Emad Oveisi

ALP 3 006 (ALPOLE)
Rte des Ronquos 86
1950 Sion

Web site:  Web site:  https://cime.epfl.ch

ALP 3 006 (ALPOLE)
Rte des Ronquos 86
1950 Sion

ALP 3 006 (ALPOLE)
Rte des Ronquos 86
1950 Sion

Web site:  Web site:  https://cce.epfl.ch/

ALP 3 006 (ALPOLE)
Rte des Ronquos 86
1950 Sion

Web site:  Web site:  https://ae.epfl.ch/

Administrative data



Materials Science and Engineering




Materials Science and Engineering

University of Tehran



Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

University of Tehran



2022 : Rodolphe and Renée Haenny Prize : For contribution to the development of electron microscopy techniques for research in materials science

2018 : Microscopy Today Innovation Award : Single-shot 3D electron imaging

Teaching & PhD

Past EPFL PhD Students

Ganeeva Gulnaz ,


Advanced Solid State and Surface Characterization

State-of-the-art surface/thin film characterization methods of polycrystalline/nano/amorphous materials. Selected topics from thin film X-ray diffraction (GIWAXS, GISAXS, PDF), electronic and optical spectroscopy (XPS, AES, SERS, TERS), scanning probe and electron microscopy (STM, AFM, HRTEM, SEM).

Scanning electron microscopy techniques (a)

This intensive course is intended for researchers who envisage to use scanning electron microscopy techniques for their research or who want to understand how to interpret SEM images and analytical results presented in scientific publications.

Scanning electron microscopy techniques (b)

This intensive course is intended for researchers who envisage to use scanning electron microscopy techniques for their research or who want to understand how to interpret SEM images and analytical results presented in scientific publications.

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction (a)

This intensive course is intended for researchers who envisage using transmission electron microscopy to study materials samples or to help them interpret TEM data in publications. It presents basics of TEM instrumentation, imaging, electron diffraction, specimen preparation and high-resolution TEM.

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction (b)

This intensive course is intended for researchers who envisage using transmission electron microscopy to study materials samples or to help them interpret TEM data in publications. It presents basics of TEM instrumentation, imaging, electron diffraction, specimen preparation and high-resolution TEM.

Fundamentals of STEM lmaging and Spectroscopy

Lectures as well as hands-on trainings concerning different STEM imaging and spectroscopy techniques. Fundamentals of STEM, basic and advanced STEM imaging (ABF, ADF, iDPC, and 4D STEM), aberration-corrected STEM imaging and simulation, acquisition and analysis of EELS and EDX data.

Scanning and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy

This intensive course discusses advanced TEM techniques such as: scanning TEM; analytical TEM using EELS and EDX; aberration corrected imaging; and image simulation. It is intended for researchers who have taken the introductory TEM course MSE-637 or who have a good background in conventional TEM.

CCMX Summer School - Characterisation of Materials

This course will present an overview of the different materials characterisation techniques available to materials scientists, engineers in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, microtechnology or physics.