Duccio Testa

PPB 216 (Bâtiment PPB)
Station 13
1015 Lausanne

Web site:   Site web:   https://spc.epfl.ch/

Web site:   Site web:   https://sph.epfl.ch/

Données administratives

Domaines de compétences

  • Physique des plasmas pour la fusion nucléaire
  • Développement de modèles mathématiques et numériques pour l'analyse statistique des fluctuations dans des systèmes physiques complexes
  • Développement d'instrumentation de mesure avec procédés de microtechnique
  • Archéologie de l'époque romaine et préromaine

Parcours professionnel


Regularly working as a qualified expert contributing to the overall supervision of the work on archaeological excavations

Soprintendenza Archeologica per l’Etruria Meridionale, Rome, IT

1988 to 1995

Research Assistant

observation of extra-galactic jets

Astronomical Observatory of Pino Torinese, Torino (Italy)

10/1994 to 06/1995

Supply teacher of mathematics, physics and computing

part-time work as replacement teacher

various high schools in Torino (Italy)

09/1994 to 07/1995


during my PhD thesis

JET – Joint Undertaking (Oxford)

10/1995 to 09/1998


during my Post-Doc fellowship

Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA

10/1998 to 06/2002

Research & Teaching

permanent position from 1st January 2006

Centre de Recherche en Physiques des Plasmas (now Swiss Plasma Center), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH

From 07/2002 onwards


High School Diploma

60/60 marks

Liceo Classico Vincenzo Gioberti, Torino, IT


Bachelor/Master in Physics

110/110 cum laude marks

Universita di Torino, IT


European Community Research Training Grant

Research Fellowship

JET-Joint Undertaking, Oxford, UK


Ph.D. in Plasma Physics

Ph.D. Fellowship

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK

10/1995 to 09/1998

Post-Doc Fellow

Post-Doc Fellowship

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Boston, USA

10/1998 to 06/2002


Autres publications

Enseignement & Phd



A dirigé les thèses EPFL de

Panis Theodoros , Stipani Lorenzo ,

  • (from 2021 - ongoing) Lecturer for the Global Issue Energy-A class, 1st bachelor.
  • (from 2013, ongoing) Tutor for the General Physics II course for the SSV faculty (PHYS-106(a), Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli, then Prof. Ivo Furno); regular tutoring activities suspended form 2018 due to a change in the tutoring structure. Occasionally replaced Prof. Fasoli or Prof. Furno when absent for a number of lectures over these years. Every year: delivered a special lecture on general relativity and a special lecture for the preparation of the final exam.
  • (2015 to 2020) Prepared and delivered a number of lectures for the MOOC course on Plasma Physics. 2015: this has been the first ever MOOC course in Plasma Physics, with 6’182 students enrolled worldwide.
  • (from 2014 to 2016) Prepared and delivered a number of lectures and exercise sessions for the Plasma Physics III (PHYS-424) course.
  • (from 2012 to 2021) Prepared and delivered a number of lectures and exercise sessions for the Magnetic Confinement (PHYS-731) / EDPY course (this course is held every two years).
  • (from 2015 to 2020) Plasma Physics I course (PHYS-325, Prof. Stefano Alberti): replaced occasionally Prof. Alberti for lectures and the related exercise sessions.
  • (from 2014 to 2018) Plasma Physics II course (PHYS-423, Prof. Paolo Ricci): replaced occasionally Prof. Ricci for lectures and the related exercise sessions.
  • (from 2013 to 2018) General Physics II course for the GM faculty (PHYS-106(d), Prof. Paolo Ricci): replaced occasionally Prof. Ricci for lectures and the related exercise sessions.
  • (09/1994 -- 07/1995) Supply teacher of mathematics, physics and computing in various high schools In Torino (Italy).

  • Significant contribution to the work of various Ph.D. students: Dr. Christian Schlatter (2009), Dr. Jonathan Rossel (2013), Dr. Gustavo Canal (2014), Dr. Matteo Fontana (2018), Dr. Pedro Molina (2019), Dr. Mengdi Kong (2020); Aylwin Iantchenko (2023).
  •  Supervision of post-doc students: Dr. Chris Boswell (MIT-PSFC, 2002 to 2005), Dr. Alexander Klein (MIT-PSFC, 2005 to 2007).
  • Supervision of visiting PhD students: Yuya Wakabayashi (from January to mid-March 2017, exchange student from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan); Bhavin Patel (from April to June 2018, exchange student from York University, UK).
  • Supervision of Master students: Pierre Walch (spring/summer 2016, exchange student from Ecole Nationale Supérieure Cachan, France); Alessandro Tolio (from September 2016 to May 2017, exchange student from Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Jean Cazabonne (spring/summer 2018, exchange student from Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, France); Antoine Dolliou (2018); Garance Durr-Legoupil-Nicoud (2022-2023); Jamil Assaad (2023, exchange student from ENS Lyon).
  • Diploma/semster students, co-supervision with staff from the EPFL-LPM laboratory: Yannick Fournier (2009), Martin Stoeck (2010), Adrien Corne (2014), Benoit Ellenrieder (2015); Ambrine Douhane & Marcus Cemes (2022); Ahmor Mehdi (2023-2024).
  • TP4 students: Celine Blondel (fall 2014), Emile Sutter (spring 2015), Riccardo di Campli (fall 2015 and spring 2016), Aylwin Iantchenko (spring 2016, also a project work, exchange student from Chalmers University – Sweden), Lorenzo Maria Perrone (fall 2016 and spring 2017, exchange student from University of Pisa, Italy); Tristan Bossert (fall 2017); Jonathan Charrière (fall 2017, also a project work); Adrien Juhem (fall 2018); Sabine Ogier-Collin (2020-2021); Laetitia Imstepf (2023); Jan Jacub Frybes (2022 - ongoing); Florian Tanguy (2022- ongoing); Eugenie Decaux, Camille Laville (2023 - ongoing); Carlo Schmitt and Jules Mainand (2023 - ongoing).
  • EPFL summer students and interns: Philippe Windischofer (summer 2015, exchange student from Technical University of Wien, Austria), Laurent Michaud (summer 2016, EPFL student), Joseph Python (January and February 2016, baccalaureate Gymnase de Beaulieu, Lausanne); Lucas Fuentes (summer 2017, EPFL student); Marion Burnichon (spring/summer 2018, exchange student from McGill University, Montreal, Canada); Marianne Royer (summer 2022, exchange student fron ENSI-Caen, France).
  • Summer students and interns at JET: Pierre Loiseleur (Ecole Polytechnique Paris, 1999), Clement Rechatin (Ecole Polytechnique Paris, 2004), Romain Charlassier (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Lyon, 2005), Xavier Roy (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Cachan, 2006).