Christophe Roussel

Research and Teaching Associate
CH B0 391 (Bâtiment CH)
Station 6
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 76 75
Web site: Web site:
+41 21 693 76 75
Fields of expertise
Analytical Sciences
Material Sciences
2015: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) in chemistry at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (Cachan, France).2000: PhD Thesis in physical organic chemistry at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Besançon, France) / Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (Cachan, France).
1997: DEA de chimie-physique des interfaces at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Besançon, France).
1996: Maîtrise de chimie-physique at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Besançon, France).
1995: Licence de chimie at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Besançon, France).
1994: DEUG sciences de la nature et de la vie at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Besançon, France).
1992: Baacalauréat mathématiques et sciences de la nature (académie de Besançon, France).
Selected publications
Other publications
Heterogeneous Overhauser-DNP on 1H dominated by scalar coupling in aqueous solution
J. Milani, F. Saenz, C. Roussel, and J.-P. Ansermet, Magnetic Resonnance in Chemistry, 2023, 61, 180
Blatter-type radicals as polarizing agents for electrochemical overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization
F. Saenz, M. Tamski, J. Milani, C. Roussel, H. Frauenrath and J.-P. Ansermet, Chemical communication, 2022, 58, 689
Stabilization of p-GaAs electrode surfaces in organic solvent by bi-phenyl rings for spin dependent electron transfer studies
M. Tamski, J.-P. Ansermet and C. Roussel , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2021, 404, 112853
Electrochemical Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
M. A. Tamski, J. Milani, C. Roussel and J.-P. Ansermet, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 17769
Optimization of a Py-GC/MS method for silicone-Based lubricants analysis
F. Maurer, K. Buffaz , G. Massonnet, C. Roussel and C.Burnier, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2020, 149, 104861
Spin-dependent charge transfer at chiral electrodes probed by magnetic resonance
F. Blumenschein, M. A. Tamski, C. Roussel, E. Z. B. Smolinsky, F. Tassinari, R. Naaman and J.-P. Ansermet, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 997
Probing charge transfer processes at p-GaAs electrodes under weak optical excitation
M. A. Tamski, F. Blumenschein, C. Roussel and J.-P. Ansermet, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2019, 382, 111894
Quantification of THC in cannabis plants by Fast-HPLC-DAD: a promising method for routine analyses
C. Burnier, P. Esseiva, C. Roussel, Talanta, 2019, 192, 135
Thermal annihilation of photo-induced radicals following dynamic nuclear polarization to produce transportable frozen hyperpolarized13C-substrates
A. Capozzi, T. Cheng, G. Boero, C. Roussel, A. Comment, Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 15757
Experimental and theoretical studies on electropolymerization of polar amino acids on platinum electrode
T. Alhedabi, H. Cattey, C. Roussel, V. Blondeau-Patissier, T. Gharbi, G. Herlem, Material Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 185, 183-194
Preparation, kinetics, mechanism and properties of semi-transparent photocatalytic stable films active in dye degradation
L. Suarez, C. Pulgarin, C. Roussel, J. Kiwi, Applied Catalysis A, 2016, 516, 70-80
Photo-Induced non-Persistent Radicals as Polarizing Agents for X-Nuclei Dissolution-DNP
A. Capozzi, J.-N. Hyacinthe, T. Cheng, T. Eichhorn, G. Boero, C. Roussel, J. Van der Klink, A. Comment, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 22632-22639
Optimal glass-forming solvent brings sublimation dynamic nuclear polarization to 129Xe hyperpolarization biomedical imaging standards
A. Capozzi, C. Roussel, A. Comment, J.-N. Hyacinthe, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 5020-5025
Standard addition strip for quantitative electrostatic spray ionization mass spectrometry analysis: Determination of caffeine in drinks
E. Tobolkina, L. Qiao, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Talanta, 2014, 130, 377-381
Hyperpolarized 13C MRI contrast agent generated by shining light on a pure glucose metabolic product for probing metabolism in vivo in real time
T.R. Eichhorn, Y. Takado, N. Salameh, A. Capozzi, T. Cheng, J.-N. Hyacinthe, M. Mishkovsky, C. Roussel, A. Comment, Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of America, 2013, 110, 18064-18069
RF-plasma pretreatment of surfaces leading to TiO2 coatings with improved optical absorption and OH radical-production
O. Baghriche, S. Rtimi, C. Pulgarin, C. Roussel, J. Kiwi, Applied Catalysis B, 2013, 130-131, 65-72
Photocatalytic discoloration of aqueous malachite green solutions by UV-illuminated TiO2 nano-particles under air and nitrogen atmospheres: effects of counter-ions and pH
J.A. Rengifo-Herrera, L.R. Pizzo, M.N. Blanco, C. Roussel, C. Pulgarin, Photochemical and photobiological sciences, 2011, 10, 29-34
Reactivity of arynitriloxides and C-aroyl-N-phenylnitrones with 3-methylenedihydro-(3H)-furan-2-one and itaconic anhydride
C. Roussel, K. Ciamala, J. Vebrel , C. Riche, Heterocycles, 2009, 78, 1977-1991
About the electrospray ionization source in Mass Spectrometry: electrochemistry and on-chip reactions
M. Prudent, M. A. Méndez, C. Roussel, B. Su, N. Lion, J. S. Rossier, H. H. Girault, Chimia, 2009, 63, 283-287
Protoporphyrin IX sensitized titanium oxide gel electrode
S. X. Tan, B. Su, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2008, 361, 746-760
MALDI in-source photo-oxidation reactions for on-line peptide tagging
L. Qiao, C. Roussel, J. J. Wan, J. L. Kong, P. Y. Yang, H. H. Girault, B. H. Liu, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2008, 47, 2646-2648
Reaction of 3-methylenedihydro-(3H)-furan-2-one with diazoalkanes. Syntheses and crystal structures of spiranic cyclopropyl compounds
C. Roussel, K. Ciamala, J. Vebrel, M. Knorr, M. M. Kubicki, Heterocycles, 2007, 71, 1517-1528,
Specific on-plate enrichment of phosphorylated peptides for direct MALDI-TOF MS analysis
L. Qiao, C. Roussel, J. J. Wan, P. Y. Yang, H. H. Girault, B. H. Liu, Journal of Proteome Research, 2007, 6, 4763-4769
Electrochemical generation of Cu(I) complexes in aqueous solutions studied by on-line mass spectrometry
M. Prudent, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9, 2067-2074
J.-C. Daran, R. Fihi, C. Roussel, N. Laghrib, M. Azrour, K. Ciamala, J. Vebrel, Acta Crystallographica E, 2006, 62, o329-o331
Immobilized pH gradient gel cell to study the pH dependence of drug lipophilicity
H.-T. Lam, C. M. Pereira, C. Roussel, P.-A. Carrupt, H. H. Girault, Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 1503-1508
Probing cysteine reactivity in proteins by Mass Spectrometric EC-tagging
L. Dayon, C. Roussel, and H. H. Girault, Journal of Proteome Research, 2006, 5, 793-800
Salt removal during off-gel electrophoresis of protein samples
I. L. Arnaud, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, N. Lion, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Electrophoresis, 2005, 26, 1650-1658
Size-selective separation of Gold nanoparticles using isoelectric focusing electrophoresis (IEF)
I. L. Arnaud, J.-P. Abid, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Chemical Communications, 2005, 787-788
Antioxidant sensors based on DNA-modified electrodes
J. F. Liu, C. Roussel, G. Lagger, P. Tacchini, and H. H. Girault, Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77, 7687-7694
On-Line counting of cysteine residues in peptides during electrospray ionization by electrogenerated tags and their application to protein identification
L. Dayon, C. Roussel, M. Prudent, N. Lion, H. H. Girault, Electrophoresis, 2005, 26, 238-247
On-line electrochemical tagging of free cysteines in peptides during nanospray ionisation mass spectrometry: An Overview
L. Dayon, C. Roussel, H. H. Girault, Chimia, 2004, 58, 204-207
On-line electrochemical tagging of free cysteine during nanospray ionisation for mass spectrometry analysis
C. Roussel, L. Dayon, T. C. Rohner, N. Lion, H. H. Girault, Biophotonics New Frontier: From Genome to Proteome, Proceedings of Spie, 2004, 5461, 30-37
Generation of mass tags by the inherent electrochemistry of electrospray for protein mass spectrometry
C. Roussel, L. Dayon, N. Lion, T. C. Rohner, J. Josserand, J. S. Rossier, H. Jensen, H. H. Girault, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2004, 15, 1767-1779
On-line cysteine modification for protein analysis: new probes for electrochemical tagging nanospray mass spectrometry
C. Roussel, L. Dayon, H. Jensen, and H. H. Girault, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2004, 570, 187-199
Microfluidic systems in proteomics
N. Lion, T. C. Rohner, L. Dayon, I. L. Arnaud, E. Damoc, N. Youhnovski, Z.-Y. Wu, C. Roussel, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, J. S. Rossier, M. Przybylski, H. H. Girault, Electrophoresis, 2003, 24, 3533-3562
Mechanistic aspect of on-line electrochemical tagging of free L-cysteine residues during electrospray ionisation for mass spectrometry in protein analysis
C. Roussel, T. C. Rohner, H. Jensen, H. H. Girault, ChemPhysChem, 2003, 4, 200-206
Spiroheterocycles from reaction of nitrones with methylene-gamma-butyrolactones and some of their rearrangements
C. Roussel, R. Fihi, K. Ciamala, J. Vebrel, T. Zair, C. Riche, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2003, 1, 2689-2698
The [3 2] cycloaddition of diphenyldiazomethane and ethyl diazoacetate with itaconic anhydride. A new access to spiranic cyclopropane derivatives
C. Roussel, K. Ciamala, J-M. Melot, J. Vebrel, C. Riche, Journal of Chemical research (s), 2002, 9, 449-451
Revisiting the addition of nitriloxides on protoanemonine. A new access to (2E)-3-(3'-arylisoxazol-5'-yl)propenoic acids
C. Roussel, R. Fihi, K. Ciamala, P. Audebert, J. Vebrel, New Journal of Chemistry, 2000, 24, 471-476
Contribution of microwaves in organic synthesis: statement of a methodology for the microwave-induced preparation of benzofuran-2(3H)-one and its comparison with classical heating
P. Concalo, C. Roussel, J-M. Melot, J. Vebrel, Journal of the Chemical Society Perking Trans. 2, 1999, 2111-2115
Cycloaddition of some arylnitriloxides with 3-methylenephtalide: electrocatalytic openning of the adduct
C. Roussel, K. Ciamala, P. Audebert, J. Vebrel, New Journal of Chemistry, 1999, 23, 989-992
Method for the preparation of a sample comprising highly polarized nuclear spins and uses and devices for such a methodJ. Milani, M. Tamski, J.-P. Ansermet, and C. Roussel, PCT/EP2020/053161, WO2021/156063, 2021
Method for the generation of radicals for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization and uses thereof for NMR, MRS and MRI
T.R. Eichhorn, C. Roussel, A. Comment, PCT/EP2013/709430, WO2014/139573, 2014
Solid-phase extraction and ionisation device
B. Liu, L. Qiao, N. Lion, J.J. Wan, M. Prudent, C. Roussel, P.Y. Yang, H.H. Girault, PCT/EP2008/5347, WO2009/003673, 2009
Ionisation device
L. Qiao, P.Y. Yang, B. Liu, N. Lion, C. Roussel, H.H. Girault, PCT/EP2008/000140, WO2008/083966, 2008
Chemical wall-plug product comprises separate components which, when mixed, undergo simultaneous expansion and polymerization-crosslinking reactions to form an expanded 3-dimensional thermoset structure
J. Vebrel, P. Goncalo, C. Roussel, J. Vuillermoz, PCT/FR2000/01132, WO2000/66673-A, 2000
Teaching & PhD
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering