César Pulgarin

Professor Emeritus
Fields of expertise
For a better water treatment and protection
Chemical Engineering Ranking: https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=1134734
- Mechanistic study of Advanced Oxidation Processes AOPs (i.e. electrochemical, TiO2 photo-assisted, ultrasound, photo-Fenton) and their combinations for chemical and biological pollutants treatment in industrial and domestic wastewater
- Action mode of solar light during inactivation of bacteria and virus in water and surfaces.
- Coupling of biological and AOP systems for industrial waste-waters treatment
- Design, preparation, chemical characterization, activity evaluation and mechanistic description of (nano) materials with (photo)catalytic activity pour environmental applications
- Development of supported self-cleaning and self-disinfecting (photo) actives devices with potential use to fight hospital infections
- Cooperation projects with colleagues from Latin America and Africa. (Agro) industrial waste-waters treatment and household water disinfection by simple and non-expensive helio- photocatalytic processes. Supervision of PH D and trainees from these countries
Chemical Engineering Ranking: https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=1134734
Chemist from Lausanne University, Master in environmental chemistry from Geneva University, PhD in bio-inspired synthesis of natural substances from Neuchâtel University, Two Post PhDs: 1- electrochemistry and 2-biological engineering from EPFL.
Main pass and present professional activities
- 1989-2019, taught and led a research group at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) the word 12th engineering & technology university and 9th in chemistry https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/chemistry
- From 2019, cooperation with others teams on his research expertise and advisor in 1) organization and management of research teams and universities 2) scientific projects mounting 3) good practices to publish in science and engineering 4) evaluation of researchers assisted by bibliometric tools.
Main milestones (05.11.2024)
- Participated in twenty international projects in 4 continents including 8 from European Union
- Supervision of 38 PhD & post PhD and 180 Master plus invited Ph D students training
- Has 293 peer reviewed publications in Scopus and 21 book chapters
- The average IF of journals in which his papers were published between 2019 and 2024 is 15
- Has an H index of 76 and 20’110 citations in Scopus and 86 and 26’875 citations in Scholar Google https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=fr&user=pwynQrEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
- Has several seminal papers and is the 1st to 4th world most cited author in his research fields
- Has been invited for more than a hundred of plenary and key conferences in congress and other frameworks
- Is member of the scientific committee of the most important conferences of AOPs
- Is teacher of two European doctoral school in his field
- Contributed to the development of two patents and two startups and his publications has has been cited by 25 patents
- Led during 25 years a cooperation between EPFL and several Colombian universities
- Did 104 papers with Colombian pairs including the 1st - 2th Colombian publications in his field
- Is international expert for the evaluation of Ph. D. thesis, projects and research teams
- Taught during 10 years and supervised two Ph D and 8 Master students in 2IE Burkina Faso
- Represented Switzerland in the European Association of Photocatalysis
- Was co-funder of “Asociacion Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza” (ACIS)
Main awards
- Applied Catalysis B (IF: 24.3 ), the first of 233 journals in his field, devoted in 2020 a special issue on his honour as he has been the 4th most published author in in this 1rst ranked journal of his domain: https://actu.epfl.ch/news/a-special-issue-of-applied-catalysis-b-in-honor--2/
- Emeritus Professor from EPFL; Honorary Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences; Most important Colombian National Awards in Sciences (Vida y Obra) in 2022; Lifetime Achivement Award from the International PhD School in Advanced Oxidation Processes, Award for his Distinguished Career from Ibero- American Congress of Advanced Oxidation Processes; Gran Cruz del Valle from Valle University; Dr Honoris Causa from Caldas University; Gold Book from Valencia University, Honorary Member of the Colombian Congress of AOPs.
- Ranking in Research
a) Chemical Engineering: https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=1134734
b) Chemistry: https://research.com/university/chemistry/epfl-ecole-polytechnique-federale-de-lausanne
c) From my Institute: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/chemistry
Present research fields and publications