Bob de Graffenried +41 21 693 43 62
Citizenship: Suisse
Birth date: 24.02.1984
GC A1 408 (Bâtiment GC)
Station 18
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 43 62
Fields of expertise
Hard skills: data acquisition, imaging, electronics, programming, IT, UAV, mechanics, in-situ measurements.
Technical manager of the unit & supervision of PhD students/civilists/students.Laboratory experiments for researchers:
- Design of physical models (channels, inclined planes, sediment feeders, etc.);
- Installation of lasers, cameras, motors, sensors, etc.;
- High-speed data and image acquisition (hardware & software);
- Coordination with the PLTE workshop for production;
- User training.
Field data acquisition:
- Topographic surveys by drone (A1/A3 and A2 licenses);
- Flow measurements (ADCP, salt gauging, etc.);
- Installation of measuring stations (timelapse cameras, etc.).
Geomorphological monitoring of the Navisence river at Zinal:
- Operation of drones in specific category (authorization and procedures with FOCA);
- Analysis of collected data (orthophotos, DSM, bathymetry, flow rates, etc.);
- Supervision/training of students and civilians;
- Collaboration with the commune of Anniviers and CREALP;
- Creation of the website presenting the project.
Laboratory management:
- Facilities manager (lab layout, work management, etc.) ;
- Responsible for laboratory safety (COSEC);
- Responsible for scientific equipment (maintenance, purchasing, inventories);
- Responsible for IT fleet & computer assembly;
- Responsible for accreditations & lab access;
- Data management & backups (NAS, website, communication).
Ingénieur HES
Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud (HEIG-VD)
Maturité Professionnelle Technique
Maturité intégrée
Ecole des Métiers de Lausanne (ETML)
Ecole des Métiers de Lausanne (ETML)
Selected publications
Pascal I., Miazza R., de Graffenried B. 2023 EGU General Assembly |
Bifurcations in mountain rivers: insights on their hydraulics from field measurements |
Pascal I., Miazza R., Baratier A., de Graffenried B., Foglia A., Berthet J., Ancey C. 2023 SHF Apports des nouvelles technologies à l’étude du transport sédimentaire et de la morphodynamique |
Évolution du tressage sur une plaine alluviale alpine : relevés combinés de granulométrie de surface, changements topographiques et répartition du débit liquide. |
Pascal I., de Hoyo J., Finch B., de Graffenried B., Travaglini E., Theule J., Maino C., Abellan A., Ancey C., Ruiz-Villanueva V. 2023 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting |
Sediment and large wood supply in proglacial streams: insights from the Upper Navisence catchment monitoring |
de Graffenried B., Pascal I., Liardon T. 2021 Colloque Transport sédimentaire : Rivières et barrages réservoirs |
Analyse de l'évolution morphologique d'une rivière de montagne |
Soloy A., Grotolli E., Lorang M., de Graffenried B., Pascal., Bertoni D., Turki I., Lecoq N., Jakson W., Ancey C. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting |
Mapping the size and shape of coarse clasts using Mask R-CNN: spatial and temporal variability over six different study sites including sea shores, and lake and river banks |
de Graffenried B., Pascal I., Trewhela T. 2020 EGU General Assembly |
Assessing UAV survey performance for geomorphological monitoring of mountain rivers |
Rousseau G., de Graffenried B. 2018 CFTL "16 Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser" pour la Mécanique des Fluides |
Vélocimétrie par scan 3D d’écoulements turbulents : application à un écoulement à surface libre sur fond poreux |
de Graffenried B. 2018 CODEV Workshop at University of Chile |
Topo-surveyingan Alpine basin using UAS |