Bruno Marchand

Professor Emeritus +41 21 693 32 39
Citizenship: suisse et française
Birth date: 29.05.1955
Head of the Theory and History of Architecture Laboratory 2 of the Institute of Architecture, ENAC Faculty. Head of the Institute of Architecture, ENAC Faculty. Teaching and research in the theory of architecture.Biography
Bruno Marchand studied architecture at the EPFL and here he graduated in 1980. He obtained his doctorate at the EPFL in 1992. The subject of his thesis was the presentation of a typology of collective housing in Geneva. Appointed as assistant professor in the EPFLs Department of Architecture in 1993, he lectured to 2nd year students on the theory of architecture and was responsible for Teaching unit B Architectural critics. In 1995, he became visiting professor at the School of Architecture in Nantes. From 1996 to 1998 he taught the postgraduate course on urban development and planning. On 1st August 1997, he was appointed an associate professor of the theory of architecture and he became the director of the Theory and History of Architecture Laboratory 2 in 1999. In 2002 he created the "Architecture, City and History" doctoral program, which he directed until 2006, when he became the director of the Institute of Architecture, ENAC Faculty. The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology appointed him a full professor of the theory of architecture at the ENAC Faculty since April 2009. In parallel with his teaching activities, Bruno Marchand has continued to carry out research works in the field of theory of architecture. Having taken a close look at the field of rational architecture in Switzerland in the 1930s, this work resulted in an exhibition presented in Switzerland and abroad, his two main areas of interest at the moment are architectural rationalism in Switzerland in the 1950s and 1960s and the relationships between public spaces and collective housing. From 1991 to 2000, he was active in the architectural practice «Jean-Marc Lamunière, Georges van Bogaert, Bruno Marchand and Associates», where he co-authored a number of studies on urban planning and several architectural projects and completed constructions, particularly in the field of collective housing. From 1996 to 2004, he had the post of assistant director of the Town and Country Planning Department of the Canton of Vaud. From 2001 onwards he has been one of the associates of the town planning consultants DeLaMa together with Patrick Devanthéry and Inès Lamunière.Publications
Selected publications
Marchand, Bruno (ed.) Infolio, Gollion, 2011 |
Renato Salvi, architecte |
Marchand, Bruno Infolio, Gollion, 2009 |
Fran�ois Maurice, architecte |
Marchand, Bruno Birkh�user, B�le, 2009 |
Quartier Ecoparc Bauart # 2 |
Marchand, Bruno m�moire vive, n� 18, 2009 |
Du Forum au shopping mall et � Metropolis. Visions urbaines et r�alit�s dans l�am�nagement de la Gare-du-Flon |
Marchand, Bruno Werk, Bauen Wohnen, n� 7-8, 2009 |
Verspielte Effekte, effektvolles Spiel. Kindertagesst�tte Monthey der Architekten Bonnard & Woeffray (Effets de jeu, jeux d�effets. Notes � propos du b�timent d�accueil de la petite enfance, r�alis� par les architectes Bonnard & Woeffray � Monthey) |
Marchand, Bruno Habitation, n� 3, 2009 |
Evolution des m�urs et de l�habitat (interview) |
Marchand, Bruno in Uta Hassler et Catherine Dumont d�Ayot (dir.), Architectures de la croissance. Les paradoxes de la sauvegarde, ETH, Z�rich / Infolio, Gollion, 2009 |
A l��chelle du paysage : Le Lignon et le changement de paradigme dans l�urbanisme genevois |
Marchand, Bruno Alerte, n� 108, 2009 |
S��lever, sur�lever: la verticalit� aux prises avec des forces antagonistes |
Marchand, Bruno Werk, Bauen Wohnen, n� 5, 2008 |
Effekte, Reflexe. Geb�ude der �Services Industriels� in Nyon von Galletti & Matter |
Marchand, Bruno, Fretton, Tony, Mann, Graeme, Capua Mann, Patricia Infolio, Golion, 2008 |
Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann |
Marchand, Bruno Trac�s, n� 18, 2008 |
Densifier par le haut : de quelques le�ons du pass� |
Marchand, Bruno, Katsakou, Antigoni Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 2008 |
Concevoir des logements. Concours en Suisse 2000-2005 |
Marchand, Bruno mati�res, n� 9, 2008 |
Complexit�s et dynamiques spatiales. Notes sur la dimension artistique de l�architecture des ann�es 1970 d�Alvaro Siza |
Marchand, Bruno in Roberto Gargiani (dir.), La colonne. Nouvelle histoire de la construction, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 2008 |
En r�sonance. Notes amus�es (et d�sabus�es) � propos des colonnes de Siza |
Marchand, Bruno [ed.] Infolio, Gollion, 2007 |
Jean-Marc Lamuni�re � Regards sur son �uvre |
Marchand, Bruno in Prix de l�ASPAN-SO 2007. Ville compacte et qualit� de l�espace urbain ou comment concilier densit� et qualit�, ASPAN-SO, Gen�ve, 2007 |
Construire la ville en ville |
Marchand, Bruno, Sayah, Habib Werk, Bauen Wohnen, n� 4, 2007 |
Branch� Centre International de Conf�rences, Genf, Erweiterung durch Anzevui & Deville Architectes |
Marchand, Bruno in Galletti & Matter. Collection of places. Buildings & projects, Birkh�user, B�le, 2006 |
Spirit of materials |
Marchand, Bruno in Gilles Bienvenu & G�raldine Texier-Rideau (sous la direction de), Autour de la ville de Napol�on. Colloque de la Roche-sur-Yon, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2006 |
C�est ici que commence un lieu historique� Urbanisation et patrimonialisation d�un secteur de Versoix-la-Ville |
Lucan, Jacques,
Marchand, Bruno (ed.) B�le, Birkh�user, 2003 |
Steinmann M., Forme forte. �crits/Schriften 1972-2002 |