 10461-10464, 2001. (53). Separation of Linkage isomers of trithiocyanato (4,4,4-tricarboxy-2,2;6,2-terpyridine)Ruthenium(II) by pH-Controlled methREVIEW ARTICLES AND BOOK CONTRIBUTIONS
(10). Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Brief Overview, Etienne Baranoff, Michael Grätzel and Md. Khaja Nazeeruddin, Solar Energy, 2011, SE2683. (9). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Conversion of Solar Energy into Electricity, by Jun-ho Yum, Michael Grätzel, and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Monograph on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells K. Kalyanasundaram, Editor, to be published by EPFL Press 2009. (8). Recent progress in solid state dye-sensitized solar cells, Jun-Ho Yum, Peter Chen, M. Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, ChemSusChem, 1, 699-707, 2008. (7). Transition metal Complexes for Photovoltaic and OLED Applications Md. K. Nazeeruddin, and M. Grätzel, Structure and Bonding, Springer DE, page 430-493, 2007. (6). Molecular Engineering of Iridium Complexes and their Application in Organic Light Emitting Devices, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, C. Klein, M. Grätzel, L. Zuppiroli and D. Berner, edited by H. Yersin, Wiley-VCH OLED book, CODEN: 69KPPB AN 2008:615587 pages 363-390, 2008. (5). Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Editor. Special Issue: Michael Graetzel Festschrift, A tribute for this 60th Birthday: Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. [In: Coord. Chem. Rev.; 2004, 248(13-14)]. (2004), 369 pp. CAN 142:394997 AN 2004:937842. (4). Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy using Dye-sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Cells, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry 2, Volume 9, Chapter 3, edited by M. Ward, Elsevier Science Ltd, 2003. (3). Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Mesoscopic Oxide Semiconductor films, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, Series, Volume 9, edited by V. Ramamurthy and K. S. Schanze, Marcel-Dekker, 2002, 301-343. (2). Dyes for Semiconductor Sensitization, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry: Semiconductor Electrodes and Photoelectrochemistry, Editors-in-Chief: Allen Bard, Martin Stratmann; Editor: Stuart Licht, 2002, Volume 6, Chapter 5.2, pages 407-431. (1). Inter-chromophore electronic interactions in ligand-bridged polynuclear complexes: a comparative study of various bridging ligands, K. Kalyanasundaram and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 226, 213-230 (1994).Talks
(84). Invited speaker, The 9th Aseanian Conference on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (DSC-OPV9) Sydney, Australia on 8-10 December 2014. (83). Invited talk, and tutorial in WCPECWCPEC: The 6th world conference on photovoltaic energy conference (PVSEC 24, 41st IEEE PVSEC, 30th EU PVSEC) 11/23-11/27 (Nov.), 2014, at Kyoto International Conference center, Japan. (82). Invited speaker the 5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress between the 31st of August and the 4th of September 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. (81). 3rd European Conference on Nanofilms & Al-Nanofunc final conference: Micro-structural and chemical characterization in the Nano-scale Preliminary program 7th-11th July 2014, Seville, Spain. (80). Gordon Research Conference of Hybrid Electronic and Photonic Materials and Phenomena Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, from June 22 to June 27, 2014. (79). 40th IEEE PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, Special Invited Speaker of Area 6: Organic Photovoltaics. June 8th to June 13th, 2014 in Denver, Colorado, USA. (78). Invited Speaker, The 113th General Meeting of Korea Chemical Society, Seoul, April 17, 2014 (77). Workshop on Science and Technology for Solar Energy Conversion, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Indstitute, Qatar, April 12-13, 2014. 76). Invited Speaker, Global Photovoltaic Conference 2013 & The 8th Aseanian Conference on Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (DSC-OPV8), November 23-26, 2013, BEXCO, Busan, Korea. (75). Invited speaker, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2013, GNIT and GNITC, 9th 10th August 2013, Hyderabad, India. (74). Invited symposium keynote speaker (Symposium VI: Emerging Technologies for Solar), Photovoltaic Technology International Conference (CPTIC) 2013, March from 20 to 22, 2013 in Shanghai, China, in conjunction with SEMICON/SOLARCON China and SEMI ). (73). Invited talk in INDO-GERMAN Workshop on Advanced Materials for Future Energy Requirements (WAMFER 2012) from November 29-December1, 2012 in India. (72). Plenary talk in The 22nd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-22), in Dragon Hotel, Hangzhou, China on November 5-9, 2012. (71). An invited talk in the 7th Aseanian Conference on Dye?sensitized and Organic Solar Cells (DSC?OPV7), October 25-29, 2012, Taipai, Taiwan. (70). Invited talk at the Plastic Electronics Conference, on the 9-11 October 2012 in the Messe Dresden, Germany. ( (69). Invited talk in International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2012, (ICSM 2012), July 8-13, 2012, at Atlanta, GA, USA. (68). 8th Workshop on the Future Direction of Photovoltaics, organized by: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, The 175th Committee on Innovative Photovoltaic Power Generating Systems, 8-9th March 2012, Tokyo Tech Front, Tokyo Institute of Technologie, Tokyo, Japon. (67). The 3rd Symposium for the Global Research Laboratory (GRL), February 21, 2012, KIST, Seoul, Korea. (66). Programme des journées bibliographiques 2012 de lEcole doctorale de chimie moléculaire, UPMCX, SORBONNE UNIVERSITY, 19th January 2012. (65). Invited speaker, Photoeffects at Semiconductor for Energy and Environment, Torino,, October 31, 2011. Aula Magna Primo Levi Facolà di Scienze MFN dell UNIVERSITA di Torino Via P. Giuria, 7, Italy. (64). Invited speaker, The 6th Aceanian Conference on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cells "DSC-6" Date: Oct 17th&18th in Beppu, Oita prefecture in Japan's south Island, Kyushu. (63). Invited speaker, The 11th International Meeting on Information Display, October 11-15, 2011/ KINTEX, SEOUL, KOREA. (62). Invited speaker, Frontiers in Organic, Dye-Sensitized and Hybrid Solar Cells, June 14-20, 2011, Krutyn, Masurian Lake District, Poland. (61). Invited speaker, FINELUMEN International Summer School 2011 Advanced Physical Methods for Organic, Inorganic, and Hybrid Materials May 23-27, 2011, Lochow, Poland. (60). Invited Speaker at the Symposium GG of the upcoming 2011 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California. The meeting will be held at the Moscone West and San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, California, from April 25 to 29, 2011.At MRS Spring meeting in April 2011. (59). Invited Speaker at KAIN, Saudi Arabia, January 2011. (58). Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, at the 24th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (24th ICOMC 2010), 18th -23rd July, 2010, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. (57). Dye-Sensitized solar Cells, at Ministry of New Renewable Energy, Delhi, 30th March 2010. (57). Hybrid materials, setting the future materials research agenda for Sustainable Chemistry, On Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 March 2010 At the Jean Monnet Conference Centre in Luxembourg. (56). Ordered Organic-Inorganic Hybrids using Ionic Liquids for Emerging Applications, Kick-off meeting, Hotel Palacio de Aiete, November 12, 2009. (55). Dyes, for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, PVSEC 19, ICC JEJU, KOREA November 9-13, 2009. (54). Progress in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, MANA presentation at Advanced Photovoltaics Center at NIMS, Japan, December 9th -15th, 2009. (53). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (Joint Meeting with the 2009 International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials), October 30 ~ November 3, 2009, Korea University(Sejong Campus), Chungnam, Korea. (52). Artificial Photosynthesis, Chochiwon Science High School, Korea, October 30, 2009. (51). Power from the Sun using the Mesoscopic Solar Cells, Korean Chemical Society, Daejeon, Korea, October 29, 2009. (50). Artificial Photosynthesis, ChungNam Science High School, Korea, October 21, 2009. (49). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell, Advanced Materials Division, KRICT, Korea, October 20, 2009. (48). Artificial Photosynthesis, ChungBuk Science High School, Korea, October 16, 2009. (47). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells, Dongjin, SemiChem, Korea, October 14, 2009. (46). Power from the Sun using Mesoscopic Solar Cells, WCU International Workshop on Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells, College of Science and Technology Hall #234, Korea University (Sejong Campus), October 13, 2009. (45). Molecular Engineering of Materials for Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic Applications, Program of the solar cell workshop in Visp organized by Lonza, 8th October, 2009. (44). Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination compounds, Chemistry and Physics of Materials for Energetics. A European School in Materials Science, University of Milano-BicoccaMilano, 14-19 September 2009. (43). Design and Development of Molecular Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications, First International Meeting on Organic Materials for a Better Future, Ostuni, Italy, September 12-16, 2009. (42) Swiss Chemical society meeting 4th Semtember 2009 (41). Organic Light Emitting Diodes, CELLO meeting at Brussels, 3rd September 2009. (40). Design and Development of Molecular Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications, First International Meeting on Organic Materials for a Better Future, Ostuni, Italy, September 12-16, 2009. (39). Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination compounds, Chemistry and Physics of Materials for Energetics. A European School in Materials Science, University of Milano-BicoccaMilano, 14-19 September 2009 (38). Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications, ISOPHOS 09, International School on Organic Photovoltaics - Valencia, 13-15 July 2009 (37). MOLECULAR ENGINEERING OF MATERIALS FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION, Nanoforum, Turin, Italy, June 9-11, 2009 (36). Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATERIALS AND DEVICES FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION, Location of Workshop: McKinley Hall, Wichita State University, Kanas, USA, May 22 -23, 2009 (35). Molecular Engineering of Colorants for Solar Cell Applications, Convention on Colorants 2009, 5th - 6th February 2009, Mumbai, India. (34). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications, Joint ICTP-KFAS workshop on Nanoscience for Solar Energy Conversion, 27-29th October 2008, Trieste, Italy. (33). Cyclometallated Ruthenium Sensitizers as a New Paradigm Towards High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, IPS 17, 27th July -1st August 2008, Sydney, Australia. (32). "Molecular Engineering of triplet emitters for OLED Applications" at the Business Line Electronic Materials, Ciba Specialty Chemicals Inc. CH-4002 Basel Switzerland, on 9th August 2007. (31). Solar Fuels: Making them a reality, workshop sponsored by the Imperial College Energy Futures Laboratory, in the Council Room, 170 Queens Gate, London SW7, 20th July 2007. (30). Symposium on Solar Energy Conversion for the Fall 06 Materials Research Society meeting to be held in Boston, MA, USA, on November 27-December 1, 2006. (29). Sensitizers for Image Sensing at Samsung, SAIT, Korea (Dr. Woncheol jung) 13th October 2006. (28). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications" at the Department of Chemistry, Korea University, Jochiwon, Chungnam 339-700, Korea (Prof. Jaejung Ko), 12th October 2006. (27). Dye-sensitized Solar Cells" at Graduate school of Engineering, Toin University of Yokohama, Japan (Professor Tsutomu Miyasaka), 10th October 2006. (26). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Conversion of Light to Electricity and Electricity to Light at Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo Rika Daigaku), 1-3, Kagurazaka, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo, 10th October 2006. (25). Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells at International Summer School 2006, Krutyn, Poland, 28th May 2006. (24). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Cell Applications" at International Summer School 2006, Krutyn, Poland, 28th May 2006. (23). Platinum group metal complexes for mesoscopic Solar Cells" at International Summer School 2006, Krutyn, Poland, 29th May 2006. (22). Molecular Engineering of Light Emitting complexes for OLED Applications at International Summer School 2006, Krutyn, Poland, 29th May 2006. (21). Light Emitting complexes for OLED Applications OLED colloquium, at Philips Research, Aachen, Germany, 13th March 2006. (20). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Energy Conversion and Light Emitting Diodes at Imperial college London, 12th June, 2005. (19). Molecular Engineering of Novel Sensitizers and their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells at Symposium on Physical Studies on Photo- or Electron responsive Materials, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Institute of Chemistry, Taiwan, March 9, 2005. (18). Efficient Conversion of Sunlight to Electric Power by Dye Sensitized Solar Cells at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Nanotechnology Research Center, Taiwan, March 8, 2005 (17). Engineering of Sensitizers for Conversion of Light to Current and Current to Light Symposium on Inorganic Materials and Photochemistry, at Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua university, Taiwan, March 7, 2005. (16). Engineering of Efficient Panchromatic Sensitizers for Nanocrystalline TiO2 Based Solar Cells Photochemistry centre, Faculty of Science, Ain SHAMS University, Cairo, December 29, 2004. (15). Generation of Electric power from sunlight by dye sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells and Electricity to Light" at Korea Conference on Innovative Science and Technology (KCIST) 2004, New Frontiers in Photovoltaics. held on September 1-4, 2004 at Hyundai Hotel in Gyeongju, Korea. (14). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Conversion of Light to Electricity and Electricity to Light" at Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (Host Sang Il Seok) 30th August 2004. (13). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Conversion of Light to Electricity Plenary talk at IICT, India, on the occasion of diamond jubilee ceremony, Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: New Horizons August 3-4th 2004. (12). Dye sensitized solar cells Invited talk at ISPPCC, Hong Kong, July 4-9th 2004. (11). Oxygen Sensors, at Centre for Chemical Sensors and Chemical Information Technology (CCS), ETH Technopark, Technoparkstr. 1, CH-8005 Zürich, March 18, 2004. (10). Microwave Synthesis of Sensitizers at CEM conference, Basel, April 10, 2003. (9). Engineering of Efficient Panchromatic Sensitizers for Nanocrystalline TiO2 Based Solar Cells The 4th NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, March 14-16, 2001. (8). Dyes for Semiconductor Sensitization at NIMC, Tsukuba Science Center, Tsukuba, Japan (host Dr. Arakawa) March 12, 2001. (7). Modulation of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide Photoelectrodes by the Dyes Containing Different Degrees of Protons and cations at 13th International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds, Isle of Lipari, Italy, July 26- July 1, 1999. (6). Photophysics and Photochemistry of Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complexes at Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, (Prof. Takeshi Ohno), 27th March 1998. (5). Engineering of Efficient Sensitizers for Nanocrystalline TiO2 Based Solar Cells at NIMC, Tsukuba Science Center, Tsukuba, Japan, (Dr. Arakawa) 23rd March 1998. (4). Efficient Panchromatic sensitization of nanocrysatlline TiO2 films by novel ruthenium complexes at The First NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, March 16-18, 1998. (3). Dye Sensitized Solar Cells at Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, (Prof. Yanagida) 3rd August 1996. (2). Molecular Engineering of Sensitizers for Solar Energy Conversion Applications at CMCRI, Bhavnagar, India, (Prof. M. M. Taquikhan) 17th December 1991. (1). Dye Sensitized Solar Cells at Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, (Prof. Raveendhra Reddy) 9th December 1993.POSTER PRESENTATION
(34). Asymmetric squaraine dyes exhibiting panchromatic absorption for dye-sensitized solar cells, Jradi, Fadi M.; Delcamp, Jared; Hill, Rebecca; Davydenko, Iryna; Shi, Yanrong; Sajoto, Tissa; Yum, Jun-Ho; Dell'Orto, Elisa; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Barlow, Stephen; et al, From Abstracts, 64th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, United States, November 14-17 (2012), SERM-935. (33). An efficient dye-sensitized solar cell with an organic sensitizer encapsulated in a cyclodextrin, Choi, Hyunbong; Kang, Sang Ook; Ko, Jaejung; Gao, Guohua; Kang, Hong Seok; Kang, Moon-Sung; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Gratzel, Michael, From Preprints of Symposia - American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry (2011), 56(1), 156-157. (32). Unexpected large spectral shift from blue to green region in a light-emitting electrochemical cell, Bolink, Henk J.; Coronado, Eugenio; Costa, Ruben D.; Lardies, Nora; Nazeeruddin, Md. K.; Orti, Enrique, From Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 6999(Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics III), 69992L/1-69992L/12. (31). Ruthenium sensitizers based on heteroaromatic conjugated bipyridines for dye-sensitized solar cells, Abbotto, Alessandro; Barolo, Claudia; Yum, Jun-Ho; Bellotto, Luca; De Angelis, Filippo; Graetzel, Michael; Marinzi, Chiara; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K., From Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 6999(Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics III), 69990O/1-69990O/9. (30). Improved Stability of Solid State Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells Consisting of Ruthenium and Iridium Complexes, Bolink, Henk Jan; Cappeli, Luca; Coronado, Eugenio; Costa, Ruben D.; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, MdK; Viruela, Pedro M.; Orti, Enrique, From Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2007), Volume Date 2006, 965E(Organic Electronics), No pp. given, Paper #: 0965-S03-04. (29). The electronic role of the TiO2 light-scattering layer in dye-sensitized solar cells, Zhang, Zhipan; Ito, Seigo; O'Regan, Brian; Kuang, Daibin; Zakeeruddin, Shaik Mohammed; Liska, Paul; Charvet, Raphael; Comte, Pascal; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Pechy, Peter; et al, Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany) (2007), 221(3), 319-328. (28). A magnetically controlled wireless intraocular oxygen sensor: concept, prototype, and in vitro experiments, Ergeneman Olgac; Dogangil Gorkem; Abbott Jake J; Nazeeruddin Mohammad K; Nelson Bradley J, From Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference (2007), 2007, 4189-93. (27). Y. Zhang, C. Barolo, R. Buscaino, E. Barni, P. Quagliotto, G. Viscardi, M.K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel 2,2-dipyridylamino-based tetradentate ligands for novel ruthenium photosensitizers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) in XVIII Congresso Nazionale sulla Scienza e Tecnologia del Vuoto Giornate di Studio sulle Tecnologie del Fotovoltaico, Firenze (FI) 2-4 April 2007. (26). R. Buscaino, C. Baiocchi, C. Barolo, C. Medana, M. Graetzel, M.K. Nazeeruddin, G. Viscardi, A Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Sensitizer Solution used for Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell in XVIII Congresso Nazionale sulla Scienza e Tecnologia del Vuoto Giornate di Studio sulle Tecnologie del Fotovoltaico, Firenze (FI) 2-4 April 2007. (25). Y. Zhang, C. Barolo, R. Buscaino, E. Barni, P. Quagliotto, G. Viscardi, M.K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel 2,2-dipyridylamino-based tetradentate ligands for novel rithenium photosensitizers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) in VI International School of Organometallic Chemistry, Camerino 8-12 September 2007. (24). Buscaino, C. Baiocchi, C. Barolo, C. Medana, M. Graetzel, M.K. Nazeeruddin, G. Viscardi, A MS/ESI Investigation of N-719 Sensitizer Solution in XXXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della Società Chimica Italiana, Rende (CS) 10-14 September 2007. (23). A Magnetically Controlled Wireless Intraocular Oxygen Sensor, (172), presentation at the 29th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in conjunction with the Biennial Conference of the French Society of Biological and Medical Engineering (SFGBM) to be held in Lyon, France from 23rd - 26th August, 2007. (22). Electron donor-acceptor distance dependence of the dynamics of light-induced interfacial charge transfer in the dye-sensitization of nanocrystalline oxide semiconductors, Wenger, Bernard; Bauer, Christophe; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.; Comte, Pascal; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Graetzel, Michael; Moser, Jacques-E., From Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2006), 6325(Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials V), 63250V/1-63250V/11. (21). Novel High Molar Extinction Coefficient Charge Transfer Sensitizer for Solar Cell Applications, Takeru Bessho, Seigo Ito, Cedric Klein, Pascal Comte, Paul Liska, Mohammad K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Graetzel, Abstract, Solar 2006, Gizah, Egypt. (20). Organized Mesoporous TiO2 Thin Films for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Ladislav Kavan, Markéta Zukalova, Arnot Zukal, Paul Liska, Md K. Nazeeruddin and Michael Graetzel, Abstract Solar 2006, Gizah, Egypt. (19). "Highly Selective and Reversible Optical, Colorimetric and Electrochemical Detection of Mercury (II) by Amphiphilic Ruthenium complexes Anchored onto Mesoporous Oxide Films" by Md. K. Nazeeruddin, C. Klein, D. Di Censo, R. Humphry-Baker and M. Graetzel, poster in the Analytical Chemistry session of the Swiss Chemical Society, October 13, 2005. The abstract has been published in the last issue 59(9) 2005 of CHIMIA and carries number 14. (18). Synthesis of Ru Complexes of Carboxylated Phenanthroline, and Application to Dye-Sensitized Solar-Cells, H. Sugihara, L. P. Singh, K. Sayama, H. Arakawa, Md. K Nazeeruddin and M. Greatzel, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1999, Vol 217, Iss MAR, pp 320-INOR. (17). Modulation of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide Photoelectrodes by the Dyes Containing Different Degrees of Protons and cations, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, S. M. Zakeeruddin, R. Humphry-baker and M. Grätzel, Oral presentation at 13th International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds, Isle of Lipari, Italy, July 26- July 1, 1999, Extended abstracts O-29. (16). Efficient Panchromatic sensitization of nanocrysatlline TiO2 films by novel ruthenium comlexes, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, S. M. Zakeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, M. Jirousek, P. Liska, N. Vlachopoulos and M.Graetzel, Paper presented at The First NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, March 16-18, 1998, Extended abstracts P2-7. (15). MLCT and Redox regulation in ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes of 2,6-bis(1-methylbenzimidazol-2'-yl)pyridine ligand and their application in solar energy conversion, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, E. Muller, R. Humphry-baker and M. Grätzel, Paper presented at 36th IUPAC Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, August 17-22, 1997, Extended abstracts AM-I28. (14). Efficient near IR sensitization of nanocrysatlline TiO2 films by ruthenium phthalocyanines, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. H. Baker, B. Murrer and M. Grätzel, Paper presented at 12th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Saint Michael's college, Vermont,USA, June 28-July 3, 1997, Extended abstracts. (13). Controled Positioning of Donor/Acceptor Energy Levels in supramolecular complexes based on the tetrabidentate ligand bis(pyridyl)bis(triazole), Md. K. Nazeeruddin, E. Muller, M. Grätzel and K. Kalyanasundaram, Paper presented at 11th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, Krakow, Poland, July 8 - 10, 1995, Extended abstracts P-41. (12). Synthesis and Characterization of Ru(II) charge transfer sensitizers and their application in conversion of light to electricity, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, P. Pechy, F. P. Rotzinger, R. H. Baker, and M. Grätzel, Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Photochemical conversion and storage of solar energy, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1994, Extended abstracts, page 201. (11). Ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions in Ru and Os complexes of Bipyridine with donor substituents, K. Kalyanasundaram, S. M. Zakeeruddin and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Paper presented at the Xth International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds, Sendai, Japan, July 25 - 30, 1993, Extended abstracts P-56. (10). Conversion of Light to Electricity by cis-(X)2 bis(2,2'-bipyridyl4,4'-dicarboxylate)ruthenium (II) Charge Transfer Sensitizers (X= Cl-, Br-, I-, NCS-) on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Electrodes. Md. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Kay, I. Rodicio, R. H. Baker, E. Müller, P. Liska, N. Vlachopoulos and M. Grätzel, Paper presented at the Xth International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds, Sendai, Japan, July 25-30, 1993, Extended abstracts P-38. (9). Photophysical properties and Inter-valence transitions of cyano-bridged trinuclear polypyridyl complexes of Ru and Os, K. Matsui, Md. K. Nazeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Paper presented at the Xth International Symposium on the Photophysics and Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds, Sendai, Japan, July 25 30, 1993, Extended abstracts P-55. (8). The study of Morphology of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide films, V. Shklover, P. Liska, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, R. Nesper and R.Hermann, Paper presented at Photovoltaics, Photochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry OpticalMaterials Energy efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XII'' San diego (1993). (7). Luminescence and intramolecular energy / electron transfer processes in ligand bridged Re(I)-Re(I) and Re(I)-Ru(II)-Re(I) polypyridyl complexes, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, K. Kalyanasundaram and M.Grätzel, Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 19-24, 1992, Extended abstracts (6). Sensitization of colloidal TiO2 films by Monomeric and trimeric Ru coordination complexes and applications to liquid-junction, Electricity-producing solar cells, U.Bjorksten, M. Grätzel, A. Kay, P. Liska, E. Muller, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, I. Rodicio and N. Vlachopouls. Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 19-24, 1992. (5). Kinetic controle of Photoinduced interfacial electron Transfer, M. Grätzel, J. Moser, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, F. Nuesch and F. Rotzinger, Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry , Lausanne, Switzerland, July 19-24, 1992, Extended abstracts 10. (4). Titanium Dioxide films serve as very efficient and stable sensitizers for the conversion of light into electricity, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, P. Liska, J. Moser, N. Vlachopoulos and M. Gratzel, 8th International Conference on Photochemical conversion and storage of solar Energy (I.P.S.-8) 15th-20th July, 90, PALERMO(ITALY). (3). Photophysics and Photoredox reactions of ligand bridged polypyridyl complexes of Os (II) and Ru (II) K. Kalyanasundaram and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, 8th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds August 13-18, 1989, University of California, Santabarbara, U S A. (2). Acid-Base reactions in the ground and excited staes of Ru (II), Os (II) complexes containing tetraimine or dicarboxy bipyridine as protonatable ligands K. Kalyanasundaram and Md. K.Nazeeruddin, 8th International Symposium on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds August 13-18,1989, University of California, Santabarbara, U S A. (1). Homogeneous Hydrogenation of Cyclohexene catalysed by complexes of Rhodium (I) and Iridium (I) ,M. M. Taquikhan, (Mrs)BadarTaquikhan, Safia and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, August 30-Sept 3, (1982), Milan, Italy.Professional course
Advanced Materials for Photovoltaic and Lighting Applications, EPFL_Course N�: MCH 546. Advanced Materials for Photovoltaic and Lighting Applications, KU_Course N�: CH 447.
EPFL and Korea University
Ph. D.
Inorganic Chemistry
Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
M. Sc.
Inorganic Chemistry
Osmania University
B. Sc.
Chemistry, Botany and Zoology
Osmania University
Infoscience publications
Resilience pathways for halide perovskite photovoltaics under temperature cycling
NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS. 2025. DOI : 10.1038/s41578-025-00781-7.Fluorene-Terminated π-Conjugated Spiro-Type Hole Transport Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells
ACS ENERGY LETTERS. 2025. DOI : 10.1021/acsenergylett.4c03233.Efficient Polycrystalline Single-Cation Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by Simultaneous Intracrystal and Interfacial Defect Passivation
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2025. DOI : 10.1002/smll.202405272.High-Efficiency Carbon Perovskite Solar Cells via Cathode Interface Engineering by using CuPc Hole-Transporting Layers
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 2025. DOI : 10.1002/anie.202425191.Formation Dynamics of Thermally Stable 1D/3D Perovskite Interfaces for High-Performance Photovoltaics
Advanced Materials. 2025. DOI : 10.1002/adma.202413841.P-Dopant with Spherical Anion for Stable n-i-p Perovskite Solar Cells
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2025. DOI : 10.1002/anie.202420535.Perovskite heteroepitaxy for high-efficiency and stable pure-red LEDs
Nature. 2025. DOI : 10.1038/s41586-024-08503-9.Charge-Selective Contact Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs)
Halide Perovskites: Photovoltaics, Light Emitting Devices, and Beyond; Wiley, 2025. p. 131 - 153.Solubilizing and stabilizing C<inf>60</inf> with n-type polymer enables efficient inverted perovskite solar cells
Joule. 2025. DOI : 10.1016/j.joule.2024.101817.D-A-D- and A-A-D-Type Cyanopyridone Derivatives as a New Class of Hole-Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells
Energy and Fuels. 2024. DOI : 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c05816.Investigation of Potential-Induced Degradation and Recovery in Perovskite Minimodules
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. 2024. DOI : 10.1002/pip.3848.Shallow-level defect passivation by 6H perovskite polytype for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
Nature communications. 2024. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-50016-6.A spiro-type self-assembled hole transporting monolayer for highly efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells and modules
Energy & Environmental Science. 2024. DOI : 10.1039/d4ee01960a.Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 5)
ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS. 2024. DOI : 10.1002/aenm.202404386.Enhancing the Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Chemical Bath Deposition of SnO<inf>2</inf> Electron Transport Layers and 3D/2D Heterojunctions
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2024. DOI : 10.1002/smll.202406929.Quasi-Planar Core Based Spiro-Type Hole-Transporting Material for Dopant-Free Perovskite Solar Cells
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 2024. DOI : 10.1002/anie.202411217.Micro-homogeneity of lateral energy landscapes governs the performance in perovskite solar cells
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-53953-4.Cation reactivity inhibits perovskite degradation in efficient and stable solar modules
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2024. DOI : 10.1126/science.ado6619.Smart Photovoltaic Windows for Next-Generation Energy-Saving Buildings
ADVANCED SCIENCE. 2024. DOI : 10.1002/advs.202407177.Ultra-uniform perovskite crystals formed in the presence of tetrabutylammonium bistriflimide afford efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
Energy & Environmental Science. 2024. DOI : 10.1039/d4ee01841a.First-principles and experimental insight of high-entropy materials as electrocatalysts for energy-related applications: Hydrogen evolution, oxygen evolution, and oxygen reduction reactions
Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports. 2024. DOI : 10.1016/j.mser.2024.100813.Anomalous Electroluminescence Characteristics of Perovskite Modules
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Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. DOI : 10.5075/epfl-thesis-6238.Effect of Annealing Temperature on Film Morphology of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Pervoskite Solid-State Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/adfm.201304022.Sub-Nanometer Conformal TiO2 Blocking Layer for High Efficiency Solid-State Perovskite Absorber Solar Cells
Advanced Materials. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/adma.201306271.A hybrid lead iodide perovskite and lead sulfide QD heterojunction solar cell to obtain a panchromatic response
Journal Of Materials Chemistry A. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4ta02711f.Adapting Ruthenium Sensitizers to Cobalt Electrolyte Systems
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/jz402612h.Perovskite solar cells employing organic charge-transport layers
Nature Photonics. 2014. DOI : 10.1038/Nphoton.2013.141.Influence of the Donor Size in D-pi-A Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Journal Of The American Chemical Society. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/ja500280r.Cyclopentadithiophene-functionalized Ru(II)-bipyridine sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells
Polyhedron. 2014. DOI : 10.1016/j.poly.2014.05.045.Stable Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Novel Low Molecular Mass Organogelators and Room-Temperature Molten Salts
Journal Of Physical Chemistry C. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/jp412717y.Perovskite Solar Cells with 12.8% Efficiency by Using Conjugated Quinolizino Acridine Based Hole Transporting Material
Journal Of The American Chemical Society. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/ja503272q.Low temperature dye-sensitized solar cells based on conformal thin zinc oxide overlayer on mesoporous insulating template by atomic layer deposition
Scientia Iranica. 2014.Host-guest blue light-emitting electrochemical cast
Journal Of Materials Chemistry C. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c3tc31983k.Flexible high efficiency perovskite solar cells
Energy & Environmental Science. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c3ee43619e.Metal-Oxide-Free Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite-Based Solar Cells: the Influence of Organic Charge Transport Layers
Advanced Energy Materials. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/aenm.201400345.Molecular Engineering of 2-Quinolinone Based Anchoring Groups for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Journal Of Physical Chemistry C. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/jp5004352.Peripherally and Axially Carboxylic Acid Substituted Subphthalocyanines for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Chemistry-A European Journal. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/chem.201303639.Branched and bulky substituted ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells
Dalton Transactions. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4dt01357c.Controlled synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles and nanospheres using a microwave assisted approach for their application in dye-sensitized solar cells
Journal Of Materials Chemistry A. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c3ta14130f.Sterically Hindered Phthalocyanines for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of the Distance between the Aromatic Core and the Anchoring Group
Chemphyschem. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/cphc.201301118.Low band gap S,N-heteroacene-based oligothiophenes as hole-transporting and light absorbing materials for efficient perovskite-based solar cells
Energy & Environmental Science. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4ee01220h.Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead Iodide Perovskite-Sensitized Solid-State Solar Cells
Acs Nano. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/nn404323g.Real-space observation of unbalanced charge distribution inside a perovskite-sensitized solar cell
Nature Communications. 2014. DOI : 10.1038/ncomms6001.Investigation Regarding the Role of Chloride in Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites Obtained from Chloride Containing Precursors
Nano Letters. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/nl503279x.Structure-property relationships based on Hammett constants in cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes: their application to the design of a fluorine-free FIrPic-like emitter
Dalton Transactions. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c3dt52739e.Mixed-Organic-Cation Perovskite Photovoltaics for Enhanced Solar-Light Harvesting
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/anie.201309361.Thermal Behavior of Methylammonium Lead-Trihalide Perovskite Photovoltaic Light Harvesters
Chemistry Of Materials. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/cm502468k.Organohalide lead perovskites for photovoltaic applications
Energy & Environmental Science. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4ee00942h.Quantum-Confined ZnO Nanoshell Photoanodes for Mesoscopic Solar Cells
Nano Letters. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/nl4039955.Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with 13.63% Efficiency Based on Planar Triphenylamine Hole Conductors
Chemistry-A European Journal. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/chem.201403807.Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Nanocolumnar PlasmaDeposited ZnO Thin Films
Chemphyschem. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/cphc.201301215.Dye-sensitized solar cells with 13% efficiency achieved through the molecular engineering of porphyrin sensitizers
Nature Chemistry. 2014. DOI : 10.1038/nchem.1861.Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Photovoltaics
Chemphyschem. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/cphc.201400098.Water photolysis at 12.3% efficiency via perovskite photovoltaics and Earth-abundant catalysts
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2014. 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Dallas, TX, MAR 16-20, 2014.Inorganic hole conductor-based lead halide perovskite solar cells with 12.4% conversion efficiency
Nature Communications. 2014. DOI : 10.1038/ncomms4834.Thiocyanate-Free Ruthenium(II) Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on the Cobalt Redox Couple
Chemsuschem. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/cssc.201402030.Near-IR Photoresponse of Ruthenium Dipyrrinate Terpyridine Sensitizers in the Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
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Chemical Science. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c3sc52359d.Analysis of Electron Transfer Properties of ZnO and TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
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Rsc Advances. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4ra11873a.Gel electrolyte materials formed from a series of novel low molecular mass organogelators for stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells
Journal Of Materials Chemistry A. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4ta02895c.Cation-Induced Band-Gap Tuning in Organohalide Perovskites: Interplay of Spin-Orbit Coupling and Octahedra Tilting
Nano Letters. 2014. DOI : 10.1021/nl5012992.Perovskite as Light Harvester: A Game Changer in Photovoltaics
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014. DOI : 10.1002/anie.201308719.The Role of Insulating Oxides in Blocking the Charge Carrier Recombination in Dye- Sensitized Solar Cells
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2014. DOI : 10.1039/c4cp04345f.Nanocrystalline Rutile Electron Extraction Layer Enables Low-Temperature Solution Processed Perovskite Photovoltaics with 13.7% Efficiency
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2cp41611e.Mesoscopic CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 Heterojunction Solar Cells
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Chemistry - A European Journal. 2012. DOI : 10.1002/chem.201200020.Influence of the counter electrode on the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells using a disulfide/thiolate redox electrolyte
Energy & Environmental Science. 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2ee03005e.Self-assembled photosystem-I biophotovoltaics on nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO
Scientific Reports. 2012. DOI : 10.1038/srep00234.Near-infrared sensitization of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells with a squaraine dye
Applied Physics Letters. 2012. DOI : 10.1063/1.4707374.Acid-base properties of the N3 ruthenium(II) solar cell sensitizer: a combined experimental and computational analysis
Dalton Transactions. 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2dt31340e.Stable Green Electroluminescence from an Iridium Tris-Heteroleptic Ionic Complex
Chemistry Of Materials. 2012. DOI : 10.1021/cm3011716.Enhancing the efficiency of a dye sensitized solar cell due to the energy transfer between CdSe quantum dots and a designed squaraine dye
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European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry. 2012. DOI : 10.1002/ejic.201200197.Effect of bulky groups in ruthenium heteroleptic sensitizers on dye sensitized solar cell performance
Chemical Science. 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2sc00953f.Charged cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes that have large electrochemical gap
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RSC Advances. 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2ra20798b.Cyclometalated Ruthenium Dyes for DSSC
Journal Of Photopolymer Science And Technology. 2012. DOI : 10.2494/photopolymer.25.175.Improved redox couple for electrochemical and optoelectronic devices
JP6568142 ; KR101957534 ; EP2678346 ; US10038150 ; EP2678346 ; US9779879 ; JP2017168450 ; CN103492402 ; JP6092787 ; CN103492401 ; US9559321 ; US2016233439 ; JP2014517807 ; JP2014513057 ; US2014060641 ; KR20140016298 ; KR20140015398 ; EP2678345 ; CN103492402 ; CN103492401 ; EP2678346 ; US2013330632 ; EP2551949 ; EP2511924 ; WO2012114315 ; WO2012114316 ; EP2492277 . 2012.Towards flexibility: metal free plastic cathodes for dye sensitized solar cells
Chemical Communications (ChemComm). 2012. DOI : 10.1039/c2cc35038f.Molecular Engineering of Zinc Phthalocyanines with Phosphinic Acid Anchoring Groups
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2012. DOI : 10.1002/anie.201105950.Nanocomposites containing neutral blue emitting cyclometalated iridium(III) emitters for oxygen sensing
Chemistry of Materials. 2012. DOI : 10.1021/cm300575z.RETRACTED: Advances in colloidal quantum dot solar cells: The depleted-heterojunction device
Thin Solid Films. 2011. DOI : 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.12.121.Panchromatic engineering for dye-sensitized solar cells
Energy & Environmental Science. 2011. DOI : 10.1039/c0ee00536c.Design and Development of Novel Linker for PbS Quantum Dots/TiO2 Mesoscopic Solar cell
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2011. DOI : 10.1021/am200811c.Selected publications
K. Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Q. Wang, L. Cevey, V. Aranyos, P. Liska, E. Figgemeier, C. Klein, N. Hirata, S. Koops, A. Haque Saif, R. Durrant James, A. Hagfeldt, A.B.P. Lever and M. Gratzel Inorganic chemistry, 45(2), 787-97 (2006) |
DFT-INDO/S modeling of new high molar extinction coefficient charge-transfer sensitizers for solar cell applications |
Md. K. Nazeeruddin, D. Di Censo, R. Humphry-Baker, and M. Gr�tzel Ad. Functional Materials, 16, 189-194, 2006. |
Highly Selective and Reversible Optical, Colorimetric and Electrochemical Detection of Mercury (II) by Amphiphilic Ruthenium complexes Anchored onto Mesoporous Oxide Films |
Henk J. Bolink, Luca Cappelli, Eugenio Coronado, Michael Gr�tzel, and Md K. Nazeeruddin J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 128, 46-47, 2006. |
Efficient and stable solid state light emitting electrochemical cell using tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate and and its simple microwave assited synthesis |
Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Filippo De Angelis, Simona Fantacci, Annabella Selloni, Guido Viscardi, Paul Liska, Seigo Ito, Bessho Takeru and Michael Gr�tzel J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 16835-16847, 127, 2005 |
Combined Experimental and DFT-TDDFT Computational Study of Photoelectrochemical Cell Ruthenium Sensitizers |
John N. Clifford, Emilio Palomares, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Gr�tzel, Jenny Nelson, X.J Li, Nicholas J. Long and James R. Durrant J. Am. Chem. Sco. 126, 5225-5233, 2004. |
Molecular Control of Recombination Dynamics in Dye Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films: Free Energy vs. Distance Dependence. |
Md. K. Nazeeruddin, R. Humphry-Baker, D. Berner, S. Rivier, L. Zuppiroli, and M. Graetzel J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 125, 8790-8797, 2003. |
Highly Phosphorescence Iridium Complexes and Their Application in Organic Light-Emitting Devices |
Peng Wang, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Jacques E. Moser, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Takashi Sekiguchi and Michael Gr�tzel Nature Mater, 2, 402- 407, 2003. |
A remarkably stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell based on an amphiphilic ruthenium sensitizer and a polymer gel electrolyte |
The groups focus is Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials for Photovolatic and Light emitting applications. In the field of molecular-based photovoltaic devices, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) have reached an efficiency of over 13%. This efficiency level, coupled with the use of inexpensive materials and processing has stimulated momentum to industrialize this technology. In these cells, the sensitizer, located at the junction between electron and hole transporting phases, absorbs sunlight and injects an electron and a hole into the n- and p-type materials, respectively. The former is an inorganic n-type wide bandgap oxide semiconductor (typically TiO2 anatase) and the latter is a liquid electrolyte or p-type hole transporter. The generated free charge carriers, travel through the nanostructured oxide to be collected as current at the external contacts. The significant advantage of DSCs is that they achieve the separation of light harvesting, and charge carrier transport, thus the maximum power point is virtually independent of light level therefore useful in all climate conditions. The general losses in dye-sensitized solar cells are due to the lack of sensitizer absorption in the near IR region, and the loss-in-potential from the optical band gap to the open-circuit voltage. The goal of the group is to engineer at molecular level novel panchromatic sensitizers and functionalized hole-transporting materials to achieve power conversion efficiency over 20%.Teaching & PhD
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering