Hannes Bleuler
Fields of expertise
Biomedical Robotics
Haptic Interface
Surgery Robotics and Instrumentation
The Laboratoire de Systèmes Robotiques (LSRO) is a mulitidisiplinary research unit working mostly in the fields of micro-robotics, biomedical robotics, haptics, MRI compatible instrumentation and nanotechnologies. Within the large field of "microrobotics", we are interested in various small mobile robots (Group of Francesco Mondada, robots for education, for inspection in turbines or in the human body, for climbing walls etc), in high precision motion control and in contact-free and vacuum compatible devices. Project examples include - Haptic mini-invasive surgery simulators (Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Radiology, Colonoscopy) - fMRI compatible haptic devices - Diamagnetic and contact-free devices for sensors or vacuum compatible actuation - Electrostatic Motor for Cesium Atomic Clock (together with Observatoire de Neuchâtel, Professor Thomann, and METAS-office, Berne) - Optical Delay Line for the European Southern Observatory (a project together with the Observatoire de Genève, Prof. Mayor and Didier Queloz, the discoverers of exoplanets) Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving, a method for 3-D structuring of glass, used e.g. for rapid prototyping of microfluidic elements (together with Professor Christos Comninellis, EPFL)Biography
Swiss, Born 19.2.1954 1973-78 ETH Zurich, M.S. in Electrical Engineering 1979-84 Teaching Assistant, Doctorate Student at ETH (Inst. of Mechanics) 1984 Ph.D. thesis in Mechatronics (magnetic bearings, Prof. G. Schweitzer) 1985-87 Research Engineer at Hitachi Ltd, Japan, Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory; 1987 Invited researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Precision Mechatronics, Prof. K. Ono) 1988-91 Lecturer and Senior Assistant at ETH ; co-foundation of MECOS-Traxler AG 1991-95 Toshiba Chair of "Intelligent Mechatronics" and then regular Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo (Institute of Industrial Science) 1995-present Full Professor at EPFL Lausanne on microrobotics, biomedical robotics; 2000 Co-founder of xitact SA, Morges (robotic surgery instrumentation & simulators) 2002-2006 President Conference of Professors and Lecturers of EPFL, member of Assemblée de l'Ecole 2006 Chairman of ISMB10 (10th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Martigny, Switzerland) 2006 Nomination as member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW)Lab Publication Samples 2008
Tate, A.J. and Shokur, S. and Bleuler,H. and Nicolelis,M.A.L. Predicting locomotor activity via neural ensemble recordings in the primary motor cortex in rats. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Program No. 517.21.2007, San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2007,Online Shokur, S and Tate, A J and Bleuler,H and Nicolelis, M A. Gait pattern prediction via bilateral neural ensemble recordings in motor cortex in rats. FENS Abstr., vol.4, 191.3, 2008 , Forum of European Neuroscience. Geneva D. Chapuis, X. Michel, R. Gasssert, E. Burdet, and H. Bleuler. A Haptic Knob with a Hybrid Ultrasonic Motor and Powder Clutch Actuator. In Worldhaptics 2007, 2007. D. Hellier, E. Samur, J. Passenger, U. Spaelter, H. Frimmel, M. Appleyard, H. Bleuler, and S. Ourselin. A modular simulation framework for colonoscopy using a new haptic device. In the 16th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference (MMVR), Stud. health. Technol Inform., Amsterdam, 2008, IOS Press. P. Maillard, L. Flaction, E. Samur, D. Hellier, J. Passenger, and H. Bleuler. Instrumentation of a Clinical Colonoscope for Surgical Simulation. In 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, pages 70-73, 2008. E. Samur, U. Spaelter, L. Flaction, P. Maillard, R. Wuthrich, and H. Bleuler. Control of a Haptic Interface and a Micromachining Setup with an Open Source Real-Time System. In The 3rd ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, 2007. R. Gassert, D. Chapuis, H. Bleuler, and E. Burdet. Sensors for applications in magnetic resonance environments. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 13(3):335344, 2008. Book Chapters R. Gassert, D. Chapuis, N. Roach, A. Wing, and H. Bleuler. 2-DOF fMRI-Compatible Haptic Interface for Bimanual Motor Tasks with Grip/Load Force Measurement. In: The Sense of Touch and Its Rendering, STAR 45, A. Bicchi et al.(Eds.), pp. 109129, 2008. Wang Fei et al. Development of a Microsurgery Training System, 28th EMBC (Engineering in Medicine & Biology), IEEE, Vancouver 2008 Duratti, Wang et al. A Real-Time Simulator for Interventional Radiology, 15th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software & Technology, 2008Publications
Infoscience publications
Selected publications
Fascio, V., H. H. Langen, et al. Electrochemistry Communications 5(3): 203-207., 2003 |
Investigations of the spark assisted chemical engraving. |
Miyahara, Y., M. Deschler, et al. Applied Surface Science 188(3-4): 450-455., 2002 |
Non-contact atomic force microscope with a PZT cantilever used for deflection sensing, direct oscillation and feedback actuation. |
Moser, R. and H. Bleuler Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 12(1): 937-939., 2002 |
Precise positioning using electrostatic glass motor with diamagnetically suspended rotor. |
R. Moser, L. Sache, A. Cassat, T. Higuchi, H. Bleuler: IEEE TRANSACTIONS Industry Applications, Vol 41, No 4, July/Aug. 2005, pp 972-977 |
Advances in Precise Positionning Using the Electrostatic Glass Motor |
Denis Crottet, Thomas Maeder, Daniel Fritschy, Hannes Bleuler, Lutz-P. Nolte, and Ion P. Pappas IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 52, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 pp 1609 |
Development of a Force Amplitude- and Location-Sensing Device Designed to Improve the Ligament Balancing Procedure in TKA (Total Knee Arthroplasty) |
Alexandre Schammass, Raoul Herzog, Philipp B�hler, and Hannes Bleuler IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 13, NO. 4, JULY 2005, pp 509-516 |
New Results for Self-Sensing Active Magnetic Bearings Using Modulation Approach |
Thomas Moix, Dejan Ilic, Hannes Bleuler, Jurjen Zoethout Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14 proceedings ed. by Westwood, Haluck, Hoffman, Mogel, Philips, Robb, G. Vosburgh, Publ. by IOS Press � Amsterdam 2006 - 600 p.ISBN 1 58603 583 5, Long Beach, Jan. 2006 |
A Haptic Device for Guide Wire in Interventional Radiology Procedures |