Development and standardisation of guidelines for the assessment of contaminated sediments: ecotoxicological tests, bioaccumulation, application of sediment quality guidelines.
Trace metal biology: bioaccumulation, ecotoxicology.
Professional course
Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology
Since 2012
Institute for Arctic and Marine Biology, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
University of Tromsø, Norway
Post-doctoral researcher
Trace Metal Biology Group, Zoology department
Natural History Museum, London
PhD student
Physical-Chemistry department, Chemical Oceanography and Litoral Contamination research group
University of Cadiz, Spain
PhD in Marine Science
University of Cadiz, Spain
Master in Water and Coastal Management
University of Cadiz, Spain and University of Algarve, Portugal
B.S. in Marine Science
University of Cadiz, Spain
Other publications
Journal papers
M.C. Casado-Martínez, K. Burga-Perez, R. Bebon, J.F. Férard, E.L.M. Vermeirssen, I. Werner. The sediment-contact test using the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens: effect of fine sediments and determination of toxicity thresholds. Chemosphere 151, 20-24, 2016.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, I. Werner, B.J.D. Ferrari, N. Chèvre. Risikobewertung von Sedimenten- Methoden zur Bewertung der Sedimentqualitäat. Aqua & Gas N°4, Spring 2015.
Feiler et al. Inter-laboratory trial of a standardized sediment contact test with the aquatic plant Myriophyllum aquaticum (ISO 16191). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 662-670, 2014.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, B.D. Smith, P.S. Rainbow. Assessing metal bioaccumulation from estuarine sediments: comparative experimental results for the polychaete Arenicola marina. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13, 429-440, 2013.
M.C. Casado-Martinez, E. Duncan, B.D. Smith, W. Maher, P.S. Rainbow. Arsenic toxicity in a sediment-dwelling polychaete: detoxification and arsenic metabolism. Ecotoxicology, 21, 576 – 590, 2012.
P.S. Rainbow, B.D. Smith, M.C. Casado-Martinez. Biodynamic modelling of the bioaccumulation of arsenic by the polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Environmetal Chemistry 8:1-8, 2011.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, B.D. Smith, S.N. Luoma, P.S. Rainbow. Metal toxicity in a sediment-dwelling polychaete: threshold body concentrations or overwhelming accumulation rates? Environmental Pollution Vol. 158, 3071-3076, 2010.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, B.D. Smith, S.N. Luoma, P.S. Rainbow. Bioaccumulation of arsenic from water and sediment by a deposit-feeding polychaete (Arenicola marina): a biodynamic modelling approach. Aquatic Toxicology Vol. 98, 34-43, 2010.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, J.M. Forja, T.A. Delvalls. A multivariate assessment of sediment contamination in dredged sediments from Spanish ports. Journal of Hazardous Materials Vol. 163: 1353-1359, 2009.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, B.D. Smith, T.A. Delvalls, P.S. Rainbow. Pathways of trace metal uptake in the lugworm Arenicola marina. Aquatic Toxicology Vol. 92: 9-17, 2009.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, B.D. Smith, T.A. Delvalls, S.N. Luoma, P.S. Rainbow. Biodynamic modelling and the prediction of accumulated trace metal concentrations in the polychaete Arenicola marina. Environmental Pollution Vol. 157: 2743-2750, 2009.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, N. Fernández, J.M. Forja, T.A. Delvalls. Liquid versus solid phase bioassays for dredged material characterisation. Environment International Vol. 33: 456- 462, 2007.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, J.M. Forja, T.A. DelValls. Direct comparison of amphipod sensitivities to dredged sediments from Spanish ports. Chemosphere Vol. 68: 677-685, 2007.
M. Alvarez-Guerra, J.R. Viguri, M.C. Casado-Martínez, T.A. DelValls. Sediment Quality Assessment and Dredged Material Management in Spain: Part I, Application of Sediment Quality Guidelines in the Bay of Santander. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Vol. 3: 529–538, 2007.
M. Alvarez-Guerra, J.R. Viguri, M.C. Casado-Martínez, T.A. DelValls. Sediment Quality Assessment and Dredged Material Management in Spain: Part II, Analysis of Action Levels for Dredged Material Management and Application to the Bay of Cádiz. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Vol. 3: 539–551, 2007.
M.C. Casado-Martínez, J.L. Buceta, M.J. Belzunce, T.A. Delvalls. Using Sediment Quality Guidelines for dredged material management in commercial ports from Spain. Environment Internacional. Vol. 32: 388- 392, 2006.
T. Campisi, F. Abbondanzi, M.C. Casado-Martinez, T.A. DelValls, R. Guerra, A. Iacondini. Effect of sediment turbidity and color on light output measurement for Microtox® basic solid-phase test. Chemosphere. Vol. 60: 9-15, 2005.
I. Riba, M.C. Casado-Martínez, J.M. Forja, T.A. DelValls. Sediment Quality in the Atlantic Coast of Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol. 23 (2): 273-282, 2004.
I. Riba, M.C. Casado-Martínez, J. Blasco, T.A. Delvalls. Bioavailability of heavy metals bound to sediments affected by a mining spill using Solea senegalensis and Scrobicularia plana. Marine Environmental Research. Vol 58 (2-5): 395- 399, 2004.
E. García-Luque, T.A. DelValls, M.C. Casado-Martínez, J.M. Forja, A. Gómez-Parra. Simulating a heavy metal spill under estuarine conditions: effects on clam Scrobicularia plana. Marine Environmental Research. Vol 58 (2-5): 671- 674, 2004.
M.L. Martín-Díaz, S. Bamber, M.C. Casado-Martínez, D. Sales, T.A. DelValls. Toxicokinetic of heavy metals from a mining spill using Carcinus maenas. Marine Environmental Research Vol. 58 (2-5): 833- 837, 2004.
T.A. Delvalls, A. Andrés, M.J. Belzunce, J.L. Buceta, M.C. Casado-Martínez, R. Castro, J.R. Viguri, J. Blasco. Chemical and ecotoxicological guidelines for managing disposal of dredged material. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 23 (10-11): 819- 828, 2004.