Cyril Felix Monette

ME B3 30 (Bâtiment ME)
Station 9
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 81 77
ME B3 30
Web site: Web site:
ME B3 30 (Bâtiment ME)
Station 9
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 81 77
ME B3 30
Cyril Monette combines his interest in engineering with his passion for nature: During his bachelor's degree in microtechnology at EPFLausanne, he implemented technical study projects with a focus on the conservation of biodiversity. Cyril then worked at the GenoRobotics project on the development of mobile DNA sequencing methods. After volunteering in Uganda, he completed several internships in biodiversity conservation. With the start of his master's degree in Biorobotics at the University of Bristol, he continued to focus on the interface between the environment and technology. He worked on the interface between swarm robotics and the natural world, by developing fish swarm manipulation tags and automated camera trap networks for large-scale wildlife monitoring. Thanks to the Barbel and Paul Geissbühler grant as well as the University of Bristol Think Big scholarship, volunteering outside of the university was made possible: Cyril worked as a "Public Engagement Volunteer" at Bristol zoo, where he conveyed the zoo's conservation message to visitors and informs them about the threats to wildlife. Since January 2023, Cyril works towards his PhD in animal-robot interactions back at EPFL where he focuses on shedding light on communication and behaviour of social species.Education
MSc Biorobotics
University of Bristol
2021 - 2022
BSc Microtechnique
2018 - 2021
BSc Ingénieur Civil
Université Catholique de Louvain
2017 - 2018
2023 : Biorobotics Best Student prize : Awarded by the University of Bristol Engineering Mathematic Department to the student who achieved the highest overall mark in their cohort.
2022 : Bristol PLUS Award : Awarded by the University of Bristol as a mean to translate learned employability skills and in recognition of volunteering, workshops and sustainability courses attended alongside the student's studies.
2021 : Best Bachelor result : Awarded by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Microengineering section to the student who achieved the highest overall mark in their cohort.
2021 : Geissbühler Scholar : En collaboration avec la Fondation Bärbel et Paul Geissbühler, la Fondation suisse d’études octroie des bourses à des étudiantes et étudiants MINT admis aux programmes de la Fondation suisse d’études. Les bourses Geissbühler sont des bourses d
2021 : Think Big Postgraduate Scholar : The University of Bristol aims to support the brightest and most talented students who can actively contribute to the development of their country by offering Think Big Scholarships for international students to pursue higher education in the UK.
2020 : Swiss Study Foundation Laureate : The Swiss Study Foundation supports excellent students and postgraduates who due to their personality, creativity and intellectual skills are in a position to contribute to science, business, culture and politics by assuming leading positions.