Barbara Jobstmann

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About me
I am a lecturer for the school of computer and communication sciences and I organise different outreach activities (for more details visit our IC Declic Summer School Webpage).

In addition, I work for Cadence Design Systems

My research focused on the development of reliable computer systems using synthesis techniques. I am interested in Synthesis and repair of programs, Quantitative verification and synthesis, Synthesis from specifications in temporal logics, Analysis and verification of hardware designs, transactional memories, and business process models, Synthesis techniques for embedded systems and Interface theory, and Infinite games and Automata theory. 

BC 142 (Bâtiment BC)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

  • Automatic synthesis and repair of reactive programs 
  • Quantitative analysis and synthesis 
  • Formal verification and modelling of systems (e.g., hardware designs, transactional memories, biological systems, business processes,...) 

Teaching & PhD


Computer Science


Information, Computation, Communication

(Coursebook not yet approved by the section)