David Andrew Barry

Domaines de compétences
Qualité des eaux
Hydrodynamique des lacs
Systèmes de mesures de champ
Eau souterraine
Modélisation bio-géochimique
Erosion des sols
Hydrodynamique des lacs
Systèmes de mesures de champ
Eau souterraine
Modélisation bio-géochimique
Erosion des sols
BA (Qld), BAppSci (RMIT), BSc, PhD, DSc (Griffith), DEng (Deakin)Reconnaissance Professionnelle
Membre, Académie européenne des sciences (European Academy of Sciences)Membre, Academia Europaea
Membre étranger (International Fellow), Société royale d'Édimbourg (Royal Society of Edinburgh)
Membre (Fellow), Union américaine de géophysique (American Geophysical Union)
Membre (Fellow), Association professionnelle des ingénieurs civils (Institution of Civil Engineers)
Membre (Fellow), Association des experts en gestion des eaux et de l’environnement (The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management)
Membre (Fellow), Association de mathématiques et ses applications (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications),
Ingénieur agréé (Chartered Engineer, UK)
Intérêts de recherche
L’hydrogéologie, le lagunage, l'ingénierie écologique, en particulier le transport de contaminants et l’assainissement des sols et des eaux souterraines. De manière plus générale, la modélisation de processus hydrologiques et de zones vadoses; l’application de méthodes mathématiques aux processus hydrologiques; le transport de sédiments dans les zones côtières, les interactions entre aquifères et environnements côtiers; l’hydrodynamique et la modélisation des lacs.Publications
ResearcherIDWang W., J. Chen, J. S. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, and D. A. Barry. 2025. Deep-circulating groundwater from the Tibetan Plateau constructed the Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters. 52(5): e2024GL110647.
Reiss, R. S., U. Lemmin, C. Monin, and D. A. Barry 2024. Strong bottom currents in large, deep Lake Geneva generated by higher vertical-mode Poincaré waves. Communications Earth and Environment. 5(1): 480.
Luo, Z., J. Kong, L. Yao, C. Lu, L. Li, and D. A. Barry. 2023. Dynamic effective porosity explains laboratory experiments on watertable fluctuations in coastal unconfined aquifers. Advances in Water Resources. 171: 104354.
Hamze-Ziabari, S. M., A. M. Razmi, U. Lemmin, and D. A. Barry. 2022. Detecting submesoscale cold filaments in a basin-scale gyre in large, deep Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France). Geophysical Research Letters. 49(4): e2021GL096185.
Soulignac, F., U. Lemmin, S. M. Hamze Ziabari, H. K. Wynn, B. Graf, and D. A. Barry. 2021. Rapid changes in river plume dynamics caused by advected wind-driven coastal upwelling as observed in Lake Geneva. Limnology and Oceanography. 66(8): 3116-3133.
Reiss, R. S., U. Lemmin, A. A. Cimatoribus, and D. A. Barry. 2020. Wintertime coastal upwelling in Lake Geneva: An efficient transport process for deepwater renewal in a large, deep lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 125: e2020JC016095.
Irani Rahaghi, A., U. Lemmin, and D. A. Barry. 2019. Surface water temperature heterogeneity at sub-pixel satellite scales and its effect on the surface cooling estimates of a large lake: Airborne remote sensing results from Lake Geneva. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 124: 635-651.
Cimatoribus, A. A., U. Lemmin, D. Bouffard, and D. A. Barry. 2018. Nonlinear dynamics of the near-shore boundary layer of a large lake (Lake Geneva). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123: 1016-1031.
Razmi, A., U. Lemmin, D. Bouffard, A. Wüest, R. E. Uittenbogaard, and D. A. Barry. 2017. Gyre formation in open and deep lacustrine embayments: The example of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 17: 415-428.
Cheraghi, M., S. Jomaa, G. C. Sander, and D. A. Barry. 2016. Hysteretic sediment fluxes in rainfall-driven soil erosion: Particle size effects. Water Resources Research. 52: 8613-8629.
Jin, G., H. Tang, L. Li, and D. A. Barry. 2015. Prolonged river water pollution due to variable-density flow and solute transport in the riverbed. Water Resources Research. 51: 1898-1915.
Lacroix, E., A. Brovelli, C. Holliger, and D. A. Barry. 2014. Control of groundwater pH during bioremediation: Improvement and validation of a geochemical model to assess the buffering potential of ground silicate minerals. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 160: 21-29.
Werner, A. D., M. Bakker, V. E. A. Post, A. Vandenbohede, C. Lu, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, C. T. Simmons, and D. A. Barry. 2013. Seawater intrusion processes, investigation and management: Recent advances and future challenges. Advances in Water Resources. 51: 3-26.
Jomaa, S., D. A. Barry, A. Brovelli, B. C. P. Heng, G. C. Sander, J.-Y. Parlange and C. W. Rose. 2012. Rain splash soil erosion estimation in the presence of rock fragments. Catena. 92: 38-48.
Rotter, B. E., D. A. Barry, J. I. Gerhard, and J. S. Small. 2011. Modeling the effectiveness of U(VI) biomineralization in dual-porosity porous media. Journal of Hydrology. 402: 14-24.
Barry, D. A., G. C. Sander, S. Jomaa, B. C. P. Heng, J.-Y. Parlange, I. G. Lisle, and W. L. Hogarth. 2010. Exact solutions of the Hairsine-Rose precipitation-driven erosion model for a uniform grain size soil. Journal of Hydrology. 389: 399-405.
Barry, D. A. 2009. Effect of non-uniform boundary conditions on steady flow in saturated homogeneous cylindrical soil columns. Advances in Water Resources. 32: 522-531.
Wissmeier, L., and D. A. Barry. 2008. Reactive transport in unsaturated soil: Comprehensive modelling of the dynamic spatial and temporal mass balance of water and chemical components. Advances in Water Resources. 31: 858-875.
Sander, G. C., J.-Y. Parlange, D. A. Barry, M. B. Parlange, and W. L. Hogarth. 2007. Limitation of the transport capacity approach in sediment transport modeling. Water Resources Research. 43, W02403, doi:10.1029/2006WR005177.
Mao, X., H. Prommer, D. A. Barry, C. D. Langevin, B. Panteleit, and L. Li. 2006. Three-dimensional model for multi-component reactive transport with variable density groundwater flow. Environmental Modelling and Software. 21: 615-628.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, L. Li, D.-S. Jeng, and M. Crapper. 2005. Green-Ampt approximations. Advances in Water Resources. 28: 1003-1009.
Chen, J. S., L. Li, J. Y. Wang, D. A. Barry, X. F. Sheng, W. Z. Gu, X. Zhao, and L. Chen. 2004. Groundwater maintains dune landscape. Nature. 432: 459-460.
Prommer, H., D. A. Barry, and C. Zheng. 2003. MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based reactive multi-component transport modeling. Ground Water. 41: 247-257.
Barry, D. A., and J.-Y. Parlange. 2002. Recirculation within a fluid sphere at moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 465: 293-300.
Barry, D. A., I. G. Lisle, L. Li, H. Prommer, J.-Y. Parlange, G. C. Sander, and J. W. Griffioen. 2001. Similitude applied to centrifugal scaling of unsaturated flow. Water Resources Research. 37: 2471-2479.
Barry, D. A., K. Bajracharya, M. Crapper, H. Prommer, and C. J. Cunningham. 2000. Comparison of split-operator methods for solving coupled chemical non-equilibrium reaction/groundwater transport models. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 53: 113-127.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, and M. Crapper. 1999. Approximations for the Hantush M function. Journal of Hydrology. 221: 91-96.
Griffioen, J. W., D. A. Barry, and J.-Y. Parlange. 1998. Interpretation of two-region model parameters. Water Resources Research. 34: 373-384.
Barry, D. A., C. T. Miller, P. J. Culligan, and K. Bajracharya. 1997. Analysis of split operator methods for nonlinear and multispecies groundwater chemical transport models. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 43: 331-341.
Barry, D. A., C. T. Miller, and P. J. Culligan-Hensley. 1996. Temporal discretisation errors in non-iterative split-operator approaches to solving chemical reaction/groundwater transport models. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 22: 1-17.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, R. Haverkamp, and P. J. Ross. 1995. Infiltration under ponded conditions: 4. An explicit predictive infiltration formula. Soil Science. 160: 8-17.
Li, L., D. A. Barry, P. J. Culligan-Hensley, and K. Bajracharya. 1994. Mass transfer in soils with local stratification of hydraulic conductivity. Water Resources Research. 30: 2891-2900.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, G. C. Sander, and M. Sivaplan. 1993. A class of exact solutions for Richards' equation. Journal of Hydrology. 142: 29-46.
Parlange, J.-Y., J. L. Starr, M. Th. van Genuchten, D. A. Barry, and J. C. Parker. 1992. Exit condition for miscible displacement experiments in finite columns. Soil Science. 153: 165-171.
Barry, D. A., and G. C. Sander. 1991. Exact solutions for water infiltration with an arbitrary surface flux or nonlinear solute adsorption. Water Resources Research. 27: 2667-2680.
Barry, D. A. 1990. Supercomputers and their use in modeling subsurface solute transport. Reviews of Geophysics. 28: 277-295.
Barry, D. A., and G. Sposito. 1989. Analytical solution of a convection-dispersion model with time-dependent transport coefficients. Water Resources Research. 25: 2407-2416.
Barry, D. A., and G. Sposito. 1988. Application of the convection-dispersion model to solute transport in finite soil columns. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 52: 3-9.
Sposito, G., and D. A. Barry. 1987. On the Dagan model of solute transport in groundwater: Foundational aspects. Water Resources Research. 23: 1867-1875.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, and J. L. Starr. 1986. Interpolation method for solving the transport equation in soil columns with irreversible kinetics. Soil Science. 142: 296-307.
Barry, D. A., C. W. Rose, P. G. Saffigna, and J.-Y. Parlange. 1985. Interpretation of leaching under multiple fertilizer applications. Journal of Soil Science. 36: 9-20.
Parlange, J.-Y., J. L. Starr, D. A. Barry, and R. D. Braddock. 1984. Some approximate solutions of the transport equation with irreversible kinetics. Soil Science. 137: 434-442.
Barry, D. A., J.-Y. Parlange, P. G. Saffigna, and C. W. Rose. 1983. Theory of solute movement in soils from the method of characteristics. Irrigation Science. 4: 277-287.
Parlange, J.-Y., J. L. Starr, D. A. Barry, and R. D. Braddock. 1982. A theoretical study of the inclusion of dispersion in boundary conditions and transport equations for zero-order kinetics. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 46: 701-704.