Christophe Galland

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Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Nanophotonics, quantum optics, photon counting 
Quantum Dots, Nanocrystals, Carbon Nanotubes, Silicon integrated optics


Teaching & PhD




General physics : mechanics (IN)

Give the student the basic notions that will allow him or her to have a better understanding of physical phenomena, such as the mechanic of point masses. Acquire the capacity to analyse quantitatively the consequences of these effects with appropriate theoretical tools.

Nonlinear optics for quantum technologies

Nonlinear optics is continuously gaining in impact and relevance for the generation and conversion of quantum states of light, with numerous applications to quantum technologies. In parallel, the development of photonic integrated circuits and micro/nano-cavities offers new opportunities to boost and tailor nonlinear effects. Finally, nonlinear optics offers unlimited possibilities to perform s