Constantinos Marcou +41 21 693 78 05
Citizenship: British Cypriot
BP 4238 (Bâtiment BP)
Station 16
1015 Lausanne
Web site: Web site:
Constantinos Marcou (London, 1988) is a British Cypriot writer, architect and urban designer based inLarnaca, Cyprus. He studied Architecture at the University of Cyprus where he graduated with
excellence, continuing his studies at UCL where he received his Masters Degree in Urban Design under
the mentorship of Luca Galofaro and Davide Sacconi. Following his studies, he became an editor for a
local architectural magazine, investigating the syntactic and literary aspect of architecture where he
wrote his column titled: Chorographies, a series of fictional stories dedicated to unfold the complexity
of the human condition, where tensions, contradictions and intimate social relations between individuals
formed a framing device for the ethos of imaginary cities. In 2014, he founded the Atelier for
Architecture Research, a platform through which he developed a critical form of practice where
research and design coexist, free from the constraints of the rising contemporary compulsion, while
continue exploring spatial politics and urban conflicts, the complex relationship between architecture
and socio-political reform in the context of emancipatory struggles, the politics of representation and
the productive use of different means of communication as instruments for problematization,
questioning the category of the urban. Since then, he has been engaged with several projects, for which
he received international awards and recognition by prestigious institutions and organizations such as
Unesco and the UIA (International Union of Architects). Marcou participated in various publications
and presented his work at conferences and at universities both nationally and internationally. Recently,
he was selected as one the twenty-five fellows for the Future Architecture Platform.
Professional course
Adjunct Faculty
University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture
Creative Director of Atelier for Architecture Research
Constantinos Marcou: Atelier for Architecture Research
Masters of Architecture in Urban Design
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture
University of Cyprus
B.Sc. in Architecture
University of Cyprus
2019 : Selected as one of the twenty five fellows for the Future Architecture Platform : International Competition organized by Future Architecture Platform
2019 : Honourable Mention : Annual Fairy Tales Competition organized by Blank Space
2015 : One out of the eight winning entries : Next Helsinki Competition
2015 : 2nd prize runner-up : Bamiyan Cultural Center in Afghanistan. International Competition organized by UNESCO in partnership with the Ministry of Information and Culture of Afghanistan