Christophe Moser

BM 4111 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:

BM 1136 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Teaching & PhD




Introduction to additive manufacturing

The state of the art in the domain of additive production processes (the part is built by material addition without use of a shape tool) will be presented. The main application/benefits/shortcomings of the common additive processes as well as technological and economical issues will be discussed.

Advanced additive manufacturing technologies

Advanced 3D forming techniques for high throughput and high resolution (nanometric) for large scale production. Digital manufacturing of functional layers, microsystems and smart systems.

Lasers: theory and modern applications

This course gives an introduction to Lasers by both considering fundamental principles and applications. Topics that are covered include the theory of lasers, laser resonators and laser dynamics. In addition to the basic concepts, a variety of interesting laser systems and applications are covered

Laser fundamentals and applications for engineers

The course will cover the fundamentals of lasers and focus on selected practical applications using lasers in engineering. The course is divided approximately as 1/3 theory and 2/3 covering selected applications.

Optical Computing

In this course we will start with a brief history of optical computing, describe methods for implementing optical interconnection and logic and then spend most of our time on learning about the recent efforts in optical computing machines for machine learning.

Practical in venture capital

In a collaboration with EPFL, Verve is seeking PhD students who are interested in gaining first-hand Venture Capital experience and are passionate about working with technology startups across Europe. Fellows will acquire all necessary skills to cover the entire investment process

3D Printing with light

Optical aspects of 3D printing technology. This includes optical systems for scanning and excitation, photopolymers, glass and other photoactive materials, and optical components fabricated with 3D printing technology.