Andrea Ridolfi

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Short Bio
I am a professor of Signal Processing and Communication Technologies at Bern University of Applied Sciences. Since 2004 I hold a lecturer position at EPFL, teaching “Mathematical Principles of Signal Processing” (Doctoral School, 2004 – 2011), “Statistical Signal and Data Processing through Applications” (Master Program, (2004 – ongoing), and Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Digital Humanities (Master, 2017 – 2019, co-taught with Mathieu Salzmann). Previously, I have been working as Project Manager and R&D Engineer at EPFL (2011-2014), coordinating the LCAV activities within the NSF – Nanotera project Opensense, and as Project Manager and R&D Engineer with the biomedical signal processing group at CSEM (2006-2011).

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Signal Processing, Stochastic Processes, Point Processes, Sensor Networks

Teaching & PhD


Communication Systems

Computer Science


Statistical signal and data processing through applications

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