André Mermoud

Professeur honoraire
Domaines de compétences
- Hydro et agro-météorologie
- Gestion des ressources en eau
- Aménagement et équipement du territoire: irrigation, drainage, ouvrages de contrôle du ruissellement et anti-erosifs, etc.
- Physique du sol, simulation des transferts d'eau et du transport de substances solubles
- Impacts des aménagements hydrauliques (environnement, santé, etc.)
Sélection de publications
Elrick D., Sheppard M., Mermoud A. and T. Monnier J. Env. Quality, vol. 26, no 3, 883-888, 1997 |
An Analysis of Surface Accumulation of Previously Distributed Chemicals during Steady-State Evaporation |
Moser-Boroumand F., Martins J. M. F., F�ri P., Mermoud A. and H. van den Bergh Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem, 68 (2), 239-256, 1997 |
Development of an optical fiber fluorescence set-up for in-situ PAHs detection in porous media. Application to Pyranine transport in sand columns |
Martins J. M. F. and A. Mermoud J. of Contaminant Hydrology (33) 1-2, 187-210, 1998 |
Sorption and degradation of four nitroaromatic herbicides in mono and multi-solute saturated/unsaturated soil batch systems |
Mermoud A. Ed. H. G. A., Bucarest, 132 p., 1998 |
El�ments de physique du sol |
Martins J.M.F., M. Miehlbradt and A. Mermoud Chemosphere, 38, 3, 601-616, 1999 |
Transport of Rimsulfuron and its metabolites in soil columns |
Xu D. and A. Mermoud Soil and Tillage Research, 60 (1-2), 11-19, 2001 |
Topsoil Properties as Affected by Tillage Practices in North China |
Martins J.M.F., N. Ch�vre, L. Spack, J. Tarradellas and A. Mermoud Chemosphere, 45,.4, 515-522, 2001 |
Degradation in soil and water and ecotoxicity of rimsulfuron and its metabolites |
Tamini T. and A. Mermoud Irrig. and Drain. 51: 77-86, 2002 |
Water and nitrate dynamics under irrigated onion in a semi-arid area |
Xu D. and A. Mermoud Agricultural Water Management 63, 139-151, 2003 |
Modeling of the Soil Water Balance Based on Time-Dependent Hydraulic Properties under Different Tillage Practices |
Mermoud A. EPFL - ENAC, 264 p., 2005 |
M�thodes et techniques d'irrigation |
Mermoud A., Tamini T.D. and Yacouba H. Agricultural Water Management, 77, 282-295, 2005 |
Impacts of Different Irrigation Schedules on the Water Balance Components of an Onion Crop in a Semi-arid Zone |
Mermoud A. and D. Xu Soil and Tillage Research, 87, 89-100, 2006 |
Comparative Analysis of Three Methods to Generate Soil Hydraulic Functions |
Mermoud A. Trait� d'irrigation, Lavoisier, Technique et documentation, 2�me Ed., 822-836, 2006 |
Contr�le des maladies parasitaires li�es aux am�nagements hydrauliques |
Zhang D., Beven K. and A. Mermoud Advances in Water Resources, 29, 1924-1933, 2006 |
A comparison of nonlinear least square and GLUE for model calibration and uncertainty estimation for pesticide transport in soils |
Beven K., Zhang D. and A. Mermoud Vadose Zone Journal, 5: 222-233, 2006 |
On the value of local measurements on prediction of pesticide transport at the field scale |
Soutter M., Mermoud A. et A. Musy PPUR, 294 p., 2007 |
Ing�nierie des eaux et du sol: processus et am�nagements |
Mermoud A., Martins J.M.F., Zhang D. and A.C. Favre J Environ Qual 37, 1929-1936, 2008 |
Small scale spatial variability of atrazine and dinoseb adsorption parameters in an alluvial soil |
Schenk C., Roquier B., Soutter M. and A. Mermoud Environmental Management 43, 458-469, 2009 |
A System Model for Water Management |
Beuchat X, Schaefli B., Soutter M. and A. Mermoud Water Resour. Res., 47, W09524, doi:10.1029/2010WR010342, 2011 |
Toward a robust method for sub-daily rainfall downscaling from daily data |
Akponikpe PBI, Wima K., Yacouba H. and A. Mermoud Agricultural Water Management 98, 834-840, 2011 |
Reuse of domestic wastewater treated in macrophyte ponds to irrigate tomato and eggplant in semi-arid West-Africa: benefits and risks |
Sou M., Mermoud A., Yacouba H. and P. Boivin Submitted to Geoderma, 2011 |
Impacts of Irrigation with Industrial Treated Wastewater on Soil Properties |
Beuchat X, Schaefli B., Soutter M. and A. Mermoud Accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011 |
A robust framework for probabilistic precipitations downscaling from an ensemble of climate predictions applied to Switzerland |