Delphine Ribes Lemay

Ingénieure chef de groupe +41 21 693 08 58
Nationalité: Suisse, Française
Date de naissance: 11.11.1982
ECAL 1 20.07 (Bâtiment ECAL)
Av. du 24-Janvier 11
1020 Renens VD 1
+41 21 693 08 58
ECAL 1 20.02
Web site: Site web:
Delphine Ribes Lemay was born in Lyon, France, in November 1982. She received her Master's degree in Electrical Engineering with a major in medical image processing in March 2008 from CPE Lyon.Delphine Ribes began her scientific journey in 2006 in Chapel Hill, USA, under the supervision of Dr. Guido Gerig, focusing on grey matter segmentation. She then returned to Europe for a one-year exchange at EPFL in Switzerland. During this year, she met Jean-Philippe Thiran and Meritxell Bach Cuadra, and had the opportunity to complete her Master's thesis on 3D reconstruction of 2D autoradiographic brain images of mice.
In 2008, Delphine Ribes joined the Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology group at Siemens, supervised by Gunner Krueger and Alexis Roche. Over four years, she contributed to developing a morphometric tool for brain segmentation to be integrated into Siemens MRI scanners. This tool, now called MorphoBox, led to several publications. Concurrently, she contributed to developing a new methodology for skull stripping, resulting in EU and US patents.
In 2011, Delphine Ribes joined the startup CAScination to work on the development of navigation systems for digestive surgery and lead its clinical research. She also spearheaded the development of Ubersound technology, which resulted in an EU patent.
Finally, since the fall of 2014, Delphine Ribes Lemay has been with the EPFL ECAL Lab, a center at EPFL dedicated to design research and directed by Nicolas Henchoz. She leads the algorithmic and coding group there. Since joining, she has been enhancing the lab's expertise in machine learning for design applications and, notably, in user interfaces for medical applications.
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