Alessio Ferrari

Research Associate
GC D1 402 (Bâtiment GC)
Station 18
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 23 24
+41 21 693 23 24
Web site: Web site:
Fields of expertise
- Geomechanical behaviour of host-rocks and engineered-barriers for nuclear waste repositories and CO2 geological storage.
- Advanced multiphysical and multiscale testing of soils, bentonites and shales.
- Thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical modelling of complex geomaterials.
- Natural hazard assessment and mitigation.
- Scientist at the Soil Mechanics Laboratory - Chair gaz naturel Petrosvibri.
- Lecturer for the ENAC Civil Engineering section and the Doctoral programme in Mechanics of EPFL.
- Committee member for the Doctoral programme in Mechanics EDME of EPFL.
- Vice-chair of the Technical Committee TC-308 “Energy Geotechnics” of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Co-director of the Winter School “Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment” (
- Swiss representative for the Technical Committees TC 101 “Laboratory testing” and TC 106 “Unsaturated Soils” of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE.
Recent Invited Presentations
- Keynote lecture, VIII Italian Geotechnical Engineering Research Conference, “Multiphysical Geomechanics in Energy Applications”, 6 July 2023, (Italy).
- Invited lecture, KAUST Research Conference on Geoscience Best Practices for the Energy Transition, ”Multiphysical Shale Geomechanics“, 30 May 2023, KAUST (Saudi Arabia).
- Invited speaker for the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Interactive Technical Talk. 7 November 2022. “Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering for Nuclear Waste Disposal”.
- Invited lecture, Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Centrale Nantes, “Geomechanics of nuclear waste disposal”, 8 November 2022, Nantes (France).
- Keynote speaker for the Third International Workshop on the Finite Element Code LAGAMINE(LAGASHOP 2022) 5-7/7/2022, Grenoble (France). “Multiphysical behaviour of clayey barriers for deep nuclear waste disposal”
- Panel lecturer for the 27th Italian Geotecnichal Conference, 13-15/7/2022, Reggio Calabria (Italy). “The underground disposal of nuclear waste”.
- Keynote speaker for the International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Queretaro (Mexico), 19-20/10/2018. “Hydro-mechanical analysis of volcanic ash slopes during rainfall”.
- Keynote speaker for the International Sympoisum “Mont Terri Meeting”, Porrentruy (Switzerland), 7/2/2018. “Advances in the Hydro-Mechanical characterization of Opalinus Clay shale”.
4 septembre 2022 : Lieu d'enfouissement des déchets radioactifs suissesLa Société coopérative nationale pour le stockage des déchets radioactifs (Nagra) a communiqué le nom du site qu’elle propose pour abriter un dépôt. Sur la base des nombreuses investigations, elle a annoncé que le nord du Lägern, situé dans l’Unterland zurichois dans le nord de la Suisse, constituait le site le plus approprié. Alessio Ferrari, ingénieur en géotechnique à l'EPFL en parle au micro de la "RSI".
RSI Rete Uno / Modem * - Scorie da sotterrare
13 mars 2019 : Un laboratoire sous la terre
La RTS interroge Alessio Ferrari, chercheur au Laboratoire de mécanique des sols de l'EPFL, dans le cadre d'un reportage au cœur du laboratoire souterrain du Mont Terri, à St-Ursanne (JU).
RTS - Laboratoire Mont-Terri
Editorial activity
Editor-in-chief for the journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment.Member of the editorial boards for the journals Géotechnique, Acta Geotechnica and Soils and Rocks.
Teaching & PhD
Civil Engineering
Projeter ensemble ENAC