François Gallaire +41 21 693 33 65
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+41 21 693 33 65
Other publications
Review papers
1. F. Gallaire and P.-T. Brun, “Fluid dynamic instabilities: theory and application to pattern forming in complex media”, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 375, 2017,
2. C. Baroud, F. Gallaire and R. Dangla, “Flow physics of droplet microfluidics”, Lab on the Chip, 10, 2972-2978, 2010,
Drop deformation and transport
1. S. Y. Reigh, L. Zhu , F. Gallaire and E. Lauga, “Swimming with a cage: low-Reynolds-number locomotion inside a droplet”, Soft Matter, 13(17), 3161–3173, 2017,
2. G. Gallino, L. Zhu and F. Gallaire, “The stability of a rising droplet: an inertialess non-modal growth mechanism”, J. Fluid Mech., 786, 2015,
3. F. Thommen, F. Gallaire, D. Psaltis and T.Wolfensberger, “Modified McCannel Iridoplasty Simulating Basal Iridectomy for Silicone Oil Tamponade in Aphakia and Partial Aniridia”, Klinsiche Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde, 231, 4, 418-420, 2014,
Squeezed drops
1. G. Amselem, P. T. Brun, F. Gallaire and C. N. Baroud, “Breaking Anchored Droplets in a Microfluidic Hele-Shaw Cell”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 3, 2015,
2. M. Nagel and F. Gallaire, “Boundary elements method for microfluidic two-phase flows in shallow channels”, Computers & Fluids, 107, 2015,
3. F. Gallaire, P. Meliga, P. Laure and C. Baroud, “Marangoni induced force on a drop in a Hele Shaw cell”, Phys. Fluids, 26(6), 2014,
4. M. Nagel, P.-T. Brun and F. Gallaire, “A numerical study of droplet trapping in microfluidic devices”, Phys. Fluids, 26(3), 2014,
5. M. Nagel and F. Gallaire, “A new prediction of wavelength selection in radial viscous fingering involving normal and tangential stresses”, Phys. Fluids, 25(12), 2013,
6. P.-T. Brun, M. Nagel and F. Gallaire, “Generic path for droplet relaxation in microfluidic channels”, Phys. Rev. E, 88(4), 2013,
7. Microchannel deformations due to solvent-induced PDMS swelling, R. Dangla, C. Baroud and F. Gallaire, Lab on the Chip, 10, 2972-2978 (2010),
8. Laser-induced force on a microfluidic drop: Origin and magnitude, E. Verneuil, M.-L. Cordero, F. Gallaire & C. N. Baroud, Langmuir 25, 5127-5134, (2009),
9. Time resolved temperature rise in a thin liquid film due to laser absorption, M.-L. Cordero, E. Verneuil, F. Gallaire & C. Baroud, Phys. Rev. E. 79, 011201, (2009),
Drop generation
1. M. Moire, Y. Peysson, B. Herzhaft, N. Pannacci, F. Gallaire, L. Augello, C. Dalmazzone and A. Colin, “Ultralow Interfacial Tension Measurement through Jetting/Dripping Transition”, Langmuir, 33(10), 2531–2540, 2017,
2. P. Delrot, M. Modestino, F. Gallaire, D. Psaltis and C. Moser, “Inkjet Printing of Viscous Monodisperse Microdroplets by Laser-Induced Flow Focusing”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 6(2), 2016,
3. Quantitative analysis of the dripping and jetting regimes in co-flowing capillary jets, M.-L. Cordero, F. Gallaire & C. N. Baroud, Phys. Fluids, 23(9), (2011),
Sloshing dynamics
1. F. Viola, P.-T. Brun, B. Dollet and F. Gallaire, Capillary hysteresis in sloshing dynamics: a weakly nonlinear analysis, J. Fluid Mech., 837, 188-818, 2018,
2. F. Viola, F. Gallaire and B. Dollet, Sloshing in a Hele-Shaw cell: experiments and theory, J. Fluid Mech., 831, R1, 2017,
3. F. Viola, P.-T. Brun, B. Dollet and F. Gallaire, “Foam on troubled water: Capillary induced finite-time arrest of sloshing waves”, Phys. Fluids, 26(9), 2016,
Fluid-solid interactions
1. L. Zhu and F. Gallaire, “Bifurcation Dynamics of a Particle-Encapsulating Droplet in Shear Flow”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 119(6), 2017,
2. F. Viola and F. Gallaire, “The viscous torsional pendulum”, J. Fluids Struct., 72, 25–37, 2017,
3. A. Fani and F. Gallaire, “The motion of a 2D pendulum in a channel subjected to an incoming flow”, J. Fluid Mech., 764, 2015,
4. Extracting energy from a low Reynolds-number-flow using vortex-induced vibrations and feedback control, P. Meliga, J.-M. Chomaz and F. Gallaire, J. Fluids Struct., 27, 861-874,
5. A fluid mechanical view on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, V. Duclaux, C. Clanet and F. Gallaire, J. Fluid Mech., 664, 5-32, (2010),
Thin films and coating flows
1. G. Balestra, N. Kofman, P.-T. Brun, B. Scheid and F. Gallaire, Three-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability under a unidirectional curved substrate, J. Fluid Mech., 837, 19-47, 2018.
2. M. Rietz, B. Scheid, F. Gallaire, N. Kofman and W. Rohlfs, Dynamics of falling films on the outside of a vertical rotating cylinder: waves, rivulets and dripping transitions, J. Fluid Mech., 832, 189-211, 2017,
3. G. Balestra, P.-T. Brun and F. Gallaire, “Rayleigh-Taylor instability under curved substrates: An optimal transient growth analysis”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(8), 2016,
6. Lee, P. -T. Brun, J. Marthelot, G. Balestra, F. Gallaire and P. M. Reis, “Fabrication of slender elastic shells by the coating of curved surfaces”, Nature Communications, 7, 2016,
7. P.-T. Brun, A. Damiano, P. Rieu, G. Balestra and F. Gallaire, “Rayleigh-Taylor instability under an inclined plane”, Phys. Fluids, 27, 2015,
Instability theory and flow control
1. Y. Anzai, K. Fukagata, P. Meliga, E. Boujo and F. Gallaire, “Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis of a low-Reynolds-number flow around a square cylinder controlled using plasma actuators”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2(4), 2017,
2. V. Mantic-Lugo and F. Gallaire, “Saturation of the response to stochastic forcing in two-dimensional backwardfacing step flow: A self-consistent approximation”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(8), 2016,
3. F. Gallaire, E. Boujo, V. Mantic-Lugo, C. Arratia, B. Thiria and P. Meliga, “Pushing amplitude equations far from threshold: application to the supercritical Hopf bifurcation in the cylinder wake”, Fluid Dyn. Res.,
4. P. Meliga, E. Boujo and F. Gallaire, “A self-consistent formulation for the sensitivity analysis of finiteamplitude vortex shedding in the cylinder wake”, J. Fluid Mech., 800, 2016,
5. V. Mantic-Lugo and F. Gallaire, “Self-consistent model for the saturation mechanism of the response to harmonic forcing in the backward-facing step flow”, J. Fluid Mech., 793, 2016,
6. E. Boujo, A. Fani and F. Gallaire, “Second-order sensitivity of parallel shear flows and optimal spanwiseperiodic flow modifications”, J. Fluid Mech., 782, 2015,
7. V. Mantic-Lugo, C. Arratia and F. Gallaire, “A self-consistent model for the saturation dynamics of the vortex shedding around the mean flow in the unstable cylinder wake”, Phys. Fluids, 27, 2015,
8. F. Gallaire, “The effect of rounding corners or cutting edges on the absolute/convective instability properties of mixing layers”, Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids, 49, 2015,
9. E. Boujo and F. Gallaire, “Sensitivity and open-loop control of stochastic response in a noise amplifier flow: the backward-facing step”, J. Fluid Mech., 762, 2015,
10. P. Meliga, E. Boujo, G. Pujals and F. Gallaire, “Sensitivity of aerodynamic forces in laminar and turbulent flow past a square cylinder”, Phys. Fluids, 26, 2014,
11. E Boujo and F. Gallaire, “Manipulating flow separation: sensitivity of stagnation points, separatrix angles and recirculation area to steady actuation”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 470, 2170, 2014,
12. V. Mantic-Lugo, C. Arratia and F. Gallaire, “Self-consistent mean flow description of the nonlinear saturation of the vortex shedding in the cylinder wake”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 8, 084501, 2014,
13. E. Boujo, F. Gallaire and U. Ehrenstein, “Open-loop control of a separated boundary layer”, C. R. A. S., 342(6-7), 403-309, 2014,
14. E. Boujo and F. Gallaire, “Controlled reattachment in separated flows: a variational approach to recirculation length reduction”, J. Fluid Mech., 742, 618-635, 2014,
15. E Boujo, U. Ehrenstein and F. Gallaire, “Open-loop control of noise amplification in a separated boundary layer flow”, Phys. Fluids, 25(12), 2013,
16. Control of a separated boundary layer : Reduced order modeling using global modes revisited, U. Ehrenstein, P.-Y. Passaggia and F. Gallaire, , Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 25, 195-207 (2011),
Vortex breakdown and swirling jet instabilities
1. F. Viola, E. Pezzica, G. V. Iungo, F. Gallaire and S. Camarri, “Flow control of weakly non-parallel flows: application to trailing vortices”, J. Fluid Mech., 822, 342–363, 2017,
2. S. Pasche, F. Avellan and F. Gallaire, “Part Load Vortex Rope as a Global Unstable Mode”, J. Fluids Eng., Trans. ASME, 139, 2017,
3. R. Ashton, F. Viola, S. Camarri, F. Gallaire and G. V. Iungo, “Hub vortex instability within wind turbine wakes: Effects of wind turbulence, loading conditions, and blade aerodynamics”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(7), 2016,
4. J. T. Ault, A. Fabi, K. K. Chen, S. Shin, F. Gallaire and H. Stone, “Vortex-Breakdown-Induced Particle Capture in Branching Junctions”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(8), 2016,
5. T. Luginsland, F. Gallaire and L. Kleiser, “Impact of rotating and fixed nozzles on vortex breakdown in compressible swirling jet flows”, Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids, 57, 2016,
6. F. Viola, C. Arratia and F. Gallaire, “Mode selection in trailing vortices: harmonic response of the nonparallel Batchelor vortex”, J. Fluid Mech., 790, 2016,
7. S. Pasche, F. Gallaire, M. Dreyer and M. Fahrat, “Obstacle-induced spiral vortex breakdown”, Expt. Fluids, 55, 8, 2014,
8. F. Viola, G. V. Iungo, S. Camarri, F. Porte-Agel and F. Gallaire, “Prediction of the hub vortex instability in a wind turbine wake: stability analysis with eddy-viscosity models calibrated on wind tunnel data”, J. Fluid Mech., 750, R1, 2014,
9. G. V. Iungo, F. Viola, S. Camarri, F. Porte-Agel and F. Gallaire, “Linear stability analysis of wind turbine wakes performed on wind tunnel measurements”, J. Fluid Mech., 737, 499-526, 2013,
10. P. Billant and F. Gallaire, “A unified criterion for the centrifugal instabilities of vortices and swirling jets”, J. Fluid Mech., 734, 5-35, 2013,
11. P. Meliga, F. Gallaire and J.-M. Chomaz “A weakly nonlinear mechanism for mode selection in swirling jets”, J. Fluid Mech., 699, 216-262, 2012,
12. Control of axisymmetric vortex breakdown in a contracting pipe: nonlinear steady states and asymptotic models, P. Meliga and F. Gallaire, Phys. Fluids, 23(8), (2011),
Effect of confinement on the instabilities of wakes and jets
1. S. Mowlavi, C. Arratia and F. Gallaire, “Spatio-temporal stability of the Karman vortex street and the effect of confinement”, J. Fluid Mech., 795, 2016,
2. L. Biancofiore, F. Gallaire, P. Laure and E. Hachem, “Direct numerical simulations of two-phase immiscible wakes”, Fluid Dyn. Res., 46, 4, 2014,
3. Influence of confinement on spatially developing turbulent wakes, L. Biancofiore, F. Gallaire and R. Pasquetti, Computers and Fluids, 58, 27-44 (2012)
4. Influence of confinement on spatially developing wakes, L. Biancofiore, F. Gallaire and R. Pasquetti, J. Fluid Mech., 688, 297-320 (2011)
5. The influence of shear layer thickness on the stability of confined two-dimensional wakes, L. Biancofiore and F. Gallaire, Phys. Fluids, 23(3), 2011
6. Influence of confinement on the temporal instability of jets and wakes, L. Biancofiore and F. Gallaire, Phys. Fluids, 22, 014106, (2010)
Wave coupling
1. L. Biancofiore, F. Gallaire and E. Heifetz, “Interaction between counterpropagating Rossby waves and capillary waves in planar shear flows”, Phys. Fluids, 27, 2015,
2. L. Biancofiore, E. Heifetz, J. Hoepffner and F. Gallaire, Understanding the destabilizing role for surface tension in planar shear flows in terms of wave interaction, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2(10), 103901, 2017,
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