Alain Dufaux

Directeur opérationnel
EPFL Jordils 41
1025 St-Sulpice VD
+41 21 693 59 57
+41 21 693 69 67
JORD 0 125
Web site: Site web:
+41 21 693 59 57
Domaines de compétences
Speech & Audio Algorithms
Pattern Recognition
Low-power DSP Systems
Technologies for Multimedia Archives
Project Management & Team Management
Responsable opérationel du Centre MetaMedia (MMC)Biographie
Après obtention dPublications
Sélection de publications
M. Bellino, E. Meurville, L. Bolomey & A. Dufaux SPARC European Project Booklet, June 2007 |
Multi-agent System for Camera-based Environment Awareness in Vehicles |
H. Sheikhzadeh, E. Cornu, R. Brennan, N. Destrez, A. Dufaux US Patent #7139707, AMI Semiconductor, November 2006 |
Method and System For Real-Time Speech Recognition |
E. Cornu, A. Dufaux, D. Hermann EUSIPCO 2006, European Signal Processing Conference, Florence, IT, September 2006. |
A High Performance, Low Latency, Low Power Audio Processing System For Wideband Speech Over Wireless Links |
J. Johnson, D, Hermann, M. Witter, E. Cornu, R. Brennan, A. Dufaux ICASSP'06, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006 |
An Ultra-Low Power Subband-Based Electronic Stethospcope |
R. Brennan, N. Destrez, A. Dufaux , H. Sheikhzadeh, E. Cornu CA Patent #2359544, Dspfactory Ltd., April 2003 |
Low-Resource Real-Time Speech Recognition System Using an Oversampled Filterbank |
A. Dufaux, K. Tam, H. Sheikhzadeh, R. Brennan, T. Schneider International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2002), Lake Tahoe, California, US, Aug. 2002. |
Single-Microphone Noise Reduction for Hearing Aids : Low-power and low-delay DSP Implementation using the Ephraim & Malah Algorithm |
E. Cornu, N. Destrez, A. Dufaux, H. Sheikhzadeh, R. Brennan ICASSP'02, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Orlando, California, US, May 2002 |
An Ultra Low Power, Ultra Miniature Voice Command System Based on Hidden Markov Models |
A. Dufaux PhD Thesis, Facult� des Sciences de l'Universit� de Neuch�tel, Switzerland, 2001 |
Detection and Recognition of Impulsive Sound Signals |
S. Grassi, M. Matthey, G. Biundo, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proc. of Signal Processing 2000 Workshop, Poznan, Poland, Oct. 13th, 2000, pp. 7-12. |
A Low-Complexity Variable Bit Rate Speech Coder for Portable Storage Applications |
A. Dufaux, L. Besacier, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2000, European Signal Processing Conference 2000, Tampere, FL, September 2000. |
Automatic Sound Detection and Recognition for Noisy Environment |
S. Grassi, L. Besacier, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2000, European Signal Processing Conference 2000, Tampere, Finland, September 2000 |
Influence of GSM Speech Coding on the Performance of Text-Independent Speaker Recognition |
L. Besacier, S. Grassi, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini ICASSP 2000, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-9, 2000 |
GSM Speech Coding and Speaker recognition |
S. Grassi, A. Dufaux, L. Besacier, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proceedings of the International COST 254 Workshop on Friendly Exchanging Through the Net, pp. 117-122, Bordeaux, F, March 23-24, 2000. |
Speaker Recognition on Compressed Speech |
S. Grassi, L. Besacier, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proc. of COST 254, International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Applications, with Emphasis on Mobile Communication, Neuch�tel, CH, May 5-7, 1999, pp. 307-311 |
Influence of GSM Speech Coding Algorithms on the Performance of Text-Independant Speaker Identification |
L. Besacier, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proceedings of COST 254, International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Applications, with Emphasis on Mobile Communication, Neuch�tel, CH, May 5-7, 1999. |
Automatic Sound Recognition Relying on Statistical Methods, with Application to Telesurveillance |
D. Manetti, A. Dufaux, E. Meurville, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini, P. Ryser, D. Wieser Proceedings of COST 254, International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Applications, with Emphasis on Mobile Communication, Neuch�tel, CH, May 5-7, 1999. |
Audio Coder for Telesurveillance Applications with Real Time Implementation on a Multimedia DSP |
A. Dufaux, L. Besacier, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini Proceedings of ASA 99, 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Forum Acusticum 99, Berlin, G, March 14-19, 1999. |
Automatic Detection and Classification of Wide-band Acoustic Signals |
S. Grassi, A. Dufaux, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini ICASSP'97, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 3, pp. 1707-1710, Munich, G, April 21-24, 1997. |
Efficient Algorithm to Compute LSP Parameters from 10-th order LPC Coefficients |
A. Dufaux "Homme, Technique, Environnement" Project, EPFL Internal Report, 1994. |
Anatomie et Physiologie des Radios Locales Suisses |
Enseignement & Phd
Humanities and Social Sciences Program