Gaia Barazzetti

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Contact point

BI A2 407 (Bâtiment BI)
Station 7
CH-1015 Lausanne

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

I am a moral philosopher with expertise in the fields of ethics and science and technology policy. I have extensive experience in research ethics compliance and a broad knowledge of the ethical and regulatory frameworks applicable to various areas of research, including research involving human subjects, animal research, research integrity, data management, data protection, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, conflicts of interests, and dual-use research.
My research works address issues of public interest in the areas of biomedical research, healthcare innovation, digitalization, sustainability and emerging technologies, with a strong commitment to stakeholder and public engagement, policy impact, and public outreach.
My teaching activities aim to improve student's abilities to assess and address ethical issues in research and to improve compliance with the ethical standards.


Selected publications

Teaching & PhD

New tools & research strategies in personalized health
This course addresses the concept of personalized health, describing the underlying technologies, the ethical, legal and social challenges that the field faces today, and how they are being met.