Dr Alexis Boegli holds a PhD from the University of Neuchâtel. Starting with a mechanical background, Alexis has a ten year experience in the design and implementation of analogue and digital electronic systems. Since 2001, he has focused on the design and implementation of RF systems. Alexis has designed several RF boards for IP01 including the actually commercialized one. Working as a post-doc project leader at IMT, he is challenged by the optimization of size, range, power and production of wireless systems. His position at the IMT Neuchâtel (University of Neuchâtel until 2008, EPFL Neuchâtel since 2009) provides access to a highly professional design environment and direct contacts to other research institutes such as the EPFL and the CSEM.
1995 2001 University of Neuchâtel
PhD in Electronics and Signal Processing
1990 1995 University of Neuchâtel
MSc, Dipl. Eng. Degree in Electronic Physics
1987 1990 University of Applied Sciences of Biel/Bienne
BSc, Dipl. Eng. Degree in Microtechnology
1983 1987 Technical college of Biel/Bienne
Micromechanical draughtsman diploma
2006 (1 day) Batteries and primary cells: the good choice, FSRM, Neuchâtel
2005 (1 day) Wireless data transmission systems, FSRM, Neuchâtel
2002 (1 day) Antennas, another approach, EI-AJ, Le Locle
2001 (1 day) Managing a team, FSRM, Neuchâtel
1998 (2 weeks) Design of microelectromechanical devices, MIT
1996 student OMEGA award
1990 ascom Autophon-Stiftung
1986 MICROMETAL award
1987 ACBFH award
Professional Experience
2009 Eurosensors XXIII, conference in Lausanne, member of Technical Program Committee
2007 2010 Project leadership. ROSE (ROund SEnsor) Conception and realization of nodes for Wireless Sensor Network and test and calibration environment for US and EU standards
2007 (7 months) Head of hardware development, IP01 SA (20%)
2005 now Delegate to the European Associated Laboratory in Microtechnology (20%)
2004 2007 Project leadership. CIMENT : Wireless Sensor Network, IMT EPFL collaboration project
2005 (3 months) Project leader. State of the art and patents study in the field of micro-motors and MEMS resonators. Identifying the way to fit imposed specifications
2005 (4 months) Project leader. Prototyping, characterization, optimization and industrialization of wireless sensor nodes
2003 2005 Project leader. Improving and miniaturization of ad hoc Wireless Sensor Network key elements
2001 2003 Scientific collaborator. Distance measurement based on time of flight using FSK radio demonstrator
2000 2003 Project leader. Study and realization of a miniaturized potentiostat with a working range up to 100kHz
2000 2001 Project leader. Conception and realization of an acquisition and processing device to deliver micro-doses (20nL to 100uL) of aqueous solutions
1999 (6 months) Scientific collaborator. Study of object positioning using time of flight RF messages
1998 2000 Scientific collaborator. Hardware and Software realization of portable device dedicated to pH, temperature and conductivity measurements of aqueous solutions
1997 1998 Scientific collaborator. Study and realization of a polynomial integrated (IMT1614) circuit dedicated to compensate thermo drift and none linearity of pressure sensors
1997 (3 months) Scientific collaborator. Mentor Graphics (AutoLogic II, QuickSim II, Design Architect, ICStation, Design Viewpoint Editor) design kit development based on CSEM digital standard cells (Alp1)
1997 1999 Scientific collaborator. Study and realization of a global simulation environment to handle multi-mode and multi-nature microsystem signals
1997 1999 Consultant. Realization of an active device based on feedback to damp vibrations of a very precise measurement table
1996 (3 months) Scientific collaborator. Standard cell library v84xx importing for place and route cells on SOG v8412. cmn20ee technology of EM Marin SA
Boegli, F. Corthay, H.-P. Amann, "A standard-cell library for a Sea-of-Gates: an experience with ICStation and ICBlocks" ALPSLUG'96, 1st Annual Mentor Graphics Alpine Local Users' Group Conference'96, Neuchâtel-Chaumont, September 26-27, 1996
Boegli, V. Moser, H.-P. Amann, F. Pellandini, B. Romanowicz, Ph. Lerch, M. Laudon, Ph. Renaud "System-Level Simulation Using Mixed-Nature Models" 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, pp. 12-17, Besançon, France, October 1-3, 1996
Romanowicz, M. Laudon, Ph. Lerch, Ph. Renaud, H.-P. Amann, A. Boegli, V. Moser F. Pellandini "Modeling and Simulation of Electromechanical Transducers in Microsystems using an Analog Hardware Description Language" European Design & Test Conference, Paris, France,. March 17-20, 1997
B. Romanowicz, C. Schott, M. Laudon, P. Lerch, P. Renaud, R. Popovic, H-P. Amann, A. Boegli, V. Moser, F. Pellandini "Microsystem Modeling Using VHDL 1076.1" Proc. of Microsim'97, Lausanne, CH, September 1997, pp. 179-188
V. Moser, A. Boegli, H.P. Amann, F. Pellandini "VHDL-based HW/SW Cosimulation of Microsystems" Proc.of FDL'98 (Forum on Design Languages '98), Vol. I, Lausanne, CH, September 6-12, 1998, pp. 157-163
H.-P. Amann, A. Boegli, V. Moser, C. Berthoud, M. Ansorge, F. Pellandini "Modelling and Simulation for Sensor Interfaces : the example of a "Smart" Pressure Sensor" Sensorama 99, Yverdon, Switzerland, Oct. 27-28, 1999
V. Moser, A. Boegli, H.-P. Amann, F. Pellandini "HW/SW Cosimulation of Microsystems" The best of FDL '98 and DFL'99, J. Mermet (ed.), Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, Germany 2000, pp. 157-163
Boegli "Méthodologie de la conception de microsystèmes par la modélisation" PhD Thesis, University of Neuchâtel, IMT, January 2001
M. Tanevski, A. Boegli, P.-A. Farine, "Monitoring and troubleshooting wireless sensor nodes by measuring the supply current waveform", Proc. Eurosensors XXIV, Sept. 5-8, 2010, Linz, Austria
M. Tanevski, A. Boegli, P.-A. Farine, et al., "Robust Ultra Low Power Wireless Sensor Node with Embedded Antenna for WSN in Sub-GHz range", Submitted to IEEE SensApp 2010, Oct. 11-14, 2010, Denver Colorado, U.S.A
Student Project's supervision
Ph.D Thesis codirector, 2008-2012, Mitko Tanevski, "Small footprint energy efficient protocols and energy management for wireless sensor networks"
3 months internship, 2010, Emmett Carolan, "Development of a new wireless sensor network coordinator"
4 months internship, 2010, Jaskaranjeet Singh, "WISEMAN, the IP01 wireless sensor network coordinator"
3 months internship, 2009, Jaleed Khawaja, "Energy Scavenging Project"
2 months internship, 2008, Ayushya Mudgal, "Current traffic logging of working wireless sensor nodes for post processing analysis"
3 months internship, 2007, Neeraj Adsul, "Implementation of ZigBee Protocol on XE1202 True RF Transceiver with PIC18LF4620 Microcontroller"
TS summer 2007, Pascal Gaggero, "Study of wireless sensor network transceiver architecture and practical experiences "
TD winter 2006, Daniel Sousa, "IP01 SA sensor nodes characterization and optimization"
TS winter 2005, Roland Bitterli, "NET-Thermometer"
TD winter 2003, Marcel Frei, "Study and realization of a low power multi-sensor and multi-actuator device"
TD winter 2003, Christian Schüster, "Realization of a photo camera based on a CMOS sensor and a color GameBoy"
TS winter 2002, Marcel Frei, "Multi-application card cartridge conception and realization for GameBoy"
TS winter 2002, Severin Waldis, "Bluetooth communication between a GameBoy and a PC"
TS winter 2002, Adrian von Mühlenen, "Information server communicating through bluetooth"
TS summer 2001, Luc Burdet & Samuel Roy, "Wireless communication between mobile robots"
TS summer 2001, Patrizio Visino, "Gameboy utilization for none ludic applications"
TS winter 1999, Hurban Seger, "Conception and realization of a precise anemometer"
TS summer 1997, Alexis Ishizaka, "Interface for piezo-resistif pressure sensors"