Frank Nüesch
Teaching & PhD
Materials Science and Engineering
PhD Programs
PhD Students
Amrein Meret, Charkhesht Vahid, Deng Shungui, Didier Elodie, Ferreira Assunção João Pedro, Jafarpour Mohammad, Mitmit Ceren, Torre Cachafeiro Miguel Angel, Zeytun Karaman Cansu,Past EPFL PhD Students
Abdolhosseinzadeh Sina , Adeli Yeerlan , Anantharaman Surendra Babu , Caspari Philip Horst , Diethelm Matthias , Dünki Simon Johannes , Fan Bin , Gesevicius Donatas , Hu Wei-Hsu , Jenatsch Sandra Christina , Ko Yee Song , Leclaire Nicolas Alexandre Serge , Owusu Francis , Reber David , Regnat Markus , Schürch Patrik , Strassel Karen Verena , Vael-Garn Camilla Arietta , Wang Lei , Zhang Hui ,Courses
Electron & energy transfer in organic & hybrid systems
Electron and energy transfer processes are fundamental to numerous biologica! processes. ln synthetic molecular and hybrid systems and devices, they are key to the functionality and efficiency of various devices. Advances in understanding and manipulating these processes continue to drive innovation
Optical properties of materials
Students will study fundamental principles of light-matter interaction and apply classical and quantum mechanical models for quantitative estimates. Optical phenomena in glasses, organic/inorganic semiconductors, liquid crystals, quantum dots as well as device applications will be treated.