Emmanuel Rey

BP 2220 (Bâtiment BP)
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:  https://last.epfl.ch

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

Architectural design
Urban design 
Sustainability transitions 
Urban brownfield regeneration 
Neighborhoods in transition
Bioclimatic architecture
Low carbon technologies


Infoscience publications

Teaching & PhD




Studio BA3 (Rey)

By an approach at different intervention levels - from urban design to constructive detail - the studio aims to explore the architectural strategies to regenerate urban areas close to public transport in a perspective of sustainability transition.

Studio BA4 (Rey)

By an approach at different intervention levels - from urban design to constructive detail - the studio aims to explore the architectural strategies to regenerate urban areas close to public transport in a persective of sustainability transition.

UE K : Architecture and Sustainability : performance studies

This course is based on the team design of a temporary, mobile and sustainable theater. A pedagogical approach which will focus on the introduction of the concepts of sustainability applied to the design of a project with a short life span.

Neighborhoods in Transition II

The seminar "Neighborhoods in Transition II" explores the potential of urban slopes in the context of a post-carbon society. Combining architecture, urban studies, and sustainability, it engages doctoral students in understanding sloping neighborhoods through case studies, lectures, and discussions.