Enrique Corres Sojo

GC B2 465 (Bâtiment GC)
Station 18
1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Teaching & PhD


Civil Engineering


Drawing structures

The Drawing Structures I will introduce the basic drawing techniques (sketch, plan, section, elevation, and axonometry) to the first-year engineers. Based on these techniques, we will further investigate analytical drawing methods capable of exploring projects, structural concepts and their solution

Civil Engineering teaching unit: Docta Manus

The UE Docta Manus will introduce drawing as the key tool of communication between engineers and architects and as a mediator between construction and the student. Through hand-drawing, we will analyse selected structural projects that embody an exemplary interplay of space and structure.

Making structural logic

The ENAC week provides students the possibility to engage into an iterative process of testing and exploring structural and material limits and possibilities through the collaborative design and construction of structural elements in folded steel. The ENAC week will take place at EPFL Fribourg.

TRC LC3 Research Platform Fribourg

The UE TRC-LC3 Research Platform Fribourg will develop prototypes of structural elements in textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) concrete that allow the continuation of the TRC prototype pavilion started at EPFL in 2019. The UE will take place in EPFL Fribourg.