Anne-Florence Bitbol

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I was trained in physics, and always had a strong interest in biology. I am broadly interested in understanding biological phenomena in a quantitative way, through physical concepts and mathematical and computational tools. I investigate the relative impacts of optimization and historical contingency in biological evolution, both at the scale of protein sequences and at the scale of microbial populations.Professional course
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
Institute of Bioengineering, School of Life Sciences
EPFL, Switzerland
Since 2020
CNRS Researcher (tenured)
Laboratoire Jean Perrin
Sorbonne Université, France
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Biophysics Theory Group (PIs: Ned Wingreen, William Bialek, Curtis Callan)
Princeton University, USA
PhD in Physics
Statistics and dynamics of complex biological membranes, advised by Jean-Baptiste Fournier, summa cum laude
Université Paris-Cité (Paris-Diderot), France
MSc in Physics
Fundamental physics, summa cum laude
ENS, Paris, France
BSc in Physics
Summa cum laude
ENS Lyon, France
2023 : Young Scientist Prize in Biological Physics : International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
2023 : Best teacher award : Life Sciences Engineering teaching section, EPFL
2023 : Young Scientist Prize in Biological Physics : International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
2014 : Michelin Young Researcher (PhD) Prize : French Physical Society
2013 : Louis Forest PhD Prize in the Life Sciences : Chancellery of the Universities of Paris
Teaching & PhD
Life Sciences Engineering