Anna Neus Igual Muñoz

MXC 341 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Tribology, corrosion, tribocorrosion, surface analysis, electrochemistry


Selected publications

Teaching & PhD


Materials Science and Engineering


Corrosion and protection of metals Laboratory Work

This introductory corrosion course aims at familiarizing the student with the mechanisms of corrosion, with various forms of corrosion and with the principles of protection against corrosion.

Surface analysis

The course treats the main surface analysis methods for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. It discusses how these methods can be applied to gain specific knowledge about structural, chemical and functional properties of surfaces and thin films. Limitation to 18 students!


This introductory course in tribology (science of friction, lubrication and wear) has specific goals : to present the basic principles of tribology, to develop the attitude to analyse tribological and to illustrate correlations between materials and tribological properties.

CCMX Tribology and Surfaces Interactions

This course is intended to give to the participants (graduates, researchers and industrial professionals) a solid background in tribology and surface interactions. It covers the fundamentals concepts of tribology including surfaces, contact mechanics, friction, lubrication and wear.

CCMX Summer School - Characterisation of Materials

This course will present an overview of the different materials characterisation techniques available to materials scientists, engineers in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, microtechnology or physics.