The role of xanthophylls in the supramolecular organization of the photosynthetic complex LHCII in lipid membranes studied by high-resolution imaging and nanospectroscopy
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Chemically etched plastic optical fiber probe for near-field scanning optical microscopy in liquids
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Nanomechanical sensor applied to blood culture pellets: a fast approach to determine the antibiotic susceptibility against agents of bloodstream infections
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One-Pot Semisynthesis of Exon 1 of the Huntingtin Protein: New Tools for Elucidating the Role of Posttranslational Modifications in the Pathogenesis of Huntington's Disease
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Molecular Architecture of Plant Thylakoids under Physiological and Light Stress Conditions: A Study of Lipid-Light-Harvesting Complex II Model Membranes
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Characterization of glycoprotein E C-End of West Nile virus and evaluation of its interaction force with alpha V beta 3 integrin as putative cellular receptor
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Single-molecule avidin-biotin association reaction studied by force-clamp spectroscopy
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Scanning near-field optical microscope based on a double resonant fibre probe montage and equipped with time-gated photon detection
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Force spectroscopy with a small dithering of AFM tip: A method of direct and continuous measurement of the spring constant of single molecules and molecular complexes
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Shear force distance control in a scanning near-field optical microscope: in resonance excitation of the fiber probe versus out of resonance excitation
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Towards the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) scanning near-field optical microscopy: Investigation of nanolocal FRET processes and FRET probe microscope
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