My work has been mainly focused on design and implementation of high-performance and low-power integrated circuits. Developing design techniques for implementing ultra-low power integrated systems, reconfigurable analog circuits, very high-speed circuit for telecommunication systems, and dynamic power-speed control are some of the main topics that recently I have been working on.
Armin Tajalli received the B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E degrees (with honors) from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, and Tehran Polytechnic University in 1997, and 1999, respectively. He has received his Ph.D.E.E. on low-power integrated circuit design techniques in 2010 from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL).
He was with Emad Semicon during 1998-2006 as a senior analog/RF design engineer and technical manager. From 2006 he has joined Microelectronic Systems Laboratory (LSM) in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) working on design of ultra-low power circuits, high speed serial links, and circuits for RFID systems. From 2010 he has been with ALGO team developing architectures and circuits for very high-speed and very power-efficient serial data transceivers (Kandou signaling method).
He has received the Kharazmi Award on Research and Development, 2000, Outstanding Design Engineer, Emad Semicon, 2001, Presidential Award of the best Iranian researchers, 2003, ACM/CICC Award, 2009, and EPFL Prime Special Award, 2009. He has served as a technical program committee member in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2010 and 2012, and VLSI-SoC, 2012.
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